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need strategy help

Ok, I have a question about strategy. I have 3 different yellow quests I've had to give up on, at least until I'm more buffed, because the boss, or bosses as in the case of the last one, heal MUCH faster than I can damage them. I get them to drop maybe 10 percent, and then they cast a spell that heals them all the way. Nothing I can do stops them from casting the spell. Meanwhile, there is nothing in my bag of tricks that lets me heal even close to as fast as they can.
  • Tiyamel
    you haven't posted class/weapon or which bosses, and im going to be away from pc until tomorrow so the only help i can offer is do you have stun abilities? are you running/moving away from boss and its actually de-aggroing and resetting itself?
    if its not that then i would suggest trying and timing some kind of stun move in there somewhere before it tries to heal itself, if its a spell they are casting you need to interrupt it somehow, check your skill trees for a stun/interrupt ability, a yellow quest should be completable.
    Guild Master of Lost Prophecies, small group of friends playing in Ebonheart Pact, recruitment only accessible through playing with us and making a good impression.
    Want to know more on how to increase forum stars and achievements, check my guide here:
    Can't seem to level Werewolf or its abilities? check this:
    If it helps then please Insightful/Agree/Awesome or even Lol me :)
  • Censorious
    Yup, that's much too vague to answer.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Alan_Hawk
    the one I'm trying to at the moment, Cassia Varo in Arithiel, slay Cassia Varo and Igozai. Igozai is easy to kill, but Cassia I can't kill. She is totally immune to the magnum bowshot, it gives a message saying she's to powerful for that effect. So it can't interrupt her healing spell. I don't have any knockback powers in my melee weapons, which are lower anyway. under my R key I have soul tether II, which works but doesn't recharge fast enough. I have swallow soul II, which also works but doesn't heal me even a quarter as fast as she can heal herself. Under bow I have Magnum shot IV, poison injection III, leathal arrow I. Under Dual Wield I have Blood Craze I, Rapid Strikes I, and Whirlwind I. In my fighters guild line I have silver shards II, and circle of protection II. I only have one ultimate ability and that is Soul Tether II. I am level 33.

    Anyway, I can't beat this woman. Nothing I try works. She just heals to fast.
  • Nasuradin_ESO
    I think you should be able to run up to cassia and smack-interrupt the heal by hitting both mouse buttons.

    I was a sorcerer and half asleep when I did this quest so the only thing I remember was easily taking out the daedra pet, then realizing I was loosing the battle and swapped to heal staff and 2 pets to survive it.
  • Alan_Hawk
    I'll try that. Nothing else works. It's weird that she's immune to the magnum shot, when I've already killed bosses 3 levels higher than her that are not immune.
  • Alan_Hawk
    I finally got back to that area. took me a while to figure out that they meant you have to HOLD the right, then while holding, click the left. Personally I think it's really stupid to have a boss that can't be defeated by an archer, especially since one of the game suggestion is that you use your weapon swap to set you up with the same bow but different 1-5 choices. With this boss, you don't want to use any stamina shots at all anyway, she heals to fast, you have to save all your stamina for bash attacks. And she has a habit of standing in areas that you can't reach with bash so you have to knock her off those first somehow. I think I made one battle last 10 minutes of real time.
  • Starnes
    You can aggro just the big guy first, pull him down the tunnel and finish him off.

    For the caster there's a rotation he goes through, normal attack, freeze attack, heal.

    Dodge the freeze attack and run up to interrupt the heal, other times just keep on attacking, once you see the freeze cast, dodge, then comes the heal interrupt. Once you get the rhythm it's not so bad.
  • Ageless
    Well, then I'm just not cut out for this game. This quest is the reason why I have now decided to play out the days on my game card and then not renew. I am right up to Cassia's nostrils, meleeing as soon as she tries to go heal, but each time I try (dual handed sword or dual handed ax), I get "This target is too powerful for that effect" and my melee does nothing: she heals to 100%.

    Maybe it's doable when you have a Clannfear and such an annoying flappy pet doing attacks for you, but just in the alonesomeness, as a casual player, wanting to blow off some steam, nah. Together with the Lyris doppelganger in the main quest, and the very irritating "solo dungeons that require you to play with 3 or more people" quests, it's just not fun anymore.

    I'll just wish for GTA V to come to PC then on June 30th. And immediately switch. As when I have to die multiple times in a row anyway, I'd rather do it there.

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • Thete
    I think you should be able to run up to cassia and smack-interrupt the heal by hitting both mouse buttons.

