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Nightblade worthless as traditional duel weild in dungeons

  • JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO
    Rogue DK and sorcerer are so much better then nightblade since both of those classes have strong self buffs

    Even in Tamriel foundry guide for VR banished cells they have a rogue sorcerer
    Edited by JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO on April 24, 2014 4:00PM
  • sirvincentiii
    The problem here is play style and situational awareness. NB is meant to get-in-and-get-out type of class. You can't just get in and stay there until you die -- that's the liability, that's the handicap, in any situation when you don't know how to play your class or how to position yourself in a dungeon engagement.

    In most MMO, the #1 rule is dungeon is "don't stand in the fire" -- both literal and metaphorical. Literally it means, move out of the burning areas else you die. Metaphorically is means, when you get aggro, do everything to drop that aggro else you die.

    As a NB, you should know when to attack and not attack, taunt can only do so much to pull aggro off of you and healers won't be able to save you if you're being careless.

    As for magicka problem, this is why we have potions. In a dungeon setup where there's a dedicated healer, you should change your Quick Bar to magicka potions or stamina potions if have problems with that too and you should have points into Catalyst. Also food can increase your magicka pool so don't forget your food.

    If you're still having problems after these, then you're simply wasting your resources. You need to bring skills based on their effectiveness per cost.

    Here's my load out skills;
    1) Shadow Cloak - Dark Cloak
    2) Flurry - Rapid Strikes
    3) Sparks - Ember Explosion
    4) Strife - Swallow Soul
    5) Mark Target - Piercing Mark
    U) Consuming Darkness - Veil of Blades

    Heavy Armor - max all
    Racial Skill - Nord - max Robust and Rugged
    Provisioning - max Gourmand

    EDIT: I forgot one thing: Alchemy - max Medicinal Use

    That's all I can offer you, the rest is just simply learning the fight mechanics.
    Edited by sirvincentiii on April 24, 2014 4:19PM
    ~ Sir Vincent III
  • Lynx7386
    Go two-handed or sword&shield then, both of those are great as a nightblade.
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • MasterLanz
    deacon13 wrote: »
    I don't know if anyone has posted on this I looked didn't see any a lot of post to go thru . Sorry if anyone has .

    I have played a scout type class in a lot of games . I prefer duel wield in your face and backstabbing type classes . So far Ive did BC and EH and for the vast majority using duel wield and not the bow line was harmful to group performance . To many mob AOEs and Cones . Much like another game I know of . Every time you run in to dps you are risking group failure to do so . Finger wigglers and Bowman don't . Plus the skill lines in the 3 trees that could use for defense are worthless if you are out of magika because of the limited amount you get .

    Devs need to add something to the class that makes it ALOT more tougher or ALOT harder to be hit

    I honestly wished I had went with another class .

    I think anyone with a IQ over 70 is going to think . Why should we take a duel wield NB when a Mage or Bowman does good damage and wont be a handicap to the group . If you are the biggest risk you are a handicap .

    Other games have a REASON to bring that type of class . Great buffs . Great DPS. Great Debuffs . These other games are far less AoE crazy . So give the class something

    Now some troll will say he is just screaming because he dies from AoEs instead of getting out . Yes I have died from AoEs . Pretty sure everyone has died from AOEs . The point is Ranged DPS runs a far lower risk of being hit so why would you take a traditional duel wield to a fight ?

    Uh... Nope? Most of my DPS groups run melee. Healers prefer melee because they group up with the tank and stay in heal AoEs. Being in close-quarters only makes you vulnerable if you just stand there and take hits like a punching bag.

    AoE damage output? Power Extraction + Siphoning Attacks + Whirling Blades. If you're worried about survival, swap power extraction for sap essence and have blood craze on standby.
    Single target output? Flurry + Surprise Attack + Siphoning attacks.
    Pepper with other abilities for survival. Siphoning and Shadows gives you plenty of evasive, preventive and restorative actives and passives to extend your survival.

    The tools are there. Everyone else running nightblades is using them. Hell, I run a nightblade tank and the healer doesn't even have to heal me most of the time.
    Edited by MasterLanz on April 25, 2014 1:52AM
  • williams226
    love all the advice on these forums. I stick with my bow most of the time, as it gives me the survivability and dps to kill solo pve.

    I love to use my dw but I tend to get dead quick. I will try and level up some more and practice it to. Hopefully when I get into some groups I can pull off some really good AOE DPS.

