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Repair cost too high: $craft new vs. $repair

  • South_of_Heaven
    It is kind of surreal though, us discussing about repair costs, while duping has gotten out of hand and as it seems some people already have nearly infinite gold heh.
    Edited by South_of_Heaven on April 18, 2014 2:33PM
  • MysticAura
    blackweb wrote: »
    blackweb wrote: »
    Don't worry, it just seems too much at the start. After that you will never have to farm just to cover the repair costs. It is just something that subtracts from your profits and it's pretty lenient imo (level 50 here).

    Getting to 50 takes a while if you don't skip content. I am into the leveling experience. Excessive repair costs diminish that experience.

    Suprise! "I am into the leveling experience too!" I skipped nothing, not even dialogs/voice acting. The repair costs are not excessive by a long shot, in fact they are a good money sink that enriches my experience.

    And as I already said the money you will be gaining at higher levels will be far more than the money you spend on repair costs.

    It's just that people whine because they expect to have all the money they want in early levels and buy all the materials they want and a horse and if they don't "their experience is diminished". Sorry, you can't have everything. The profits from questing, even if you die a lot, are already too many.

    The money you spend on repair will be far more than the money you gain at level 1-20.

    This is entirely not true unless you don't loot/sell things, and die constantly. I've never been too short to pay for repairs on any of my multiple characters. Creating new armor may be cheaper than repairing but I'm fine with paying extra for the convenience. For the record, I'm far from rich in game, but I still always have enough.
  • blackweb
    MysticAura wrote: »

    This is entirely not true unless you don't loot/sell things, and die constantly. I've never been too short to pay for repairs on any of my multiple characters. Creating new armor may be cheaper than repairing but I'm fine with paying extra for the convenience. For the record, I'm far from rich in game, but I still always have enough.

    Ok so what you are saying is that the screenshot is fake?

  • MysticAura
    blackweb wrote: »
    MysticAura wrote: »

    This is entirely not true unless you don't loot/sell things, and die constantly. I've never been too short to pay for repairs on any of my multiple characters. Creating new armor may be cheaper than repairing but I'm fine with paying extra for the convenience. For the record, I'm far from rich in game, but I still always have enough.

    Ok so what you are saying is that the screenshot is fake?
    Umm... What? Your response makes no sense what so ever, please reread. What I quoted is what I said wasn't true.

    It is affordable. I've had no issues with repair costs on any of my characters when they were in that level range. Between quests and vendoring things I didn't need, I could afford repairs easily. To those who make new instead of repairing, that's a great way to save money. I'm willing to pay for the convenience. Convenience is always more expensive than making something yourself.
  • South_of_Heaven
    blackweb wrote: »
    MysticAura wrote: »

    This is entirely not true unless you don't loot/sell things, and die constantly. I've never been too short to pay for repairs on any of my multiple characters. Creating new armor may be cheaper than repairing but I'm fine with paying extra for the convenience. For the record, I'm far from rich in game, but I still always have enough.

    Ok so what you are saying is that the screenshot is fake?

    The screenshot this and the screenshot that...

    What the screenshot shows is that you haven't even repaired once up until now and still whine about a repair bill that takes away only ~13% of your gold - while also feeding your horse every day (as the add-on shows). And all this at level 18 while most of the people here are telling you that repair cost percentage is greatly reduced at higher levels where gold profits are increased.

    Also what I did was not hold on to the same old crafted piece of gear for ever - I did not craft at all, only at the start (crafting skills leveled only through deconstruction, I deconstructed everything) and I changed the gear every time something better was given to me in a quest. Greatly reduced the already meager repair costs.

    Just quit this and go get a level.
    Edited by South_of_Heaven on April 19, 2014 11:57PM
  • azraels_grave
    While leveling, especially at low levels one should not have the same armor for long. 8 hours of leveling and still the same gear, makes me wonder. Quest rewards and drops often are your replacement pieces. It makes me think you forgo questing, and possibly looting, and simply are grinding levels. Then complain that the lack of actually doing the proper thing affords you new gear to place with. If you play your game differently expect things to be different. In no game have I ever needed to truly repair when questing/leveling through. Because the gear is replaced very quickly. Sometimes so quickly that I gain gear above my my level. I'll hold onto them until I reach the right level, then use them. So forgive me for wondering or even considering your almost complete lack of doing quests when reading this post. As well as your lack to most likely loot everything that can be looted. But what do I know I've just played numerous MMO's since the late 90's.
    "Reality does not exist online. So please do not infect my gaming experience with your perception of reality."
  • blackweb
    While leveling, especially at low levels one should not have the same armor for long. 8 hours of leveling and still the same gear, makes me wonder. Quest rewards and drops often are your replacement pieces. It makes me think you forgo questing, and possibly looting, and simply are grinding levels. Then complain that the lack of actually doing the proper thing affords you new gear to place with. If you play your game differently expect things to be different. In no game have I ever needed to truly repair when questing/leveling through. Because the gear is replaced very quickly. Sometimes so quickly that I gain gear above my my level. I'll hold onto them until I reach the right level, then use them. So forgive me for wondering or even considering your almost complete lack of doing quests when reading this post. As well as your lack to most likely loot everything that can be looted. But what do I know I've just played numerous MMO's since the late 90's.

