Shadowfen: The missing quests

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  • Draxys
    Oh and that overworld boss is Capt Bones Ship, which is bugged anyway. I've been there 6 times and waited a while 5 of those times, no spawns.

    rip decibel
  • Sakiri
    Heads up, got this on my sorc and only thing she did different than my dk was make Driliks crown.

    Intimidate/persuade screws your quest count.
  • AngryAttorney
    Soul Shriven
    I don't know why they can't fix this, just reduce the amount of quests required. Pretty sure 62 is the highest out of all the zones, don't quote me on that. Also, throwing in Daedroth Larder in Coldharbour while I'm here, I just want to complete things and stuff.
  • Wulfhen
    Soul Shriven
    Honestly, they just need to stop the freakin' locking of quests. If for whatever reason you've passed further into the quest chain, you should still be able to get the quest but have the quest giver immediately complete it with you with some blurb of "I was worried about this village.. but I've heard you've already done this and this there! Thank you for that, here have a little reward for your troubles." For the ocd of us who want to do all the quests, it would make the game a lot less frustrating to play. Damn cruddy design.
  • Stormbow
    Same here. 57/62 with the entire zone looking cleared.
  • KaccDalian
    Soul Shriven
    61\62 ;[ all quests finded with help of ESOHead map, cheking all dungeon.... fail.
    Find 2 quests in complete locations when have 59 (im blind XD) but still 61\62
  • huntgod_ESO
    61/62 as well...but I swear I've done Eyes of the Enemy.
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • Fissh
    61/62 as well. I have done all the supposed "hidden" quests, dungeon, all quests in Lorisal, and traversed the map for hours on end. My ocd has conceded to waiting for a fix. Simply posted to add to the numbers of complaints to maybe help bump this issue's importance.
  • Game20005b14_ESO
    So contacted customer support since I'm 61/62 cause I missed a quest out of order so I can got back now and do it. Here was their response.

    Response By Email (Alexandre) (05/11/2014 10:13 AM)
    Greetings Adventurer James!

    Once you missed the quest and haven't done it by the correct order, you miss getting the achievement James.

    I understand your frustration regarding this issue, but now you know how to get the achievement correctly.

    To get the this, you will need to do the quest all over again with a different character since there is no save game option to roll back to.

    Warm Regards,
    Alex S.
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team
  • Sadae
    And the ESO team shows their ignorance yet again. *sigh*

    Each character has their own achievements, so this won't help characters missing quests. And we also shouldn't be penalized when it's THEIR bug! If there are no more quest markers in the zone, then that zone is DONE, and we should have our achievement. Spewing out bullsh!t like that just makes them *** as well as ignorant.

    If we don't get the promised fix with Craglorn there is going to be hell to raise! And if we DO get it, why the hell isn't support telling people that instead that cr@p like above?! Seriously ESO, monkeys could handle support better than these clowns!
  • sblank32nub18_ESO
    This is what I did. I used zygor guide latest version it got me 59/62 then I started looking myself and found the lightning one. Then the other two I got from the video. The lute one and the person looking for stuff that was a slave. That was 62/62 without even doing the group dungeon quest. Maybe this will help. Good luck!
    Edited by sblank32nub18_ESO on May 12, 2014 3:48AM
  • Sadae
    @sblank32nub18_ESO - Dude! We can't go back and do breadcrumb quest steps that were already skipped! So no, that doesn't help. This has been explained over and over and over in these threads. Nothing will help. Nothing! The only remedy is for ESO to fix it!
  • LadyLothi
    I literally turned every stone in Shadowfen, I talked to lots of NPCs, read all the books and parchments, asked all the questions, I did the group dungeon and I'm at 59/62.
    I know there are places where quests probably were supposed to be (like the ship at the foot of the hill on top of which Atanaz is located) but I just have no one to give me that quest.
    Reading that there will be no possible way for me to get that achievement now - while not exactly gamebreaking - is a bit of a disappointment.
    I truly love the quests, I find the writing entertaining, the questdesign refreshing and varied. It makes me sad that I missed so many of them, although I tried my best to do them in the correct order.
    Should it really be that easy to miss out on three or more quests?
    "It's easy, a child of five could do it. Unfortunately, we don't have a child of five, so I have to walk YOU through it." Abnur Tharn <3
  • Fissh
    So contacted customer support since I'm 61/62 cause I missed a quest out of order so I can got back now and do it. Here was their response.

