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Would you like to see new weapons or a whole new class?

Introduction of new weapons in to the game offering new skills lines and passives? Or would you prefer a new class altogether?
Edited by Solthour on April 15, 2014 6:00PM
Eu Server

Would you like to see new weapons or a whole new class? 296 votes

New weapon/weapons
jvargas150_ESOOpioidKidKablamMoonchildeArgonianAssassinNothscneedl_ESOjpw359_ESOchimneyswift_ESOArtisfrwinters_ESOWhitePawPrintslivinglifewellb14a_ESOMarukerusabretoothcrimb14a_ESOalexj4596b14_ESOCjfowler66b14_ESOdannymcgr81b14_ESOdarkdruidssb14_ESOdmanlongb14_ESO 122 votes
New class/classes
StrawberrycocoaVanathiSpyfox007_ESOaletad11_ESOrich.s.rodriguez_ESOrickynick97b14a_ESOBlowYourMindMancusoVermalechElynaTusneldamcyoung2000b16_ESOOninFennecClawderomalley92eb17_ESOVeakothAkhratosKaaldeindw0011nrb19_ESO 49 votes
KilthornGwarokindytims_ESOlink428ApophissPyatraLalaeithstevepauwels59b16_ESOMorne30b16_ESOEliteZGisgoSarcenVorkk8383Reticent_ProphetDrewAnath_QPanda244khele23eb17_ESOleandro.800ub17_ESOVannor 35 votes
aisriyth_ESOIronblazeEarthwardzilvox_ESOTacromus_ESOSananabMoMoOGEivarBraidasLendaceSaltypretzelsWrathOfRegicideKhivas_Carrickdividingbyzeroscottmacneill31b14_ESOTheBullRialuktitanb16_ESOgreenephenoixb16_ESOSeveronSylvanadannyporter2011b16_ESO 90 votes
  • Xiroku
    New weapon/weapons
    I'm sure most would prefer the classes be gone, maybe introduced as skill trees we can unlock after picking a "starter" class.

    Tho, for something like that to happen, the whole class skills using only magicka needs to be changed. I think some would need to be changed, or overhauled completely, like if made to use stamina, it's effect, damage, use, etc, could be determined by what weapon you are using.

    Would give us some really neat builds.
  • Mailmann
    I would like to see both at some point. However, isn't it a bit soon to be asking for new stuff? It hasn't even been a month since launch. I would rather ZOS put their effort into fixing all that's wrong with ESO before the devs distract themselves by adding new things to the game.
  • NombreDeLaBeast
    New class/classes
    The only "weapons" that I can think of would be just one weapon. No shield, no dual wielding, just one dagger or other weapon. Then have the skills tailored to either assassination or straight up fencing sword style or other variant. The classes that I would like to see or could see would be a nature sect like those tree hugging witch chicks (cant remember what they are called.) Straight up Fire magic, none of this Dk with a destruction staff, but full blow pyromancer raining hell upon the world. (though like I did admit the DK can do that to an extent.) A straight up melee class that does not rely on magic. or some sort of time bending class. (since time seems to be super bendy in the TES universe.)

    EDIT: Ok after some thinking, Crossbows would be cool and Javelins since they were in morrowind and this does take place before that game. and I wish i could change my vote now...
    Edited by NombreDeLaBeast on April 15, 2014 6:42PM
  • Opioid
    New weapon/weapons
    I'd love to see polearms and/or flails. I'd also like to see some beefier weapon models for 2H axes and maces, most of them I've found and crafted have been kind of small and underwhelming. 2H swords seem large enough though in my opinion, which is why I tend to stick with one of those for my DPS set.
  • kasain
    New weapon/weapons
    Polearms or spears where?

    So many uses for them

    And if I really could, a ball and chain. But that could be an off branch to great hammers,
  • S1D3FX
  • LadyInTheWater
    Regarding a new class: It's way too soon. Game's been out a little over a week, and I think the classes we have cover everything pretty well so far.

    As for a new weapon:
    15 different crafting styles (item models/actor tags), 5 quality levels, traits to research, and all the different basic varieties of weapons we have already (swords, maces, axes, daggers, staves, bows, 2h-varieties of a few)...

