9 Days & Going! Shattered Hopes Still Broken!

Soul Shriven
The Rift quest Shattered Hopes has been broken for 9 days! Have sent 3+ Bug Reports each day... Are bug reports useless or is the team running this game useless, logically it is one or the other.
  • Baogo
    Ok I found the fix. Do not use persuade on the dialog option and use the prisoner instead. I ran it that way and it completed.
    Edited by Baogo on April 15, 2014 9:40PM
  • Sakiri
    Yeah need to sacrifice her or it wont complete.
  • SupremeChaotic
    Still broken for me. I've abandoned and had both NPCs sacrificed and still nothing.
  • ixlee
    Soul Shriven
    I have tried all options, abandoned and restarted quest 5 times, and final fight still bugs.
  • Thete
    Yep, just got to this point myself. Didn't use persuasion, told the captain to sacrifice herself and final fight won't start.
  • TheRealDoc
    Me too I'm afraid. I kill the 3 cultists, then 1 cultist ghost looks at the right undead and does nothing, he then floats over and shoots a beam at the left undead which then attacks me, then the cultist ghost goes to the middle and sacrifices himself to Sinmur and then NOTHING!

    Done it three times from the beginning, in different instances choosing differeent choices and I'm so bored of this quest. In the meantime, the King is simultaneously in another camp asking to see me!

    This is one of the best and most immersive games I have ever played and I keep get yanked back to reality by game breaking quest bugs.

    I've cancelled my subscription currently, if these quests aren't fixed by the time the free period runs out, I'll wait 6 months and see what state the game is in then.

    "Shattered Hopes", ironic eh?
  • PBpsy
    I had this problem but then I abandoned left did a bunch of other quests in the line. This axe shard quest line branches then I came back and It worked even though I lured that guy in. The problem is that the second draugr doesn't always summon so you can't finish the quest. I think in the end you might just have to restart it many times and get lucky and get that triggered. Also even though it appears that it is an essential quest for progression I think it might not be required to advance past this area.
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
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  • ixlee
    Soul Shriven
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Also even though it appears that it is an essential quest for progression I think it might not be required to advance past this area.

    It absolutely is required to finish this quest in Veteran Rank to get to the next faction's zones.

    I have been stuck for days not being able to advance to the next faction while I try and try to get customer service to help me.

    I canceled my subscription today.

    I cannot play a game that doesn't want me to play it.

  • SgtPepperUK
    ixlee wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    Also even though it appears that it is an essential quest for progression I think it might not be required to advance past this area.

    It absolutely is required to finish this quest in Veteran Rank to get to the next faction's zones.

    I have been stuck for days not being able to advance to the next faction while I try and try to get customer service to help me.

    I canceled my subscription today.

    I cannot play a game that doesn't want me to play it.

    Whilst I intend to keep subbing for now I cannot say I blame you, or anyone who does likewise, for doing this.

    These bugs are extremely frustrating and the inability to get hold, in-game, of a GM that I can actually chat to is also annoying.

    I managed to get Asmalah done only by logging in before work a couple of days ago at 7:30am when there were fewer people on-line.

    Now I'm stuck on Storming the Hall.

    Companies need to stop using the term beta. Time and time again numerous games have held betas and bugs that have been reported are still not fixed for launch.

    I don't know how much bug reporting for these specific quests went on as I was only in the weekend "betas", I do know that some of the bugs I reported during those were not fixed for launch.

    In future I will only ever assume that when someone says beta they mean preview.

    Are we entitled to expect perfection? No. But show-stopping bugs like this, at launch, with no GM support, isn't really acceptable.

    I love ESO, really I do. The world-building is superb, the quest writing (though certainly not the quest mechanics at times) is great. Bethesda and ZoS have something potentially wonderful here.

