Anyone else notice that "support" rarely comments, if at all, on any of these support threads? I get the sense they are not even read by "support", meaning I guess this post is a complete waste of my time, but whatever. LOL
You occasionally see the one token assistant community manager/liason, and I mean very occasionally, Gina something, but never an actual comment on support.
I'm really starting to see frustrations rise from the masses to the point this thing is going to blow up in their faces if they don't stop keeping their head in the sand, and get out here in the public forums, and talk about what is going on.
They REALLY need a state of the game address at this point. The game is more broken than it was in Beta and today's patch did not appear to address one single critical issue. Zenimax, seriously, you are going to have a mass exodus at the end of free time if you do not take steps to at least quell the masses by sharing information about what the heck is going on?!?