    As I chose Bosmer I always intended to use the Bow most of the time anyway. Trying to follow a guide on foundry forum for hunter menace.

    There are so many options with all the classes you really need to find one that's suits your style of play and stick with it.
  • vicNBitis
    ETA: Actually little of what I posted applies to dungeons so I've removed it! I'm afraid in dungeons you're at the mercy of other people's ignorance. Any group that would pass up Consuming Darkness(regardless of what the NB is wielding) is probably not a group I'd want to be in anyways.
    Edited by vicNBitis on April 25, 2014 2:20PM
  • GwaynLoki
    The thing that was most helpful to my performance as double dual wielder in dungeons was to spec fully into health and get stam and mag from my armor glyphs. The simple truth is that for NB melee in this game you either need good armor or decent health since we got no armor buffs with a duration/spammability long enough for the average fight.
    Edited by GwaynLoki on April 27, 2014 12:09PM
  • Drathmar
    GwaynLoki wrote: »
    The thing that was most helpful to my performance as double dual wielder in dungeons was to spec fully into health and get stam and mag from my armor glyphs. The simple truth is that for NB melee in this game you either need good armor or decent health since we got no armor buffs with a duration/spammability long enough for the average fight.

    You can use Immovable from the heavy armor line even if you don't wear heavy armor.
  • Censorious
    'Traditional' eh?
    That's your problem, right there.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Evergreen
    Rogue DK and sorcerer are so much better then nightblade since both of those classes have strong self buffs

    Even in Tamriel foundry guide for VR banished cells they have a rogue sorcerer

    Agree NightBlade skills have the worst synergy of any class in the game not to mention how many skills are just bugged/broken on top of that. Comprehensive list of bugged Nightblade skills
  • Moraisu
    Melee classes on MMOs are always an issue, if poorly designed they will take more damage and they will overall be inferior to ranged damage dealing classes, that was been the "bane" of melee combat on MMORPGs for a long time.

    In simple terms, melee classes are better for short-range damage bursts and range classes are best for long continuous damage, now if bosses are not made to allow melee classes to be a good option then that's a bad design choice.

    All MMORPGs had to deal with that, World of Warcraft made Rogues simply useless in the first raid encounter due to huge amounts of trash mobs and boss AOE, they later on fixed it with "safe" spots for melee classes and fight mechanics that even forced ranged classes to move... but overall, ranged dps will always outperform and outclass melee classes in PVE as melee classes in PVP will outperform and outclass ranged classes.

    And, yes, this game seems to "hate" melee classes in PVE.
    Edited by Moraisu on April 27, 2014 6:39PM
  • davidetombab16_ESO
    the fact is that, our dear devs continue to ignore this situation, the balance situation is critical and honestly do not care anything about craglorn, the most important thing is to fix the situation in pvp and classes balance/broken
    Edited by davidetombab16_ESO on April 27, 2014 11:25PM
  • M.M.Fuchsb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    the fact is that, our dear devs continue to ignore this situation, the balance situation is critical and honestly do not care anything about craglorn, the most important thing is to fix the situation in pvp and classes balance/broken

    How do they ignore the situation? They are already working on fixing skills, what they have to do before they balance anything! The game is out for a month now, just give them some time. And the balance is not so broken that it needs an emergency treatment. Balance-patches will come, just be patient
  • knaveofengland
    it would help if you post video and post your build then players can help you more
  • SienneYviete
    Alot of Nightblades I see have the issue of teleport striking in and then just dw skill spamming trying to take down mobs, refreshing path is awesome to use as an aggro plus the extra speed and heals you get are well worth it. Just have to remember to keep strafing around what you're attacking and don't forget your basic attacks either, Soul tether is also an awesome quick regen ult which is basically a STOP EVERYTHING I'M IN TROUBLE button which can really help you out if you get stuck locked in with a big group.

    I have posted a snippet of my current build VR4 which I have had no issues with bosses, large mobs or PVP...... yet :p sorry for the long link


    I must add though my bow set up is pretty much a resource machine and I can comfortably take on multiple enemies at a time by just kiting and letting my shades do the dirty work, I use swallow soul if they land a hit and I use shooting star ultimate just to get the party started with big mobs.
    Edited by SienneYviete on April 28, 2014 9:19AM
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