Comprehensive list of bugged NB skills

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I've run into so many bugs with this class, that literally half the skills I chose to train, are bugged in some way or another. If anyone knows of any other bugs, please post them, and I will add them to the list. Also note, that some skills might simply be working as intended, but the tooltip for them is wrong.

1)Mark Target - The armor penetration does not work. I have tested it in PvP as well as PvE.

2)Haste - The speed increase does not work with bow.

3)Pressure Points - This passive does not seem to be doing anything.

4)Shadow Cloak - You are very often instantly removed from invisibility. This happens both in PvP and PvE.

5)Veiled Strike: Concealed Weapon - The 25% stealth movement speed passive is not working.

6)Cripple - The siphoning of movement speed is not working. The target does not loose run speed, and you do not gain any run speed.

7)Siphoning Strikes - This skill is healing less than 4% per attack.

8)This is not exactly NB specific, but - Dead players are considered to still be in combat with you, until they respawn, or until the combat timer wears off. This makes it so you can't stealth, mount, etc., until you are "out of combat" with them.
  • Severan
    You have no idea how annoying Shadow Cloak is when it works only 50% of the time :( I really hope they fix all these NB skills.
    Xbox One - BeScurred
  • Evergreen
    Mobius0 wrote: »
    I've run into so many bugs with this class, that literally half the skills I chose to train, are bugged in some way or another. If anyone knows of any other bugs, please post them, and I will add them to the list. Also note, that some skills might simply be working as intended, but the tooltip for them is wrong.

    1)Mark Target - The armor penetration does not work. I have tested it in PvP as well as PvE.

    2)Haste - The speed increase does not work with bow.

    3)Pressure Points - This passive does not seem to be doing anything.

    4)Shadow Cloak - You are very often instantly removed from invisibility. This happens both in PvP and PvE.

    5)Veiled Strike: Concealed Weapon - The 25% stealth movement speed passive is not working.

    6)Cripple - The siphoning of movement speed is not working. The target does not loose run speed, and you do not gain any run speed.

    7)Siphoning Strikes - This skill is healing less than 4% per attack.

    8)This is not exactly NB specific, but - Dead players are considered to still be in combat with you, until they respawn, or until the combat timer wears off. This makes it so you can't stealth, mount, etc., until you are "out of combat" with them.

    Figures I'd have to pick the most bugged class as my main. I'll just start working on an alt until the class skills are fixed and thanks for your time highlighting the problems with this class, saved me from wasting skill points on bugged abilities at least. :(
  • Mobius0
    Evergreen wrote: »
    Figures I'd have to pick the most bugged class as my main. I'll just start working on an alt until the class skills are fixed and thanks for your time highlighting the problems with this class, saved me from wasting skill points on bugged abilities at least. :(

    That's actually the main reason I posted it :)

    There's still some great NB builds, but I want to save people the headache of wasting a crapload of skill points like I did, and waste time leveling the skills, just to find that they don't work properly right now.
  • Omniphonic
    5)Veiled Strike: Concealed Weapon - The 25% stealth movement speed passive is not working.

    are you sure this is true? it sure seems to have made a noticeable difference to me, maybe I was just imagining things. I could swear I can almost keep up to a jogging (not sprinting) character with it slotted.
  • Mobius0
    5)Veiled Strike: Concealed Weapon - The 25% stealth movement speed passive is not working.

    are you sure this is true? it sure seems to have made a noticeable difference to me, maybe I was just imagining things. I could swear I can almost keep up to a jogging (not sprinting) character with it slotted.

    Well, my test consisted of me using a stop watch, and timing how quickly it took me to go from point A to point B. The time was exactly the same with it slotted, and not slotted.

    EDIT: Conversely, I did the same test, with Rapid Maneuver, and speed pots, and both saw the increases stated, and stack.

    EDIT 2: I also should mention that I am not a vampire, and thus do not have the vampire stealth speed passive, to have any effect on my tests.
    Edited by Mobius0 on April 15, 2014 7:08PM
  • merfpmerfinton
    I started one of these last night and it was basically ignored by all. Like always most people just want to ***, but aren't willing to do anything about it. If you manage to get this list together put it in the customer support section since that also seems to be for bugs.
    Edited by merfpmerfinton on April 15, 2014 7:37PM
  • Aicilef
    Thanks for the list, it's indeed a good thing that someone took the efoort to write it down, after testing and all.