    The ability of some posters to read minds and monitor other players on other accounts remotely over the internet has always amazed me. How do you do it? How do you know exactly how I play? You must have a remote camera in my apartment, looking over my shoulder. Do you work for the NSA? Seriously, get over yourself. You cant read minds. You do not know how I play the game. Stop pretending that you do.

    In fact, I do all quests, explore all areas, complete all dungeons, pick up all sky shards, craft like mad and do Cyrodil PvP. Most quest reward gear is either broken down or used to research traits.

    Lets move on to the next psychic ESO forum poster...

  • blackweb
    It is kind of surreal though, us discussing about repair costs, while duping has gotten out of hand and as it seems some people already have nearly infinite gold heh.

    Phoenix Battalion does not allow exploiting of any kind so I missed out on that bonanza...

  • Snit
    Repair costs start too high, and they get worse as you go up (I'm currently in the first veteran zone). I don't want to be forced to craft all my armor.

    The death penalty should be high, and it could go higher. The degradation from simply gaining experience needs a sudden and severe downtweak. Please.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • wastelanderer
    Repair costs are way too high.
  • Terminus
    I'll keep this post simple.

    Repair costs increase exponentially as your armor degrades.
    If your armor has only degraded in cost value, it's very cheap.
    If you let it degrade in armor rating, it increases nearly 200% the cost.
    If you let it degrade to half armor, it goes up by nearly 500%.

    If you look at his picture, his armor is at 25% value.
    Repairing more often saves you money.
  • aRealClassAct
    Yes it is expensive. But I think this is done to encourage you to craft at lower levels.

    From my experience as a very indecisive Nord Templar, I have not had a problem. I told myself "I am only going to wear heavy armor, so I will use this gear until it breaks or I get a replacement as a reward, then I will deconstruct it" Any medium or light armor I will just sell to save up for mount gold as I don't want to bother selling the mats to other players, would rather just vendor them.

    Then I decided to go werewolf (terrible decision at this point but hopefully I will be happy whenever they get around to reworking werewolves) and started wearing medium armor until it breaks, then deconstructing my old armor while I vendor trash heavy and light armor. I got my speed mount at level 29, which is pretty good considering I realized that repairing items was a waste of gold so I started saving at level 18 or so (I also sold a bite for a mere 12k just because I wanted to grab my mount, no more bite selling for me though, I like the idea of a limited number of WWs and Vamps).

    Now whenever a piece of my gear breaks or needs replacing and I haven't found a replacement as a drop or quest reward, I just make it myself. Never paid a repair bill and I don't plan on paying one until I have gear worth repairing.
    Edited by aRealClassAct on April 21, 2014 7:35PM
  • rdfarley89
    I recall quite larger repair costs in other mmos, not many but a few.
  • huntgod_ESO
    Why are you repairing anything? Repair costs are high, one of the huge boons to being a crafter is, stuff gets dinged up, deconstruct it and make a new one, effective cost - ZERO. Conversely keep decent drops you find and use them, the game is not difficult, I could easily level 1-50 in white gear with no bumps...

    Seriously though, don't repair, if you are a crafter, make new armor, if you aren't a crafter, then you likely have enough gold to cover the repairs without a problem, since you are selling your drops. System seems to work to me.
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • liquid_wolf
    If I repair everytime I visit a vendor, then the repair costs seem to be more than manageable.

    If I wipe repeatedly to monsters, or go until I break... it is outrageous.

    It is possible the price to repair is a flat amount for every percent of health the item has left, but I get the feeling that the worse off my gear is, the higher the repair cost escalates.

    90% health remaining - 100 gold
    80% health remaining - 220 gold
    70% health remaining - 350 gold
    50% health remaining - 600 gold
    10% health remaining - 1400 gold
    0% health remaining - 2000 gold

    I'll test this sometime soon, but it does honestly feel this way.
  • blackweb
    If I repair everytime I visit a vendor, then the repair costs seem to be more than manageable.

    If I wipe repeatedly to monsters, or go until I break... it is outrageous.

    It is possible the price to repair is a flat amount for every percent of health the item has left, but I get the feeling that the worse off my gear is, the higher the repair cost escalates.

    90% health remaining - 100 gold
    80% health remaining - 220 gold
    70% health remaining - 350 gold
    50% health remaining - 600 gold
    10% health remaining - 1400 gold
    0% health remaining - 2000 gold

    I'll test this sometime soon, but it does honestly feel this way.

