450W PSU? You're going to need a new PSU for a start.
If you have 6 and 8 pin connectors, you could go for a R9 270x of AMD they cost around 140-180 depending on their specifications.
what type of PSU do you have? You said 450W, but what type of connectors does it have? There are 6 pin and 8 pin connectors.
If you have 6 and 8 pin connectors, you could go for a R9 270x of AMD they cost around 140-180 depending on their specifications.
Funkadelic wrote: »So the power supply says Dell Inc on it. The motherboard also is Dell Inc, model number 0y2mrg.
This CPU-z program says:
Bios version A06
Link Width x16, Max supported x16
I was planning on installing it myself. While I don't know much about this hardware stuff I've never had any problems putting a part into my computer once i actually know what to get, from what I have experienced if it fits in a plug that's where it belongs.
Funkadelic wrote: »OK for sure. . I guess I'll have to decide if i want to buy the GTX 750ti and wait a couple years and replace my power supply and the card then, or just replace them both now.
One question do you think upgrading from GTX 650 to GTX 750ti is worth the money.
Thanks a lot for the help guys.
Funkadelic wrote: »So the power supply says Dell Inc on it. The motherboard also is Dell Inc, model number 0y2mrg.
This CPU-z program says:
Bios version A06
Link Width x16, Max supported x16
I was planning on installing it myself. While I don't know much about this hardware stuff I've never had any problems putting a part into my computer once i actually know what to get, from what I have experienced if it fits in a plug that's where it belongs.
Your problem is NOT hardware related as these other folks are leading you to believe. Your system and OS is very poorly optimized. How do I know? I have had this game running on ultra on a I5 2nd gen. @3.30 with a gtx 560ti. A 560ti with blown fan I might also add (I literally zip tied a case fan to its heatsink and off I went)
I would recommend a clean windowz install and finding a good site that shows you how to optomize as windows installation leave all the garbage you will not need turned on.
Guarenteed wifhout any hardware change and a fresh optimized install you would run high-ultra no problems.
Funkadelic wrote: »Your problem is NOT hardware related as these other folks are leading you to believe. Your system and OS is very poorly optimized. How do I know? I have had this game running on ultra on a I5 2nd gen. @3.30 with a gtx 560ti. A 560ti with blown fan I might also add (I literally zip tied a case fan to its heatsink and off I went)
I would recommend a clean windowz install and finding a good site that shows you how to optomize as windows installation leave all the garbage you will not need turned on.
Guarenteed wifhout any hardware change and a fresh optimized install you would run high-ultra no problems.
Can you do that in Cyrodil with a bunch of people around casting spells? right now i run high-ultra everywhere BESIDES cyrodil then i change some things around.
When shopping for power supplies, you never even LOOK at wattage. Wattage is meaningless when it comes to power supplies. You have to look at the number of 12v amps the power supply can provide, and whether it is single or multiple rails (you always want single rail).
As for PCI-e support, that doesn't matter at all. PCI-e is forward and backward compatible. You can plug a PCI-e 2.0 card into a 3.0 slot or a 3.0 card into a 2.0 slot and they will always work fine. Even the 780ti doesn't quite max out PCI-e 2.0, so there would be NO performance penalty for using a 2.0 slot.
I noticed no one ask what resolution you are playing at?
1080? 1650?
the resolution you are playing it really plays a big part in determining what card to buy.
If your at 1080, I would say the 750ti would be plenty enough for this game.
I'll be honest with you, this game is not really "graphically demanding" this game is CPU bound all the way.....you have a good CPU.
I would just buy the 750Ti. you will get a great boost from it. 2-3 months down the road when the game engine patches in furhter optimizations and AMD/Nvidia catch up on driver support, the game will perform even better.
You should be able to maintain at the very least a solid 30 FPS in Cyrodiil with that CPU and the 750Ti...get the 2 GB version or more if you can. The 750TI is a very good performer for the price, and to be honest I can't tell any difference between High and Ultra....even Medium and high look almost the same to me.
Shadows are the real FPS killer, Drop shadows to meduim or low and crank everything else, and that 750Ti will do just fine...its a great buy for its cost.
Therer a good one right there..EVGA has a great warranty, it has a good cooler on it, and its overclocked to boot straight from the factory at a cool $154 bucks...thats a good deal right there IMO
CPU cycles are utilized for more stuff than only physics lol.. like the position of every player, netcode, IO, vectors, and last but not least pushing data to the GPU and visa versa, and tons of other stuff, even the moment you push a button on your keyboard you will utilize the CPU and call a method which needs calculation / uses CPU cycles, same for mouse movements etc. etc. etc.Hi,
I noticed no one ask what resolution you are playing at?
1080? 1650?
the resolution you are playing it really plays a big part in determining what card to buy.
If your at 1080, I would say the 750ti would be plenty enough for this game.
I'll be honest with you, this game is not really "graphically demanding" this game is CPU bound all the way.....you have a good CPU.
I would just buy the 750Ti. you will get a great boost from it. 2-3 months down the road when the game engine patches in furhter optimizations and AMD/Nvidia catch up on driver support, the game will perform even better.
You should be able to maintain at the very least a solid 30 FPS in Cyrodiil with that CPU and the 750Ti...get the 2 GB version or more if you can. The 750TI is a very good performer for the price, and to be honest I can't tell any difference between High and Ultra....even Medium and high look almost the same to me.
Shadows are the real FPS killer, Drop shadows to meduim or low and crank everything else, and that 750Ti will do just fine...its a great buy for its cost.
Therer a good one right there..EVGA has a great warranty, it has a good cooler on it, and its overclocked to boot straight from the factory at a cool $154 bucks...thats a good deal right there IMO
This game is absolutely is No way what so ever CPU demanding. It is all about your GPU in ESO. Personally I want some of what thia guy ia smoking to even make a claim like that. So utterly laughable, this game uses like no physics which is what puts demand on your cpu during gaming. How do I know this for a fact ypu ask? Simple besides the fact I run an I5 2nd gen with a 770 gtx and run circles around people running I7 3rd gen and a crappy video card I also monitor my pc stats and cpu never goes above 30% and that is ONLY on loading screens. Less than 10% cpu usage during gameplay.