Okay, so the only volume I ever have to 100% is dialogue. Some of the little conversations NPCs happening around town are nice, but repetitive and boring, however, they're quiet and I run by and can't hear them finish. I'm sitting here right now in Windhelm of Eastmarch and this guy's voice is almost constantly shouting at me no matter where I am and I can't run from it. It is so beyond annoying at this point, one of the things he says is like... "dweller of the darkest oblivion, the veil's open, pass through the gate I entreat thee" or something. I've experienced similar things before and I did not like them either, but this one, this one says something every 5 damn seconds.
I do not want to mute all of the dialogue all of the time in fear of having to put up with this. I've looked about, but I can't seem to find any other option to stop this. Well not true, one time I used the option Alt+F4 when the voice started up and that cured it right proper, then again that's like saying death cures cancer.
Please, I beg of you, tell me there is an option I just have not seen or I skipped over that will allow me to have my dialogue volume up while never, ever, having to hear this crap again.
If there is no other way but to mute it all, than I implore you to have someone make an option for this available, and by doing so saving the sanity of me and many others (I assume I'm not the only one.)