    It's the first MMO where I play a 'thief' (I usually play a tank) and it's sad to see that the class is so difficult :( Stealth is pretty much less useless, unless to get the 70% crit chance.
  • MoMoOG
    I just tested Mark Target again. It is working and giving a fairly consistent damage increase of 9-11% depending on the target in pve. It is just not as amazing as everyone thought it was going to be.
    Edited by MoMoOG on April 15, 2014 8:20PM
  • Mobius0
    MoMoOG wrote: »
    I just tested Mark Target again. It is working and giving a fairly consistent damage increase of 9-11% depending on the target. It is just not as amazing as everything thought it was going to be.

    It's possible they stealth fixed it since I tested it, since my testing was done last week. I will test it again, myself, when I get home from work, to confirm.

    I had a feeling they'd fix it soon, since it's been a pretty known issue.

    Also, a 10-15% boost is around what I was expecting, unless someone is heavily pushing the armor cap. It's a 75% reduction of their armor, which isn't giving them THAT much damage reduction, to begin with (I think it HARD caps at 50% mitigation, which means at the absolute best, you would see a 38% increase in damage because of it. But most people won't even be close to that much mitigation, due to the excessive diminishing returns of the stupid soft cap system.).

    I believe 1000 armor is about 30% mitigation, give or take a % or two. So 75% of that, would be 22% damage increase. The standard 700 armor of pre-50, is like 20% mitigation (Maybe a couple % higher), which would mean like +15% damage against them.
    Edited by Mobius0 on April 15, 2014 8:37PM
  • Mobius0
    I tested Mark Target with bow, on several NPC's, and noticed a very small increase in damage. So it does seem to be doing something now, albeit almost unnoticeable (certainly not even 9%, for me. I saw about a 3.5% increase in damage.)

    I tested it with 2H as well, and noticed a very small increase in damage (In my tests, a measly 2.5% increase.).

    All of my tests were done in Cyrodiil.
    Edited by Mobius0 on April 16, 2014 7:35AM
  • wickedsickhappsub17_ESO
    The Pressure Points passive is giving 3% critical chance regardless of how many assassination skills are slotted.
  • drakuel1ub17_ESO

    Thanks for testing.. Here is one I have tested again yesterday still not working properly..

    Veiled Strike-- This is supposed to stun and knock opponent off balance, this does not work every time with shadow. This never works if you use path of darkness first then shadow and veiled strike in succession, you will never get the stun to fire.

    Nowhere does it state on the skill this is a % chance of stun or that it will not work with other shadow abilities like path of darkness. You can test this repeatedly very easily and the stun never lands.

    Use path of darkness, run up to enemy use shadow cloak, use veiled strike= No stun or off balance just a hit.

    I will do more tests on other ones this weekend. Thanks for keeping a updated list for the class.
  • Mobius0

    Thanks for testing.. Here is one I have tested again yesterday still not working properly..

    Veiled Strike-- This is supposed to stun and knock opponent off balance, this does not work every time with shadow. This never works if you use path of darkness first then shadow and veiled strike in succession, you will never get the stun to fire.

    Nowhere does it state on the skill this is a % chance of stun or that it will not work with other shadow abilities like path of darkness. You can test this repeatedly very easily and the stun never lands.

    Use path of darkness, run up to enemy use shadow cloak, use veiled strike= No stun or off balance just a hit.

    I will do more tests on other ones this weekend. Thanks for keeping a updated list for the class.

    Is this against players? And if so, are you using any other CC before? Because players get 8 second immunity after hard CC.
  • drakuel1ub17_ESO
    Mobius0 wrote: »

    Is this against players? And if so, are you using any other CC before? Because players get 8 second immunity after hard CC.

    No this is against any NPC..
  • Sharee
    5)Veiled Strike: Concealed Weapon - The 25% stealth movement speed passive is not working.

    are you sure this is true? it sure seems to have made a noticeable difference to me, maybe I was just imagining things. I could swear I can almost keep up to a jogging (not sprinting) character with it slotted.

    I have to agree, going from unmorphed to morphed version made a noticeable difference for me as well.
  • Sharee
    Mobius0 wrote: »

    Well, my test consisted of me using a stop watch, and timing how quickly it took me to go from point A to point B. The time was exactly the same with it slotted, and not slotted.

    EDIT: Conversely, I did the same test, with Rapid Maneuver, and speed pots, and both saw the increases stated, and stack.

    EDIT 2: I also should mention that I am not a vampire, and thus do not have the vampire stealth speed passive, to have any effect on my tests.

    Okay i figured it out.

    The ability works, however the speed at which you will move while stealthed is determined at the point when you go into stealth.

    1, go into stealth without concealed weapon slotted. You move slow.
    2, while staying stealthed, slot concealed weapon. You still move slow.
    3, stand up
    4, crouch again
    5, you are moving fast now.

    You probably conducted the testing without leaving stealth as you changed the slots.
  • Mobius0
    Sharee wrote: »

    Okay i figured it out.

    The ability works, however the speed at which you will move while stealthed is determined at the point when you go into stealth.

    1, go into stealth without concealed weapon slotted. You move slow.
    2, while staying stealthed, slot concealed weapon. You still move slow.
    3, stand up
    4, crouch again
    5, you are moving fast now.

    You probably conducted the testing without leaving stealth as you changed the slots.

    Could be. I will have to test some more. But either way, it's still a bug.
  • Sharee
    Mobius0 wrote: »

    Could be. I will have to test some more. But either way, it's still a bug.

    <shrug> You go into stealth, you get hit by a movement speed debuff. Severity of that debuff depends on skills like concealed weapon or vamp ability. Debuff severity isn't constantly recalculated, only on application.

    For one a bug, for another just how the mechanics work.
  • GreasedLizard
    Agreed for Siphoning Strikes, Cripple. Dark Cloak doesn't increase damage like stealth either ... or induce stun/off balance from Veiled Strike

    Pressure Points seems whacked. Mine went up 3% after adding the second point, but then dropped back down 3% the next log off/in. Heard its a % of unlocked and not slotted Assassination skills
  • matthew.whiddonub17_ESO
    I really hope they fix Shadow Cloak. It is a signature class ability, and quite broken. Pressure Points would be nice as well.
  • azinod
    Soul Shriven
    Besides what is listed, I also have a doubt about the Drain Power Siphoning skill. I got it yesterday and tested it with up to 5 mobs to find that it was not granting me any damage bonuses.

    I used Tactical Foundry addon to check damage AND ALSO checked enemy's hp with every hit to see if it was correct. And yes, no difference at all, both tests had the same and sad result.

    I have not seem anyone complaining about it though. Does Drain Power skill work for you? If not, would you please include to the OP list?
  • swoop.romerb16_ESO
    My concealed weapon doesnt work at all... even no matter how i slot it / unslot it. Re-enter stealth whatever. Relogging, exitting, restarting my pc, drank a coffee didnt help either..
  • rviacrozeb16_ESO
    Mobius0 wrote: »
    1)Mark Target - The armor penetration does not work. I have tested it in PvP as well as PvE.

    2)Haste - The speed increase does not work with bow.

    These 2 are my MAIN concern about the game now

    30% dmg on light and heavy is just huge and i'm just bored that this skill just didn't work

    this class just suxx

    all the best skills are bugged.... and nothing is done with the patches

    these bugs are here since the beta, and i already did feedback about it, and nothing, like always
  • GreasedLizard
    azinod wrote: »
    Besides what is listed, I also have a doubt about the Drain Power Siphoning skill. I got it yesterday and tested it with up to 5 mobs to find that it was not granting me any damage bonuses.

    I used Tactical Foundry addon to check damage AND ALSO checked enemy's hp with every hit to see if it was correct. And yes, no difference at all, both tests had the same and sad result.

    I have not seem anyone complaining about it though. Does Drain Power skill work for you? If not, would you please include to the OP list?

    I have F2 mapped to show the FTC character stats, which I use vs the builtin character sheet

    It does show weapon damage increases. There is also a glow graphic on your weapons for the duration. Not sure how far from the cap you are, but i am like 40 below cap with DW. Lower ranks also leech quite a lot less (+6 per mob I think, caps at +36)

    I haven't checked out actual damage increases as show as 'floating combat text' though ... and I've been lvl different staves as my magic/class load-outs

    As for Haste ... yes I heard it was completely useless from a top NB with Entropy Rising. Sad indeed.