    I think, in terms of simply crafting alone, we have an extremely diverse variety of weapons available to us.

    At the level cap alone, there are 480 different possible trait/quality combinations. Adding in the various racial designs (for aesthetic reasons), that brings the total up to 7200 different trait/quality/racial weapon designs.

    If you factor in that you can craft each of those weapons at 25 different levels, means a whopping grand total of 180,000 different weapons.

    That's just crafting alone...

    I don't even wanna get started on armor.

    The moment you call someone stupid, or try to display your opinion as "fact", you lose all credibility.
  • Bretentious
    New weapon/weapons
    I'd love to see an unarmed skill implemented at some point, though fixing the current bugs and server issues should definitely have priority.
  • ZiRM
    I would just be happy with a cowbell emote... that is all.
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  • Nox_Aeterna
    Yeap , ofc i would like more classes , i have not yet found one that i enjoy much. If anything , i might stop playing exactly because i cant fit any class in this game lols.

    Wish we had no classes , we could just pick some trees to level from the whole , that would have made it easier.

    I do enjoy lances/spears , reason im trying the templar for now , would like to see them added like a normal weapon also.
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  • Evergreen
    The only reason I vote neither right now is because broken/bugged skills need to be fixed first i.e. Nightblade Assassin skill line. Broken Nightblade Skills

    Balancing needs to be looked at as a second priority with some overpowered skills like DK's GreenDragonBlood or Sorc Blink but of course that is up for debate still among the community.

    Give this poll 6 months from now after more polish we might be ready for some new skill lines or even a new class.
    Edited by Evergreen on April 16, 2014 12:49AM
  • Locnaar
    New weapon/weapons
    Pike, lance, Morning Star..... sounds so appealing but maybe it should wait a bit while some of the game gets polished
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  • Diakos
    Soul Shriven
    New weapon/weapons
    I'd love to see spears, 1 and 2 handed.
    But also some fixes on daft animations like stabbing with maces/axes or "2handed" axes and hammers no longer than a 1h sword.

    Also, the monk demands that staves get light & heavy melee attacks.
  • jantspo
    New weapon/weapons
    I don't see a need for new classes, pretty much every archetype is covered currently, and the commonly requested ones are really just aesthetics.

    I would like to see more weapons, not necessarily trait lines though. 1h spears could work with 1H/S. Flails for all developmental purposes are just visually different maces. Halberds/polearms could use the 2h traitline, although they'd need new animations.

    Like Diakos said: I'd like to see the animations for some of the like flurry and impale. Who "stabs" with an axe or mace?

    I'd also like to see a little more viability for non-magic builds. I'd like my dk to be as much of a stereotypical warrior as possible, but I still have to take some class abilities so I don't oos in 3 seconds.

    edit: also, adding new weapons wouldn't affect their ability to balance/polish abilities. I find it highly unlikely that the art assets/animation teams are also responsible for ability balancing.
    Edited by jantspo on April 16, 2014 7:50PM
  • Ralathar44
    A stamina based class that would fit with the concept of a warrior would be greatly appreciated. Because right now you have to shoot fire, teleport, throw magical sun spears, or otherwise do blatantly magical things to be viable.
    Some questions answer themselves:
    So what is the problem with building specifically against an oil farm????

    oil farm????
  • Erotes
    Xiroku wrote: »
    I'm sure most would prefer the classes be gone, maybe introduced as skill trees we can unlock after picking a "starter" class.

    Tho, for something like that to happen, the whole class skills using only magicka needs to be changed. I think some would need to be changed, or overhauled completely, like if made to use stamina, it's effect, damage, use, etc, could be determined by what weapon you are using.

    Would give us some really neat builds.

    OMG. YESSSS please. I really think the "class" system contradicts the whole "play as you like" concept. I found the new 12 player raids trailers to be REALLY off putting. They kept saying that they are for the best of the best...but it's kind of hard to be the best if you simply want to use a weapon that doesn't fit your class.