    But these bugs are going to cost the subscriptions.
  • stungateb14_ESO
    I think using persuade or intimidate for quests are broken in general as in not allowing the quest line to continue. I started using them in Shadowfen after picking them both up and now I'm unable to finish quest achievement with no available quests left at 59/62.
  • Pendrillion
    I sometimes feel, like it was said before somewhere, that not working other branches are some sort of lag, or database problem that occurs when quests get done by a lot of people at the same time. It's highly probable that I am wrong though... But playing on the US server, I only had two or three moments where I met broken quests. And I was able to finish most of them at a later point.
  • reignfyre
    LOL I thought this thread would be about how this game shattered your hopes. That would have been interesting and earned you an agree.
  • Zafu
    Still bugged as of today, 4/18/2014 post patch. Ghost enters monster and there is nothing to fight, no way to complete.
  • Kuiper
    Stuck here as well. Can't get past VR5, or complete Cadwell's Almanac to get to next 5 zones. End of progression for my character, and I don't want to do 5 VR levels in PvP, thanks.
  • calendor
    Same here, im level 40, ghost enters the giant and nothing happens, tried to sacrifice the prisoner and the guard, same result, progress blocked as i cannot get past this
  • Trenchfoot
    Bugged for me as well.
  • Thete
    What I find interesting is that, since official launch, the only bugged quests I've come across (and seen reported here) are the ones which are part of a main story arc. None of the standalone quests seem to be buggered.
  • Azula
    Just ran into this bug. I went out of the instance, until it said it was zoning back into The Rift, logged out for 5 mins or whatever it takes for the instance to respawn, went back in and killed the 3 guys again and it worked.
  • smuggl3r
    Finally managed to do the quest. I think the trick was to kill him close to the big monster thing.
  • Jarreddoucetteb16_ESO
    Hello. So I got it to work after my first reset by taking advice here. I didn't take a companion to close the portals, I sacrificed the captain immediately, and when the first skeleton comes out of the crypt stay close to the alter so the second one can spawn right away as well, then keep your distance so you only have to fight one at a time. Or both at a time if you're a boss.
  • Casdha
    still broken for me after the latest patch, I've tried all three options sacrifice the captain, sacrifice the prisoner and bring the prisoner but let him go and sacrifice the captain anyway. It's still a no go for me.

    Edit: I got this to work, I went outside to just outside the mound steps and killed the stuff there and waited for it to respawn then went back in. The three had respawned as well. This time the only thing I know that I did different was that I died once while I was in there and respawned in the room at the top of the stairs when I pressed "E". I had not died any of the other times I tried this.
    Edited by Casdha on April 22, 2014 4:20PM
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • Hoylegu
    Same prob here, solo, ghost enters Sinmur, and nothing happens.
  • arvz16
    did this today, what I did is
    1. didnt took the persuade option from valdur (companion option)
    2. sacrificed captain
    3. killed draugr mobs. near the altar.
    poof done ^^
  • Vis
    arvz16 wrote: »
    did this today, what I did is
    1. didnt took the persuade option from valdur (companion option)
    2. sacrificed captain
    3. killed draugr mobs. near the altar.
    poof done ^^

    Did this and it worked fine. Thank you.
    v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
    v14 DK Costs
    v14 NB 'Vis
    v14 Temp Fiat Lux

  • Niri
    Excellent advise, just did this and it worked for me as well. A shame though.. wasn't the choices my character would make.

    Hopefully they fix this soon.
  • DMuehlhausen
    I think using persuade or intimidate for quests are broken in general as in not allowing the quest line to continue. I started using them in Shadowfen after picking them both up and now I'm unable to finish quest achievement with no available quests left at 59/62.

    The quests are there. I was able to finish all the quests and I used Persuade and Intimidate. There are a few that pretty far off the beaten path and not right near a city.

  • Anakh
    I used persuade and the quest got stuck after leading the reach man to the crystal. Doing it again without persuade and the captain sacrificing herself worked just fine and I completed it.
  • Stonie
    Still bugged

    Edit. Logged out and let the instance reset and tried again by being closer to the altar when I killed the 3 npcs.
    It worked.
    Edited by Stonie on April 27, 2014 6:42PM
  • drhay53
    Soul Shriven
    Just another comment here, that I did the quest 3 times from start to finish, and it never worked, and then I let the instance reset, killed the 3 mobs right next to the altar, and then it worked. That seems to be a reliable solution.

    A note to any mods that read this, there is an "official" solution on the knowledge base that just says "reloadui, or reset instance, or abandon the quest and start over". I said it wasn't helpful because I tried all of those things several times. The real answer seems to be the proximity to the altar.

    What happens is the Draugr on the right doesn't spawn (or isn't summoned), so you can't complete the stage of the quest.
  • viking_68
    As noted by drhay53, staying close to the altar when you kill the three cultists will work! I stayed close to the altar when killing them, and stayed close to the RIGHT sarcofagus. He then immediately raised that draugr, and the othe draugr had spawned when I was finished killing the first.
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