Ok. Maybe it was in the wrong place. I was trying to get across to CS that bad publicity was not good.
So, whatever people thought (and I don't care one way or another) you moved it to "players helping players" ? A forum so full of people helping other players that my post now makes that forum now have the grand total of 2 threads.
I notice a previous post I made where I praised moderators on this thread for not censoring or deleting threads is still in this forum (no bugs reported, just praise).
I suspect most people can come to their own conclusions regarding that.
I suspect that me pointing out a utuber and getting 1.2k reads in about half an hour might have something to do with it.
Edited by FezzikVizzini on April 16, 2014 1:04AM Yeah, I got a PC. I just don't feel the need to post it's specifications for an ego boost.