    Better still, bind interrupt to a useful key. Pressing down both mouse buttons to do something that needs to be as spot on as an interrupt is asking for trouble.
  • nerevarine1138
    Thete wrote: »
    I think you should be able to run up to cassia and smack-interrupt the heal by hitting both mouse buttons.

    Better still, bind interrupt to a useful key. Pressing down both mouse buttons to do something that needs to be as spot on as an interrupt is asking for trouble.

    Or you could, you know, hold down block and hit attack. It's really not that hard to do, and you can time it just as precisely.
  • Thete

    Or you could, you know, hold down block and hit attack. It's really not that hard to do, and you can time it just as precisely.

    Wasting attack time by doing that and, if you have latency to worry about, you most certainly cannot time it anywhere near as well.
  • Alan_Hawk
    yeah, the knockback, or interrupt as they call it, is not that easy to do in the middle of combat, AND holding down the right key drains your stamina. knockback does too but you've already started the drain before knockback even happens.

    In this particular battle, knockback is the ONLY way to stop her from healing, but...where she is standing when you start it's impossible to get close enough to her to do it. you have to knock her off her perch somehow. So you have to waste time getting hit to jump up there then knock her off.

    I'm with you elst93neb18, I am going to run out my 30 days then cancel. Right now I'm in reapers march, I have THREE quests that seem impossible to complete as a single player, two of them you even have npc companions helping you out. But it doesn't matter if you got an npc "helping you" when the boss spawns 12 tigers and then disappears from the area until you've killed them all, at least I'm assuming that's when he comes back. Or when one of those snake lady things keeps casting those bubbles that damage you, and heal her 100% and are nearly impossible to hit while you are trying to stay out of the way of her attacks. Or when.....well I could go on and on. I HATE games that make you "war game" in order to play them. "war game", in this case, means the whole object is to level up, level up, level up. So you have to find an area with constantly spawning creatures and just keep killing and killing and killing until you've leveled a few times, then go and try the one are stuck on.

    Guess I'm going to go kill some rad scorpions. That reminds me, holy crap!, this game has rad scorpions!
  • Rundarek
    Holding down the right mouse button to block doesn't drain anything.
    You only consume stamina when you actually block an incoming attack or do a bash by clicking the left mouse button while still holding down the right button to block.

    Standing around with your weapon or shield raised to block while not being attacked doesn't do anything beside looking strange.
  • Creepsley
    igozai and that other one wasn't that hard when i used magnum shot, it did interupt the healing for me, but she did resist the knockback. but since i failed miserably the first time i did wait a couple of lvls so the last time i did it i was 2 lvl higher. not that it should matter that much.
  • Sallakat
    I don't understand why a boss that actually challenges you would make you unsub but oh well.

    I have had to work hard in the beginning on changing my mindset that is planted in my head by another MMO game. And it is so very simple when you realise it.
    Hugely important thing to realise, imo, is the basic attack's importance as well as blocking/interrupting. I'm a nord templar, focused on healing but ofc have DPS skill set too. I have had a lot of difficulty with some boss fights that I have cleared on my sorc afterwards with no problem (not even using the pet in boss fights cos it dies so fast). I've just been kiting the bosses to stay outta aoe and a lot smashing my basic weapon attack. Only every now and then I'm putting on some ability from the skill bar. If I were to spam in all of my different dps abilities I would be out of magicka faster than I could even say the word. And like it or not, the blocking and interrupting NEEDS to be done. And like cases of boss healing themselves: so what if you drain stamina by interrupting/bashing. You gain it back within about 3 heavy attacks on your weapon but you still managed to interrupt the bosses healing which is the key. Using the basic attacks a lot means that the fight will be quite long but at least you made it. If you're rooted, just double tab your W to roll out of it, easy piesy.

    Cos the fact is that leveling content, quest lines, are meant to be able to play as single player, so you're doing something wrong if you can't clear them. But i you don't like the way the game works, well move on then, there's plenty other games to pick from.
    Rebuilt - Aldmeri Dominion

    Kaia Linnea - templar
    Ruusu - sorcerer
    Aino - nightblade
  • gimmethecreepsb14_ESO
    Alan_Hawk wrote: »
    I finally got back to that area. took me a while to figure out that they meant you have to HOLD the right, then while holding, click the left. Personally I think it's really stupid to have a boss that can't be defeated by an archer, especially since one of the game suggestion is that you use your weapon swap to set you up with the same bow but different 1-5 choices. With this boss, you don't want to use any stamina shots at all anyway, she heals to fast, you have to save all your stamina for bash attacks. And she has a habit of standing in areas that you can't reach with bash so you have to knock her off those first somehow. I think I made one battle last 10 minutes of real time.