    Response By Email (Alexandre) (05/11/2014 10:13 AM)
    Greetings Adventurer James!

    Once you missed the quest and haven't done it by the correct order, you miss getting the achievement James.

    I understand your frustration regarding this issue, but now you know how to get the achievement correctly.

    To get the this, you will need to do the quest all over again with a different character since there is no save game option to roll back to.

    Warm Regards,
    Alex S.
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    I question that email response from ESO support team. I, along with many other guild mates, have also put in support tickets. Either they are still not answered or the answer given is extremely broad and useless. I do understand that an achievement is low on the to do list, especially sense we are only a month or so into our game. For them to talk to you on such a personal level is unheard of. I don't want to call you a liar, cause what do I know...really? So instead I will say; maybe you got the disgruntled employee response?
    This is in fact a bug, and not working as intended. Some support person named Alex either didn't know this and supplied a misguided answer, or he/she simply does not exist.....
    Another point to make; was your email to them full of spiteful banter? That will not facilitate good responses, not from any company usually.....
  • Maurelle
    Soul Shriven
    I also put a ticket in as I am at 61/62 and completed all quests in Shadowfen, also had issues getting the achievements for some others that I completed. (Giant Friend, Rescue Skald King and Arrow of Jorunn.)

    Here's the response I got from support:

    "Response By Email (Alicia) (05/08/2014 01:01 AM)

    *A small, female wood elf appears out a dark mist*

    Greetings. I am Alicia, an Arch Mage fresh out of the Mages College. *Bows and smiles at you.* The scroll I received says you are finishing quests but not getting your achievements. Understandably frustrating. It is not a failure to complete the achievement, its is a spell placed upon you by dark forces. Many are afflicted with this spell at the moment. We are working hard to come up with an counter spell to free you from it. There is nothing you must do. We will take care of it, have no fear.

    Mages like myself work with magic, Templar's like yourself fight evil in depths of dark dungeons and bring light and goodness back into this world. We will fix this. Just continue on with your work and before you know it the achievements will appear. It may take some time, but your can expect it very soon in an upcoming patch. Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions simply call my name and toss out a scroll and I will return to your side. *Bows and returns back into mist from which she came, calling out of her shoulder*

    May the Divine guide your sword,
    And Azura light the way.

    Farewell my friend.

    Elder Scrolls Online Team"

    Now, considering I don't see any mention of this in the patch notes for V 1.0.8 that they are working on today, I'm guessing they're still working on it.

    Edited by Maurelle on May 12, 2014 5:02PM
  • Game20005b14_ESO
    Here is the whole email conversation. No lying here. Why would I?

    Helping you is our passion!

    We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 168 hours (7 days).

    If your issue has not been resolved, you can respond directly to this email. We look forward to working with you again should you need us!
    I am pretty sure I have found every quest in Shadowfen with "xxxxx xxxxxx" as I ...

    Response By Email (Alexandre) (05/11/2014 10:13 AM)
    Greetings Adventurer James!

    Once you missed the quest and haven't done it by the correct order, you miss getting the achievement James.

    I understand your frustration regarding this issue, but now you know how to get the achievement correctly.

    To get the this, you will need to do the quest all over again with a different character since there is no save game option to roll back to.

    Warm Regards,
    Alex S.
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team
    Customer By CSS Email (James xxxxx) (05/11/2014 09:55 AM)
    So how can I get the achievement if Im not able to complete a quest that isn't available? I already did the Trail of the Skin Sealer quest but not Eye of The Enemy...
    On Sat, 5/10/14, ESO English Support <> wrote:

    Subject: I am pretty sure I have found every quest in Shadowfen with "xxxxx xxxxxx" as I ... [Incident: 140510-030818]
    Date: Saturday
    Response By Email (Alexandre) (05/10/2014 01:38 PM)
    Greetings Adventurer James!

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team and expressing your interest in playing the game with Might and Honor.