    Would rock with momentum (2H) lol
    Edited by GreasedLizard on April 19, 2014 6:01AM
  • Hexcaliber
    Not ability specific but engaging with an assassin ability from a crouched attack does not always stun, it is supposed to, (I was testing with ambush the morphed ability) the passive "master assassin" is supposed to buff the duration of the stun, and as far as I can tell it does not. Many aoe abilities do not get a damage or crit bonus attacking from stealth, try whirling blades from dual wield skill line for example.

    EDIT re reading abilities looks like we are supposed to get a stun with any ability used from crouched attack as long as we have an assassin ability slotted, making it even more broken.
    Edited by Hexcaliber on April 19, 2014 6:41PM
    Regards Hexcaliber.
  • Mosti
    I wish we could get a member from ZOS to let us know they are aware and are working on it rather then just silence.
  • Hakoke
    Hexcaliber wrote: »
    EDIT re reading abilities looks like we are supposed to get a stun with any ability used from crouched attack as long as we have an assassin ability slotted, making it even more broken.

    While I am far from an expert, I do main a nightblade. I always open with a stealth attack and the only time I stun an opponent with a stealth attack is when I am behind them. To include directly left or right of them.

    I was under the impression that that is how it is supposed to work, as I only get a surprise attack bonus if I am behind/besides them when I attack.

    I had figured that they both work the same way.
  • rager82b14_ESO
    Concealed weapon stops working when you die or some times zone. It sucks having to relog each time. The same with vampire boost
  • Jabbar
    Good post, I've had a lot of issues with these. The servers are down at the moment so I can't look at the skill name but... the one that restores x amount of magicka over x seconds when you kill someone with a skill from that line is also broken, or at least it was a few days ago when I tested. I'll take a look when the servers are back up and update.
    Edited by Jabbar on April 21, 2014 1:15PM
    Hunt in the dark.
  • hamaneb18_ESO
    Soul Shriven

    Teleport Strike <Ambush> – On occasion the animation will happen however the ability is not actually triggered.
    Haste <Focused Attacks> and <Incapacitate> – The attack speed increase of 30% doesn’t affect any weapons.
    Mark Target <Piercing Mark> and <Reaper’s Mark> – The ignore 75% of target’s Armour and Spell Resistance doesn’t appear to work.
    Mark Target <Reaper’s Mark> – The gain damage bonus effect does not appear to work.
    Pressure Points – It currently gives .3% instead of 3% crit at level 2 for each Assassination ability slotted.


    Shadow Cloak <Shadowy Disguise> – Approximately 25% of the time this ability does not trigger any of its effects.
    Teleport Strike <Ambush> – On occasion the animation will happen however the ability is not actually triggered.
    Veiled Strike <Concealed Weapon> – The 22% movement speed in stealth while slotted effect appears to suffer the dreaded “Once you’ve died you need to re-log or zone to rectify the issue”. Workaround: If you re-log or change zones it will force the passive effect to work again.
    Path of Darkness <Twisting Path> and <Refreshing Path> – This ability appears to be affected by terrain, the magicka cost is spent however the ability does not trigger.
    Aspect of Terror <Mass Hysteria> and <Manifestation of Terror> – The base fear effect of 2 nearby enemies doesn’t appear to last the suggested 4 seconds all the time. It is often between 1.5 – 4 seconds.
    Summon Shade <Dark Shades> and <Shadow Image> – The Shadow Image often stops attacking once the initial target it was cast on dies.
    Shadow Barrier – Doesn’t properly increase your Armor when coming out of Stealth or Invisibility for 4 seconds.


    Cripple <Debilitate> and <Crippling Grasp> – The dot effect of this ability does not work on mobs that are immune to snare effects.
    Agony <Prolonged Suffering> – The added effect of this morph is meant to deal extra damage and this doesn’t work.
    Siphoning Strikes <Leeching Strike> – Only gives an extra 2.4% health instead of the expected 4%.
    Drain Power <Sap Essence> – The healing attribute of this morph is only increased by a maximum of 20% currently which is equal to one mob.
    Magicka Flood – Gives 8% max magicka at level 2 per siphoning ability that is slotted. This passive doesn’t detect Strife or Soul Shred.
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