    It is doable with an archer, because a bow can be used to "shield bash" just like any other weapon in TESO. Oddly enough, In Skyrim, you could Also bash people with your bow, so it isn't some new mechanic to ES games. I use double bow and it isn't that hard.

  • gimmethecreepsb14_ESO
    Alan_Hawk wrote: »
    yeah, the knockback, or interrupt as they call it, is not that easy to do in the middle of combat, AND holding down the right key drains your stamina. knockback does too but you've already started the drain before knockback even happens.

    In this particular battle, knockback is the ONLY way to stop her from healing, but...where she is standing when you start it's impossible to get close enough to her to do it. you have to knock her off her perch somehow. So you have to waste time getting hit to jump up there then knock her off.

    I'm with you elst93neb18, I am going to run out my 30 days then cancel. Right now I'm in reapers march, I have THREE quests that seem impossible to complete as a single player, two of them you even have npc companions helping you out. But it doesn't matter if you got an npc "helping you" when the boss spawns 12 tigers and then disappears from the area until you've killed them all, at least I'm assuming that's when he comes back. Or when one of those snake lady things keeps casting those bubbles that damage you, and heal her 100% and are nearly impossible to hit while you are trying to stay out of the way of her attacks. Or when.....well I could go on and on. I HATE games that make you "war game" in order to play them. "war game", in this case, means the whole object is to level up, level up, level up. So you have to find an area with constantly spawning creatures and just keep killing and killing and killing until you've leveled a few times, then go and try the one are stuck on.

    Guess I'm going to go kill some rad scorpions. That reminds me, holy crap!, this game has rad scorpions!

    You're complaining about the "Doshia" harvester mechanics? You learn how to fight Harvesters at like, level 8. I killed my first one with a sword and board DK, and you struggle with them when you have a bow? Maybe you're right, this game is probably too advanced for you...

  • gimmethecreepsb14_ESO
    Well, then I'm just not cut out for this game. This quest is the reason why I have now decided to play out the days on my game card and then not renew. I am right up to Cassia's nostrils, meleeing as soon as she tries to go heal, but each time I try (dual handed sword or dual handed ax), I get "This target is too powerful for that effect" and my melee does nothing: she heals to 100%.

    Maybe it's doable when you have a Clannfear and such an annoying flappy pet doing attacks for you, but just in the alonesomeness, as a casual player, wanting to blow off some steam, nah. Together with the Lyris doppelganger in the main quest, and the very irritating "solo dungeons that require you to play with 3 or more people" quests, it's just not fun anymore.

    I'll just wish for GTA V to come to PC then on June 30th. And immediately switch. As when I have to die multiple times in a row anyway, I'd rather do it there.

    hold down right click, and press left click. You can literally do it with one hand. Just like bash mechanics have been like since Morrowind...smh...
  • Chirru
    Well... No, I will not quit the game....this is not a complaining post...just commenting on the OP's opinion.

    ... the OP has a point in some of what he wrote
    The healing rate of some Bosses at par-level (same level as Character) is a little steep.
    I usually do bosses a level or two higher than indicated.... This means leveling and leveling includes sometimes grinding critters I otherwise would ignore.

    As to grinding.... Well, best gear requires either crafting and harvesting resources (which is grinding) or as many do; Grinding mini-bosses so as to level and to get some blue stuff.

    Why do you think the Gold Merchants are so persistent in this Game?
    It is because people buy gold of them to buy gear off the guild Shops and re-spects, and to pay for repairs which all is insanely expensive and this is why?
    People (very generally speaking) dislike grinding for gold and exp. Well, you in particular might not mind... but many do.

    And no, I am not buying gold. I am grinding Nodes and sell the stuff personally in competition to MANY other players who do the same. As for grinding critters ... I dislike this greatly... however...there is no choice when one has run out of level appropriate quests. Either one wanders on and does these higher quests...in most cases this can be done... or one grinds to a higher level.

    The other issue is that in this game it impossible to play a pure Class and do these uber bosses. One needs to have many skills to be successful and swap skills and weapons . Mind you... I am not complaining here...just saying.