    If you have completed "Getting to the Truth" please go to the Loriasel Wayshrine and see if you can find your missing quest there.
    If you have already completed "Trail of the Skin-Stealer," please respond to this contact for further help.
    Please bare in mind that you Must complete Eyes of the Enemy before Trail of the Skin-Stealer in order to have all the quests.
    The Eyes of the Enemy can be found in the opposite corner of the map near Loriasel Wayshrine.
    If any other issue arises, please don't hesitate to contact us because helping you is our passion and if the issue is resolved by any reason, please report back to us as your feedback is valuable to us :).

    Thank you for your continued interest and support James!

    You can find more information about The Elder Scrolls Online on our website and social channels (Facebook, Twitter, and Google+).

    Warm Regards,
    Alex S.
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team
    Customer By CSS Web (James xxxxx) (05/10/2014 12:21 PM)
    I am pretty sure I have found every quest in Shadowfen with "Xxxxx Xxxxxx" as I have scoured the map several times, but I am still stuck at 61/62 quests. Could you tell me which quest I am missing? Or is it a quest that I am unable to complete due to completing other quests?
    Question Reference # 140510-030818
    Date Created: 05/10/2014 12:21 PM
    Date Last Updated: 05/11/2014 10:13 AM
    Status: Customer Reply Required
  • processedmeatman
    I've got a slightly different question related to this topic... I only recently realized that I've completed only 57 of 62 in Shadowfen. I'm Vet 3 now. Is there anyway to go back and get what I missed or am I SOL? I've run all over the dang zone and I don't see any quests :(
  • sovreign
    Im at 60/62
    Run over all of Shadowfen. twice.
    When is this getting fixed?

    These 2 quests are all I have left for the 'Pact Hero' Achievement, and its what i want to display. Being told that the quests have to be done in the correct order is ridiculous, seeing as there was no indication of this requirement.
    I doubt the Online Team would say such a thing, And if they have said this, Then they really need to think about what customer service means.
    Edited by sovreign on May 13, 2014 6:18PM
    "Soon you will see, that evil will always triumph, because good ... Is dumb"
    -Dark Helmet, Spaceballs
  • KaccDalian
    Soul Shriven
    sovreign wrote: »
    Im at 60/62
    Run over all of Shadowfen. twice.
    When is this getting fixed?

    These 2 quests are all I have left for the 'Pact Hero' Achievement, and its what i want to display. Being told that the quests have to be done in the correct order is ridiculous, seeing as there was no indication of this requirement.
    I doubt the Online Team would say such a thing, And if they have said this, Then they really need to think about what customer service means.
    Use video with 6 missed quests, i think u complete all cave quests... then mb look near pyramids from south east near city, next with wisps ( more southern)
    Find secondary quests of main locales
    Edited by KaccDalian on May 14, 2014 2:49PM
  • Loligo
    I wondered if I was the only one experiencing this. I'm at 55 or 56 done... I've been exhaustively through the whole zone, even to the point of hitting spoiler sites... there are quests I simply can't find.

    I gave up and moved on to Eastmarch, where I found there were more quests than the number required for the achievement.
  • feartheswansb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Fissh wrote: »
    61/62 as well. I have done all the supposed "hidden" quests, dungeon, all quests in Lorisal, and traversed the map for hours on end. My ocd has conceded to waiting for a fix. Simply posted to add to the numbers of complaints to maybe help bump this issue's importance.

    I am the same, It bothered me enough after running in circles for hours on end that I looked up the quest list. I know I missed the Breadcrumb Quest Overrun because I had completed that town before going to Hissmar. And I probably missed other two as breadcrumb quests as well. If things have to be done in a particular order to get the achievement, then it is contrary to the design style of Free Roaming. They may as well revert to dumping people off in the Tutorial starter Islands if they are going to pull this crap.
    Edited by feartheswansb14_ESO on May 14, 2014 9:16PM
  • KaccDalian
    Soul Shriven
    Loligo wrote: »
    I wondered if I was the only one experiencing this. I'm at 55 or 56 done... I've been exhaustively through the whole zone, even to the point of hitting spoiler sites... there are quests I simply can't find.

    I gave up and moved on to Eastmarch, where I found there were more quests than the number required for the achievement.

    dungeons clear?
  • Loligo
    KaccDalian wrote: »

    dungeons clear?

    yep. all of them. verified via spoiler map.

