Kingslayer wrote: »If they made it even against Vr players pvp players just wouldnt bother levelling really, because what would be the point?.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »
I guess the point would be they could pvp and have a fighting chance while leveling at the snails pace pvp is now set up to level you at.
There are issues with the scaling, but this isn't it. You should NOT be able to beat a VR player as a sub-level unless they are just terrible, and you are at least fairly competent.or whatever you call it is terrible.Every character i go in pvp with,no matter what armor or attribute distribution it has,has pretty much same stats when he enters Cyrodiil.It took lvl 49 NB about 2-3 seconds to kill my lvl 15 DK in full heavy armor and with max health attribute points.Skills that give increased armor for some reason dont work in pvp aswell.Either make better bolster system instead of this atrocity you have or put those players in separate tiers.And no,i dont want to grind pve to be able to compete in pvp on even footing,that is just bad game design.
Kingslayer wrote: »
It is designed fine, it is meant to give people levelling a fighting chance but its not going to let you beat a vr player 1 v 1. Thats just not right you can't expect to jump into cyrodiil at level 10 and beat a person whose spent a lot of time levelling right off the bat. It might need some adjusting slightly maybe but really this is the way it should be. AvA is large scale combat and a group of lower levelled players have no issues when they are grouped.
The battle levelling aka is also meant to give the low level players against each other an even chance everyone below 50 receives exactly the same stats. The way they have done this is perfect. Lets look at Another bolster in SWTOR i assume thats where the term bolster came from here. It bolsters based on item rating etc and you know how that worked out, it sucked different items were giving OP stats and still do, and it renders Pvp gear meaningless.
@ RivenVII he was not in stealth when i engaged,he did teleport strike+stun,i responded with CC break and i got killed while i was still in CC break animation.Literally,entire fight took about 2-3 sec between the time he did teleport strike and my death.This not my first MMORPG,far from it, and i know s..t when i see it.
Calling it now, If Zenimax doesnt act fast they will face a HUGE dropoff within 2 / 4 weeks from now.
People who bought this game for the pvp part just leave in droves.
No idea how many subs ESO has, but if they want to become SWTOR #2 be my guest.
Plenty of mmo's to play these days that offer the same fun.
Wake up Zenimax before its to late.
I belive your thinking is flawed. Why on earth would you think you should be able to go toe to toe with someone who is lvl49 when you are lvl15?
SwampRaider wrote: »
Because, theoretically due to PROPER SCALING, a level 15 SHOULD be able to kil la level 49. Or else there is NO POINT for a lowbie to be in cyrodiil
If they bought it for pvp they wont be leaving in droves, as they'll understand that theres no issue at all.
Youre a drama queen and should think before you post drivel.