Game20005b14_ESO wrote: »So contacted customer support since I'm 61/62 cause I missed a quest out of order so I can got back now and do it. Here was their response.
Response By Email (Alexandre) (05/11/2014 10:13 AM)
Greetings Adventurer James!
Once you missed the quest and haven't done it by the correct order, you miss getting the achievement James.
I understand your frustration regarding this issue, but now you know how to get the achievement correctly.
To get the this, you will need to do the quest all over again with a different character since there is no save game option to roll back to.
Warm Regards,
Alex S.
The Elder Scrolls Online Team
Use video with 6 missed quests, i think u complete all cave quests... then mb look near pyramids from south east near city, next with wisps ( more southern)Im at 60/62
Run over all of Shadowfen. twice.
When is this getting fixed?
These 2 quests are all I have left for the 'Pact Hero' Achievement, and its what i want to display. Being told that the quests have to be done in the correct order is ridiculous, seeing as there was no indication of this requirement.
I doubt the Online Team would say such a thing, And if they have said this, Then they really need to think about what customer service means.
61/62 as well. I have done all the supposed "hidden" quests, dungeon, all quests in Lorisal, and traversed the map for hours on end. My ocd has conceded to waiting for a fix. Simply posted to add to the numbers of complaints to maybe help bump this issue's importance.
I wondered if I was the only one experiencing this. I'm at 55 or 56 done... I've been exhaustively through the whole zone, even to the point of hitting spoiler sites... there are quests I simply can't find.
I gave up and moved on to Eastmarch, where I found there were more quests than the number required for the achievement.
KnightDraco wrote: »Here's how I got 62 quests in total for Shadowfen:
Make sure you complete Arx Corinium (the group dungeon in Shadowfen), as it counts towards the achievement. I always use persuasion/intimidation but at the same time try to follow the quests in order. I had 61/62 until this morning when I completed Arx and got my final quest and Achievement.
That can't be, i had 61/62 as well and arc corinium did not give me 62 when i completed it. Unless its some type of bug. But I did do Arx alot earlier than you so maybe it was something that was fixed and not dropped in the patch notes.
KnightDraco wrote: »
Yeah that must be it, because I promise my 62nd quest was Arx. Took a screenshot too... which I don't know how to post... but here's a link to it: