If that's the way you feel then stay out of Cyrodil until you hit VR.SwampRaider wrote: »
Because, theoretically due to PROPER SCALING, a level 15 SHOULD be able to kil la level 49. Or else there is NO POINT for a lowbie to be in cyrodiil
Alandauron wrote: »In combat there are soldiers and there are VETERANS. A veteran has learned the ins and outs of combat and can manage the field better, that is the concept behind Cyrodil, and it is a really great concept.
SuperScrubby wrote: »Wow the amount of hate in this thread. I agree with the OP the "bolster" system or whatever you want to call it BEEEEELLLLOOOOOOOOWS.
It's awful and does nothing. I was lvl 49 and lost over 700 armor and 400 HP because of the "bolster" system.
It has nothing to do with entitlement because I was easily able to kill tons of players while pvping through Cyrodil. What it has to do with is that the system itself which was meant to "balance" things out does so at the cost of any real build. You want to be a wear heavy armor, stack hp, and use a 2H sword? Sure, except we'll give you the same hp as someone that put all their points into magicka or stamina with the same armor as them.
The only thing that makes a difference between 10-49 is your passives and unlocking those higher class skills that give you a self heal or bigger spike damage. That's why the bolster system blows for anyone below VR1. It uses a terribly lazy system to "balance" everyone out but it really doesn't. It takes the "play as you want" out of the game since none of your point or item choices matter.
Here's a secret in low lvl pvp. 1 initiating skill, a fast knock down/stun, CC or spike damage skill, finishing skill, self heal. Regardless of your level, weapon select, point distribution if you can hit 1-4 with the self heal as needed you can beat anyone in that level bracket because the game does no effort to take the build you currently have and scale it.
I don't know how SWTOR's scaling system worked at launch but its definitely a lot better than how this system works currently. I had to quit pvping until VR1 because I got tired of losing half of my stats when entering Cyrodil.
I belive your thinking is flawed. Why on earth would you think you should be able to go toe to toe with someone who is lvl49 when you are lvl15?
on other hand, why then i bothered to lvl at all? just take out lvl's and make attributes static, leave only Cyrodiil and thats what you get per ur wish, guy from first post. sounds kinda boring, and yes, lvl 49 taking out 15lvl 2-3 seems just OK to me.
In my very limited opinion (yes, stating that because I am expecting LOADS of disagreement) part of the problem is the fact that everyone is pushed into the same zone. I agree that passives are playing a large part of this, however the game tells you that at level 10 you can enter PvP. Why offer that as an option and then gimp the player for going in? It's great for the high level players who have tons of passives as they can now gank people who are fighting with a handicap, but not as fun for the lower level characters.
My suggestion is that there should be tiers. There are multiple campaigns, after all, so why not divide these up and have two or three campaigns for each tier of levels? Not sure what the set-up would be, but if you did every 10 levels or so in each bracket the highest player levels in a given tier wouldn't outshine the lowest by too high a margin. And I would also restrict VR levels to their own set of campaigns as well, if VR breaks the mold, as it were.
If the system remains as unbalanced as I hear a lot of people say then PvP will not remain healthy, and you will have a HUGE AvA area with only a few people participating. As someone who more enjoys large scale battles, this is something I personally would rather avoid.
SuperScrubby wrote: »Wow the amount of hate in this thread. I agree with the OP the "bolster" system or whatever you want to call it BEEEEELLLLOOOOOOOOWS.
It's awful and does nothing. I was lvl 49 and lost over 700 armor and 400 HP because of the "bolster" system.
Blah blah blah