5 pieces of light armor is simply the superior choice in this case.
I facepalm myself each time I see a DPS or healer in heavy armor. But hey. Live and let live.
I also have a question to this subject.
I'm doing an Imperial Templar build...trying to mimic the idea of Holy Paladin. I'm using 1-heavy/3-medium/3-light gear and my points are distributed M40%/H20%/S40%. Depending on if I go deeper to Dawns Wrath or 2-hand melee the M/S distribution might change. My skills are distributed so that I start with Dawns Wrath skills and charge in with 2-hand melee skills with one added healing skill for self-heals. I'm only lvl8 so far, but my char is a total beast. 1-on-1 I kill all npc my level in seconds and even if they hit me I can heal myself really good.
So the question is for high level players: Em I going to a too general build to play end-game instances?
I think you can be fine with this setup though what might be a concern is that will you be able to switch to healing tree with your alternative weapon since it might become quite a hard deed. I can not tell since both of my own builds for switching a weapon feature at least one heal in case of emergency.
To clear up. When I hit 15 and get the weapon swap...do I get to redistribute my skillpoints for that weapon also?
Being an Elder Scrolls game, no armor decision should be a face palm in ESO. Play what you want.
I run 7 light with Resto Staff and Mace/Shield, as that is what I like. It fits my personal Cleric theme. Yet, I believe there are enough options, especially solo gameplay, that you can make any choice work for you.
Screw efficiencies, what's best, and min/max - it's how we ended up with this homogenized quicksand of a genre in the first place. We need personality, quirks, and weaknesses.
Wear Heavy Armor as a Healer, get some good food/drink, regen rings. Use Resto Staff and switch out to weapon of choice. Add Repentance to bar for free heals around dead things. ESO provides enough options to balance out your decisions. Gear set attributes, passives, all kinds of possibilities. Be unconventional, find your style, its fun.
That is all good and great as long as you play solo and don't affect others. But at the end of the day you don't want to get to the last dungeon boss to find out you can't finish him.
This is the point when suddenly everyone cares for efficiency. And that's good, otherwise there would be no challenge at all.
You're talking about two completely different things. There's being efficient, and being unable to do something. They're not the same.
It's pretty common unfortunately, people also confuse Optimal with Viable.
These are just wordings. You are putting different labels on it and saying my labels were not right.
If you need an 'efficient' build to finish a group dungeon but you only have a 'viable' one (e.g. healer in heavy armor ), then this is where the 'be who you want to be' party ends.
At the end of the day people want to finish it, and if they can't they start looking for reasons.
PS you can exchange efficient and viable with whatever words you prefer.
jesterstear wrote: »Genuine question then - you're saying that a dedicated healer should be in light armour (like traditional MMOs).
The restoration staff being compulsory I can understand , the power restore and the extra, power efficient healing skills seem too good to ignore, but surely with jewellery and items with -power cost and +regen you can be ok in 5 heavy 2 light?
Doesn't the healer draw quite a lot of agro given the lack of aoe taunts, therefore they need some armour to stay alive?
the1andonlypzb14_ESO wrote: »I've been messing around with different skills and rotations and the like for awhile now. I just hit level 30 and have tried a multitude of efforts that include the Sword and Shield model for one set, and then various other weapons for the second set.
Right now, I'm trying to balance the number of stamina skills and magicka skills to try and better my fighting a little. Running out of magicka becomes an issue for me, especially during chain events where the fighting is constant.
My goal is to be an effective healer, tank or dps player. A jack of all skills if you will. I've definitely put more skill and attribute points into the magicka/healing side of things ... so I'm still searching for that perfect balance, but I'll go over what I have so far and where I'm looking to go.
18 Magicka (goal of 20)
5 Health (goal of 10)
5 Stamina (goal of 20)
1. Sword and Shield
2. Healing Staff
Skill Bar Sets:
Set 1 - Damage / Tanking
This set is the main set I use when soloing or doing chain events / public dungeons. It focuses on AoE damage mostly, with a powerful single target magic ability for tougher single target mobs.
