This game literally is the worst most buggy release of all time! Don't believe it? I challenge you to list a game that has had more bugs. In my 4 days of playing it, i've came across well over 100 bugs.
You name it, it's happened. The latest was I lost total control of the character, it went all over the place, sideways, forward, etc. without me touching anything. I even turned off my wireless keyboard to see if that was causing it. Nope, it kept doing it. This is the ultimate example of a company caring more about money than their customers. Rush it out and collect the dollars asap is the battle cry of todays corporations!
I will NEVER again get onboard with a game in it's early stages like this. The problem with software and game programmers these days is that they count on the customers to find the bugs instead of themselves like the good ole days! It saves them millions in paying people to test the games. So we have to suffer and get an email with a response to our complaints like this...
"Of course, this is our first MMO, and just like a baby learning to walk, we learn more and more each day about what it takes to effectively construct the best MMO ever!
It is, however, thanks to our enthusiastic fans & gamers, (like yourself) who find bugs & thus provide us feedback, which makes this game all the better."
Thank you for letting me pay my hard earned money to "find bugs" for you!
I am still on the fence as to whether I should ask for a full refund. If refused, I could always dispute the charge on my card. This is FAR BEYOND ridiculous. I hope word continues to spread about how disastrously bad this game is!
Now matter how great this game becomes in the future, believe me, people like me will ALWAYS remember this disappointing half baked startup!