    This makes sense based on my experience. I have a new character and I have been repairing more often, at least once a day. My repair costs seem to have gone down. I don't understand the sliding scale. What is the need for such a high repair cost for broken gear? This really hurts players going for progression pve.
  • MkChkn
    I don't mind the repair costs. Just wish I could buy armored hammers to repair in the field. I'd pay a hefty sum to do that.
  • Mothanos
    If your grinding mobs you can port back to town every 15 minutes as your gear is totaly broken......
    This is a big joke as at level 42 / 49 your repair can cost as much as 1200 /1800 gold.
    I accept that if i die my gear should break, but farming a few mobs for 15 minutes and all gear to zero ? thats ridiculous.......

    The more you play ESO the more you feel punished...
    In in a subsciption mmo no less...

    Reached V1 on my second character as my Nighblade is totaly broken and dint want to level up a broken class.
    But now the real "fun" begins.....the road to V10 quest quest quest quest.....
    No other options then to Quest your eyeballs out :(

    I hope we got some options soon to do some AvA and gain veteran exp by having fun in AvA as man this questing is no fun anymore as the story ended for me when i killed Molag Bal...

  • p.hurst1b16_ESO
    We need a repair pet like in wow. The attrition in the dungeons mean armour gets weaker as you progress and you need it in tip top condition for bosses but the repair kits are way too expensive.

    Will there be repeatable quests at max VR level ? If not it is going to be awful to grind the repair bill on top class gear.
    <Enigmatic Name> Is poaching new guild members again ! Apply on our webby with your CV and proof of identity and we can arrange an interview with a panel of our officers.
  • EsORising
    At higher levels the repair cost is a bit high but I honestly make double the repair cost just by killing mobs and selling whites to npc vendors. Not including quest money either.

    Are you sure ? Have you actually checked the numbers? with a full bag i don't get that much money from vendoring. Sometimes I'm under sometimes I earn a lil more than repair cost ($1800+) and I break my armor in about 30-45min aoe grinding. I only make my money back by selling items to players. I can vendor a full bag and only make a lil bit more than cost of repairs. Saying that you make twice as much back is defintely not true and I suggested that everyone look at the gold before repairs and see if selling all your drops even breaks even and brings you back to what your gold was before repairs. This also doesn't help because ZoS probably thinks OH some poeple make twice as much back.

    HOWEVER, I do make my money back on rare drops and selling normal drops with good traits back to players but don't think for a second your going to make any money selling whites to the merchant because it's not true. If you "actually" check the numbers youll see that its a very little amount earned and sometimes less than repair cost.
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    MkChkn wrote: »
    I don't mind the repair costs. Just wish I could buy armored hammers to repair in the field. I'd pay a hefty sum to do that.

    You can. Only they are not called armorer hammers, they are called "Repair kits". All gear vendors sell them. But I wouldn't really recommend them, because they are expensive compared to the repair cost at vendors.

    As several others have said above, repair often, do not wait until your gear is broken. The repair cost goes up a lot when you use a piece of gear until it falls apart. It's not proportional. Five small repairs from 80% to 100% will cost you a lot less in total than one big repair from 0% to 100%. Visit a vendor now and then while you are leveling. They are never far away, and you need to vendor off some loot now and then anyway if you want to make any money at all in the game.

    Note, also, that the gear deteriorates from XP gain, not just from dying. Strangely enough, getting hit has no impact on the condition of your armor, only XP and deaths.
  • Faugaun
    blackweb wrote: »
    MysticAura wrote: »

    This is entirely not true unless you don't loot/sell things, and die constantly. I've never been too short to pay for repairs on any of my multiple characters. Creating new armor may be cheaper than repairing but I'm fine with paying extra for the convenience. For the record, I'm far from rich in game, but I still always have enough.

    Ok so what you are saying is that the screenshot is fake?

    Get esoplus u will get 10% more gold and out level your old gear 10% quicker thus wanting to replace it sooner. Also try a bow and reps....if you kill mobs before they get to you then your repairs are cheap. Finally you should (since you are a crafter) defiantly make gear every 5-10 levels and upgrade it to green or blue. A good rule of thumb is to sell white aremor and gear and deconstruct green or better gear....those skills are quick to level later on when you deconstruct higher level gear and mats are easy to come by. The only thin you really need are the special crafting mats (green, blue, purp,yellow) used for upgrading.the rest will just accumulate.

    I've levelled several toons and have never one had a gold problem (except when I upgrade bank slots or something...but even then its not been problematic).
  • Faugaun
    blackweb wrote: »
    It is kind of surreal though, us discussing about repair costs, while duping has gotten out of hand and as it seems some people already have nearly infinite gold heh.

    Phoenix Battalion does not allow exploiting of any kind so I missed out on that bonanza...

    So a guild doesn't allow exploiting so you missed out on it but you are OK violatining the legally binding TOS intentionally???!
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