- Slot 1 - Spear Shards / Blazing Spear - Aedric Spear Tree
I start with Spear Shards ability morphed to Blazing Spear for a stun, rather than disorientation. This opener gets some initial aoe dmg and crowd control on the mobs before rushing in. I like it as an opener because you have control as to where the damage goes. If you're looking to nab two groups at once, just be sure to get them both inside the circle. It also helps if you have a friend as they can initiate the synergy and get boosted stamina ... especially helpful if traveling with a Nightblade or 2h Templar.- Slot 2 - Shield Charge / Shield Assault - One Hand and Shield Tree
After launching the initial AoE damage, I rush in with Shield Charge morphed to Shield Assault for the damage shield allowing better survivability. This also knocks the enemy down, now leaving 1 enemy stunned from Blazing Spear and another knocked down from Shield Assault... leaving only 1 enemy to attack you while you have a damage shield now active.- Slot 3 - Puncturing Stikes / Biting Jabs - Aedric Spear Tree
This is the bread and butter AoE skill of the Aedric Spear tree. I've morphed it into the Biting Jabs skill, which increases Crit against low health targets. I've found the morph to be pretty effective, considering the damage that's already done with the first two spells - most times you'll find your mobs to be at half health or less (depending on the Blazing Spear crit) by the time you hit this skill.- Slot 4 - Solar Flare / Solar Barrage - Dawn's Wrath Tree
Right now I just have Solar Flare, so I use this spell mostly for single target high health targets. Due to it's 1.5 second cast time, it really doesn't fit too well into the rotation at this point. However, I'm banking on this skill being a much bigger part of the rotation once I morph it into Solar Barrage, which takes away the cast time and does AoE damage to surrounding targets. I'm hoping it will be a great addition to the AoE rotation, but haven't had the opportunity to test it yet.- Slot 5 - Rotation of Skills
This slot I'm still trying to figure out. For most fights, I keep an emergency heal here in case I don't have enough time to switch to my off-hand. For this, I use Rushed Ceremony morphed to Breath of Life from the Restoring Light tree. I find it to be the most effective instant heal available from that tree, despite it's expensive costs (keep your mana potions ready). Another option from the same tree, Restoring Aura, increases your Health and Stamina regeneration by 15% just for being on your hot bar - which is boosted to 80% for 9 seconds when activated.
Other options I've considered would be a stamina skill - which would have to come from the One Hand and Shield Tree. Right now it's a toss up. Puncture morphed to Ransack provides a threat spell in case I run into a situation where I'm relied on to tank. Low Slash morphed to Crippling Slash is a great low cost kiting spell for getting away from trouble. Power Bash morphed to Power Slam is there, but it does less damage than Crippling Slash, costs more stamina, and has a lesser CC duration.
So another option, after perusing the skill trees, seems to stem from the Mages Guild tree. Entropy looks like a great possibility to throw in the mix, possibly before even charging in. It is a damage over time effect that also heals the player, and can be morphed into Degeneration, which has a 15% chance on hit with a weapon attack to heal player for 100% of damage caused. This sounds so OP it's not even funny, but if it's effective, I can't see why I wouldn't just toss it on my bar for the chance to get heals from my weapon attacks.- Ultimate - Radial Sweep / Crescent Sweep - Aedric Spear Tree
I love Radial Sweep morphed to Crescent Sweep so much. It is an absolute monster of damage output and an all around life saver if you're ever in a bind. It has a really low ultimate cost, allowing you to activate it often, and does a massive amount of AoE damage, especially once morphed. Crescent Sweep adds "deals more damage to foes in front of you" ... so as long as you keep those enemies in front of you, you will watch the damage flowww.
Set 2 - Healing
My off-hand set is pure healing. I grab the healing staff for mana regeneration upon use, as well as it's great healing spell options. There's a lot of work yet to be done on this set - I have quite a few Restoration Staff spells I haven't tried, or haven't unlocked yet - so I'm still experimenting with a good mix of healing spells for this action bar set.