  • Solthour
    New weapon/weapons
    For those of you saying "too soon" I agree when I made this poll I should of probably specified that I meant for the future yes I know the game has been out less than a month but I wanted to see your ideas about if you would prefer new weapons or new classes. But yes I agree it would be too soon to implement now but the poll is about what you want not when you want it. Anyway the developers don't think it's too soon they're already making a new zone Craglorn everybody! Thank you all for commenting and voting so far. :D
    Eu Server
  • indytims_ESO
    I'd love to see Zeni focus on polishing what's there already BEFORE venturing into new territory.
  • Solthour
    New weapon/weapons
    I'd love to see Zeni focus on polishing what's there already BEFORE venturing into new territory.

    Yes of course they should. That's why I think Craglorn is too soon. But like I said this is not about when it's about what as I did not specify in the poll when they would come around just what we were voting for to come around. :D

    Eu Server
  • AlexDougherty
    Well it's too soon for either, but if they do add it would be nice to have both, not sure what classes would work, maybe acrobat (from oblivion starting classes). It would also be nice to see something like spears or staffs (not spellstaffs).

    But on the otherhand maybe they could add a martial artist and nunchuks, or an indiana jones style whipmaster. Just so long as it feels like it could be in Tamriel.
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    Wizard's tenth rule
  • aisriyth_ESO
    Down the road i'd like to see a new class(1.5 years+) however, I don't think its unreasonable to add a skill set or two before that point. Unarmed & Spear are two I'd very much like.
  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    New weapon/weapons
    One thing that annoys the living crap out of me is that blacksmith cant make shields, there should be two sort of shields, Heavy and Light with both having their advantages, heavy has more armor, and light, has stronger enchantment effect than any other items in the game, or small spell resist built into it.
  • Solthour
    New weapon/weapons
    One thing that annoys the living crap out of me is that blacksmith cant make shields, there should be two sort of shields, Heavy and Light with both having their advantages, heavy has more armor, and light, has stronger enchantment effect than any other items in the game, or small spell resist built into it.

    That is a good idea. +1 to agree. :D
    Eu Server
  • RockmSockm
    New weapon/weapons
    I want an unarmed/fist skill line and weapons. I would also like to see stamina lines do similar damage to magika.
    Edited by RockmSockm on April 23, 2014 4:44PM
  • Solthour
    New weapon/weapons
    Yes I would like to see unarmed one too. Could be pretty interesting.
    Eu Server
  • caryhammub17_ESO
    How about we just do away with classes, and allow everyone to put points where they want without being restricted to an archetype.
  • Solthour
    New weapon/weapons
    How about we just do away with classes, and allow everyone to put points where they want without being restricted to an archetype.

    Yeah I have seen this idea a lot I think that it would be better to keep the classes as a base structure and 3 skill lines like they do now to them selves but just add more different skill lines to create new combo's and builds. I think though in order to do this there would probably need to be more skill slots as you would feel constricted a lot as to what skills to use. :D
    Eu Server
  • nhisso
    I don't think it's too soon for this at all. I agree with people saying we should get rid of classes altogether, or at most, have them for people who don't want to choose skills. But, we need some new skills added. For example, Templars being the only class that "shoot" fireballs without a staff is absurd. In fact, the Sorcerer class needs a complete revamp. They really screwed the pooch on the "spells" in this game. Last but not least, we need a class based solely on weapon usage. It's absurd that ALL classes use magicka for the class skills. Maybe I don't want to use magicka. But, then that means I lose access to 15+ skills for going solely for weapon usage or I have to use several weapons. So much for play how you want.
  • ArRashid
    New weapon/weapons
    Flails and/or Polearms would be great... IF they do them right. BUT I have a strong feeling that if they're gonna add them, they'd just add flails to One handed and Polearms to Twohanded, with a couple or new animations and different bonus with one passive... and that will be all.

    For now I'd rather change a few "class" skills to use STAMINA and scale with stamina, since they are melee skills using melee crit chance.. like Veiled Strike
  • Kelsaik
    New weapon/weapons
    Claws.. i dont get it why most mmos dont have claws.
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