I was waiting around the Slaver Camp in Shadowfen when I was thrown out of the map. I was thrown so far out that North, South, East and West were... closer than they should be. During this there was massive lag. I was running at only 1 frame a second. I could still access things like the map and inventory. However my character was invisible. I attempted traveling to a wayshrine. That didn't work. I used /stuck. That didn't work. So I quit the game. Here's a screenshot of me stuck in The Void. Keep in mind that I am in third person view (I know this because that was the view I was in when this happened). Note where N, E, S & W are.

I'm going to log back in and see if I'm back in Shadowfen. If I'm still stuck in The Void, I may need some dev help to get out of The Void.
THE DOCTA MCSAUCE OF NERDSAUCESorry bruh, I can't heal stupid.Xzien -
Argonian Templar, Healer, Master CrafterStop-Hitting-Yourself -
Argonian Templar, TankKara Al'Ruk -
Dunmer Sorcerer, Stamina DPSDaro'Zharr -
Khajiit Nightblade, Murderous Kleptomaniac
I run the Tamriel Trade Center guild to organize scanning. Message me in-game at
@Docta_Mcasty if you want to help out.