    I run a Night Blade with dual weapons as main choice. I would never swap this choice if I had a choice....However...knowing that this will never be a valid choice of weapons with some bosses, I also level Resto-Staff (healing without targeting anything), Destroy Staff (ranged and knock-back effect), and two handed (for the shield effect). All this takes a lot of time to level and hence a lot of grinding.

    No, this game (especially the boss fights) is not easy because it takes a LOT of time to level these skills and YES I understand completely that some casual players will walk away from the game because of this.

    Is there a solution?

    YES there is. All it needs is to allow a choice for players to enter the Boss fights with another player. SWTOR gives this choice, and some games (like Diablo) make it even a virtue to fight bosses in a group. It is odd for an MMO to force players to play a Single Player Game. This also holds true for grouping (at least in the lower levels) where your partners or friends just disappear from the group if they are not exactly on the same quest you are on.

    Yes, the OP has a valid reason (in my opinion) to write what he writes. This game has still to evolve a lot (apart from the usual MMO bugs).

    No, I will not quit the game...however... I predict that in a year (or two) from now we will see a very different ESO than it is now (if Z-Max wants to keep the casual player base).

    Naturally...nothing of what I have written applies to the 'Hard-Core' players who do not mind grinding for hours at a time and getting beaten a hundred times in sussing out how to club a Boss the most effective way.

    I any case... I like the game...
    Have fun, those who read this :)
  • Pretext
    I was puzzled the other day when someone on chat was saying his quests were too hard. Turns out he was doing the wrong zone. :)
    Edited by Pretext on April 28, 2014 10:25AM
  • thanos_11b16_ESO
    i fought this caster for over an hour as a dual wield dragon knight,she cannot damage me fast enough to kill me and i cannot bash her enough to stop her from healing before i run out of stam even with stam regen buffs and stam potion going
  • Alan_Hawk
    If magnum shot worked for you to stop her healing after she'd already started, then they must have changed something in the game. even when I was 3 levels higher than her my magnum shot just did normal damage and didn't stop her healing and the message "target is to powerful for that effect" popped up every time I shot her. but it did knock me far enough away where I had to run up to her in order to bash her.

    With the harvesters, perhaps there is a strategy I missed. She casts that spell that looks like a bunch of arms coming out of the ground and rushing out in a circle, which you can't block as far as I can see, but you can step out of the way of the nearest group of arms. If you take the time to step out of the way of the arms, you miss shooting the bubbles because she's already casts 4 to 6 of those and you have to shoot nearly all of them or she will be fully healed, while you are busy doing those two things, she casts another spell, without any warning gesture or mark on the ground or anything, that picks you up off the ground and sucks the life out of you. If you are lucky enough that she didn't cast that spell or missed you somehow, then she casts the bubble spell again immediately, and also immediately after you shoot the last bubble if you managed to do that, and she starts casting the rushing arms spell, several times, immediately after that, while you are still worrying about the bubbles. Her attacks seem to be only magic, but she never runs out. So yeah, the harvester boss was very hard to kill.
  • gimmethecreepsb14_ESO
    Alan_Hawk wrote: »
    If magnum shot worked for you to stop her healing after she'd already started, then they must have changed something in the game. even when I was 3 levels higher than her my magnum shot just did normal damage and didn't stop her healing and the message "target is to powerful for that effect" popped up every time I shot her. but it did knock me far enough away where I had to run up to her in order to bash her.

    With the harvesters, perhaps there is a strategy I missed. She casts that spell that looks like a bunch of arms coming out of the ground and rushing out in a circle, which you can't block as far as I can see, but you can step out of the way of the nearest group of arms. If you take the time to step out of the way of the arms, you miss shooting the bubbles because she's already casts 4 to 6 of those and you have to shoot nearly all of them or she will be fully healed, while you are busy doing those two things, she casts another spell, without any warning gesture or mark on the ground or anything, that picks you up off the ground and sucks the life out of you. If you are lucky enough that she didn't cast that spell or missed you somehow, then she casts the bubble spell again immediately, and also immediately after you shoot the last bubble if you managed to do that, and she starts casting the rushing arms spell, several times, immediately after that, while you are still worrying about the bubbles. Her attacks seem to be only magic, but she never runs out. So yeah, the harvester boss was very hard to kill.

    1. It's 4 bubbles.
    2. She casts the 4 bubbles right after she picks you up and sucks the life out of you.
    3. dont worry about her PBAoE attack, (The hands) Every one of her orbs you shoot down will heal you anyway.