  • Reignskream
    At 60/62 currently, and i ran all over that map, have everything else done besides 2 quests. (lorebooks, skyshards, etc).

    Can't find the last 2 if it counted on me. :(
  • D00fD1ll4
    Offical Statement:
    • Achievements – We are aware that some of you are having trouble acquiring all the achievements for Shadowfen and other areas. We plan to have this fixed in our next patch, and you will receive any previously missing achievements retroactively.

    Original Link:
  • Dubah
    I got 62/62 and still found 1 more quest to complete and did not follow any type of storyline, if i saw it i did it. BUT I will say i had to come back after i got stuck in my early levels and came back at VR6 to finish them but luckily after 3.5 hours of searching i found them all and got the achieve
  • KnightDraco
    Here's how I got 62 quests in total for Shadowfen:

    Make sure you complete Arx Corinium (the group dungeon in Shadowfen), as it counts towards the achievement. I always use persuasion/intimidation but at the same time try to follow the quests in order. I had 61/62 until this morning when I completed Arx and got my final quest and Achievement.

    Side quests that are easy to miss:

    - UNBRIDLED WEALTH: a traveling Argonian merchant lost her guar and a valuable ruby to crocodiles in the swamp. Location: south of Stormhold, on the road to Stillrise Village
    - THREEFOLD FOLLY: Dunmer lost his lute in a riddle game with an Argonian. Location: on the road headed west from Alten Corimont. Dunmer on a ledge on the northern side of the road right outside the city.
    - A LIFE OF PRIVILEGE: a Breton slave in the middle of the swamps trying to flee Shadowfen. Location: West, North-West of Percolating Mire.
    - CATCH THE LIGHTNING: A researcher and his apprentice are experimenting with an amulet that protects the wearer from wamasu lightning. Location: South-East of Loriasel Wayshrine, there's a bridge and road leading to the mountains from Chid-Moska Ruins.
    - A POISONED HEART: "While wading through the swamp, I stumbled into a cloud of roaming poison gas and passed out. Two Imperials rescued me and asked me to help them clean it up." Location: near Hatching Pools Wayshrine to the South.
    - A FINAL RELEASE: an Argonian believes his mother's remains lie in the swamp. Her spirit is unable to return to the Hist. Location: Deep Graves, quest only triggers once Deep Graves is cleared!
    - THE SWAMP'S EMBRACE and VIGIL'S END: both quests are inside Loriasel (Ayleid Ruins) left and right to the main chamber, easy to miss if you use persuasion/intimidation in the Mnemic Egg story.

    My experience is that with the Shadowfen story quests (even if done the shortest possible route), public and single dungeon quests, the above easy-to-miss side-quests and Arx Corinium (the Group Dungeon in Shadowfen) there are JUST enough quests to get the achievement. Also I can confirm there are no side-quest givers located in huts/houses.

    I hope this helps, sorry if some of this was already covered.
  • Dubah
    Here's how I got 62 quests in total for Shadowfen:

    Make sure you complete Arx Corinium (the group dungeon in Shadowfen), as it counts towards the achievement. I always use persuasion/intimidation but at the same time try to follow the quests in order. I had 61/62 until this morning when I completed Arx and got my final quest and Achievement.

    That can't be, i had 61/62 as well and arc corinium did not give me 62 when i completed it. Unless its some type of bug. But I did do Arx alot earlier than you so maybe it was something that was fixed and not dropped in the patch notes.
  • KnightDraco
    Dubah wrote: »

    That can't be, i had 61/62 as well and arc corinium did not give me 62 when i completed it. Unless its some type of bug. But I did do Arx alot earlier than you so maybe it was something that was fixed and not dropped in the patch notes.

    Yeah that must be it, because I promise my 62nd quest was Arx. Took a screenshot too... which I don't know how to post... but here's a link to it:
    Edited by KnightDraco on May 18, 2014 3:12PM
  • D00fD1ll4

    Yeah that must be it, because I promise my 62nd quest was Arx. Took a screenshot too... which I don't know how to post... but here's a link to it:

    I was 61/62 before i did Arx Corinium.

    "Force of Nature" is the Quest inside Arx and it gave me 62/62 which i am 100% sure of because it was the last Quest i was missing for the Achievement.
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