- Slot 1 - Rushed Ceremony / Breath of Life - Restoring Light Tree
This is the starter spell for this class tree, but remains enormously effective, even at level 30... and I'm sure up to level 50. The Magicka cost is high though - so it's more useful during periods of high damage or emergency situations. Morphing Rushed Ceremony to Breath of Life causes the spell to heal 3 targets rather than just 1 - making it even more effective.- Slot 2 - Healing Ritual / Ritual of Rebirth - Restoring Light Tree
Another low level skill from this tree - this will be your first AoE heal unlocked without having to morph it. It's 2 second cast time is a real downer, but you can reduce it to 1.7 seconds by morphing it to Ritual of Rebirth. I typically use this during those moments when everyone needs a little bit of healing ... sometimes you can time it with incoming damage to offset the damage taken by your allies.- Slot 3 - Regeneration / Rapid Regeneration - Restoration Staff Tree
Right now I do not have this skill morphed, but increasing the ticks and duration of the spell will be a huge help when I finally do. Regeneration is your best option for a Heal over Time spell. I'll find myself casting this prior to a fight or when I see AoE damage circles pop up on the map. Not everyone is great at getting out of them, but you can help yourself out by adding a HoT to your nearby allies - helping to negate the damage.- Slot 4 - Restoring Aura / Radiant Aura - Restoring Light Tree
Restoring Aura is not a Heal over Time - but it almost acts like one, and is an extremely good support spell for your team. This spell increases the regeneration rates for Health and Stamina on you and your allies - allowing teammates to output more damage and stay alive longer. I morphed it to Radiant Aura to increase the radius, and because the other morph option didn't seem too dependable. Even better, it increases your health and stamina regeneration by 15% just by being on your hot bar ... which is why it's a solid option to keep on your slot 1 bar as well.- Slot 5 - Rotation of Skills
Skill set 1 had this as rotational, and skill set 2 is no different. Choosing that last skill is never easy... and often I start questioning the other skills on my hot bar for skills that may fit here. Do I go with another healing spell or a damage spell? I'm more inclined to go healing ... but what about another support spell like Cleansing Ritual that provides an AoE heal and a Synergy option that removes a negative effect from allies?
Along the same lines as Cleansing Ritual is the Undaunted Skill - Blood Altar - which increases health regeneration and provides a Blood Funnel synergy, allowing allies to activate a Heal over Time effect on themselves.
The Restoration Staff tree also has more great abilities like Grand Healing that puts a target area on the ground for players to heal up in. There's also Force Siphon which gains allies health when attacking the target.
Filling all the slots on the healing bar with the right skills could be the difference between life and death honestly - which makes creating this rotation even more nerve racking!- Ultimate - Rite of Passage / Practiced Incantation
This ultimate ability provides an outstanding AoE heal which can instantly bring a near death group back to full health in almost an instant. Morph it to Practiced Incantation to increase the length of the spell for even greater healing effectiveness.
Wow - so I'm not going to even get into the passive effects, considering I already wrote a book here. I hope my strategy helps some of you out, and I'm always looking for tips if anyone would like to contribute (I'm sure some of you will).
Also, I know that spreading myself thin may not be the most effective method for my character, but it's how I enjoy playing the game - so telling me things like "focus on one skill line" or " that's a stupid strategy" really aren't constructive... but thanks for wasting everyone's time if you choose to post them anyways.
Since they have soft caps (overcharge) in just about everything, yes you can absolutely make up for deficiencies via enchants. If you went Breton for example and equipped all 7 pieces of light armor and took all the light and racial passives you'd already be overcharging your magica restore (this is something I actually experienced a lot leveling).
5 pieces of light armor is simply the superior choice in this case.
I facepalm myself each time I see a DPS or healer in heavy armor. But hey. Live and let live.
Only means you have 0 idea about classes and what to use and when. Player with good rotation and some knowledge will have no problem with magicka, even if he is templar without any regen/exchange skills, using full heavy armor.
But by your comment i guess you are ''spam heal all time green bar cant drop below 99%'' player instead of ''I heal when it is needed''... If you know class a bit, pay attention to its skills, and keep an eye on group HP values to know when use what you will know what i am talking about. But you dont so...