    The obvious problem is that you're not used to fast paced movement in an MMO. Those bubbles should be 1 shot kills with the bow. I don't know how you could struggle with this with a bow. I'd get it if you were struggling with melee, but I can't understand with a bow. I generally shoot the 4 of them down with time to spare. My only guess is you obviously aren't understanding what leads to what in the fight, so you dont know when the orbs are coming. Every time a harvester picks you up, orbs are coming. So just drop back and pick them off with your bow, left click em 1 by 1. They'll form at 4 points around her like a square, cross, whatever you want to call it.

    The reason, IMO, TESO puts game mechanics like this in from the start is because in games like World of Warcraft and Rift, All bosses and dungeons were more or less tank and spank till you got to raid content, at which point you hadn't trained in how to identify and respond to "raid mechanics". TESO, from the start, is forcing you to REACT to what your enemy does to you. That's all.
  • Alan_Hawk
    I've had to shoot those bubbles at least twice, you can tell because your crosshairs go red and the bubble flashes when you hit it. and she has a habit of jumping right in front of you when you are ready to shoot, and she does an attack that makes it so you can't shoot for a few seconds. The bubbles come out whenever you hear the bell, not just right after she grabs you.

    As the title of this thread indicates what I'm looking for is strategy HELP, not some dude that feels all superior telling me I suck. You've given some help but wasted most of your response in pointing out how inept anyone has to be that didn't kill this creature first time out in 5 seconds flat. Spend a little less time making yourself feel better by attacking my skills, and a little more time being helpful, thanks.
  • Leaflett
    Soloed him in VR4 Sorc coming from daggerfall. Didn't even use ultimate and here is how I did it.

    Skill set up
    • Critical Surge
    • Inner Light
    • Unstable Clannfear
    • Endless Fury
    • Tri Focus (Destruction Staff Passive)
    • Prodigy (Light Armor Passive)

    • Cast Inner Light and keep Critical Surge and Unstable Clannfear up all the time.
    • Stick right next to him and keep hitting light attack using flame staff. This should heal you enough from critical surge as you should have 40-50% crit chance (Inner Light 20%, Tri Focus 10%, Prodigy 10%, Thief Mundus Stone, Weapon Trait)
    • Whenever he casts heal, interrput right away. I assigned a short cut key as it is more reliable

    Key is to come up with a way to survive his attack while sticking right next to him all the time for the interrupt.

    Hope this helps!

  • Alan_Hawk
    My subscription ran out and I didn't renew. I stopped playing about 3 days before it ran out. I was about half, maybe only a third, of the way through the next faction playing as a veteran after finishing the game once.

    I have to say, veteran levels SUCK. First, it takes WAY longer to level, and second, your stats do not improve AT ALL. But the bosses get harder. So when I was about a third of the way into the progress towards veteran level 3, and I ran into a boss that is just impossible to kill no matter what combination of skills and style I used, I just walked away. I had already cleared every single non "party only" area and you have to kill this boss to get to the next leg of the main quest line. Not worth it.
  • Psycotic_Skitz
    Soul Shriven
    I'm at the point of quitting too!
    The game states "play the way you like"
    I'm a lvl 40 dw nightblade with no aoe skills ,with no bow skills playing in 1st person , so unless you are this class playing this way I'm not interested
    When skills don't function correctly
    Boss are immune or too powerfull for effect
    Where respawns return before you have chance to kill boss
    I'm thinking is it worth the effort.
  • Yingzi
    Soul Shriven
    I died countless times trying to beat this boss. I got her down to a sliver, she would've died in one hit and I died first. I gave up in disgust, left the dungeon and found the ghost outside waiting for me. I talked to her and the quest was completed without having to kill the boss.
  • Yingzi
    Soul Shriven
    (I was speaking of Cassia Varo)
  • Nestor
    Alan_Hawk wrote: »
    Ok, I have a question about strategy........because the boss, or bosses as in the case of the last one, heal MUCH faster than I can damage them.

    Ahh, I don't know if anyone mentioned this in the thread, but you need to learn how to Interrupt the Caster. There are skills like Invasion in the 1H/S line and others that can do this for you quite nicely. Barring that, get up close and give them a Bash, which is hitting both mouse buttons at the same time stock, or Binding this to a key on the keyboard like I did. Once you learn how to Bash, then healers will no longer be an issue for you.

    In fact, if you have a quick closing skill like from the NB line, or Templar Line or one of the others, then casters will no longer be an issue for you.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

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