Shadowfen: The missing quests

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I posted this in this thread here, but want to create a new topic for this in the hopes that an admin actually pays attention to it because it contains what they need to know about permanently missable quests in Shadowfen, and why so many people are stuck at 60/62 or 61/62.

I take a LOT of screenshots as I play. I have screenshots to confirm I've done every quest in Shadowfen except for the following:

Bound to the Bog
Eyes of the Enemy (Not currently in the game)
Hushed Whispers
Lost to the Mire (I think I did this, but don't have screenshots)
Unwelcome Guests (I did it, but don't get Complete due to mercenary bug)
What Happened at Murkwater

Now I may have done any of these, but just didn't have screenshots for them is all. However, even after doing the group dungeon quest I am stuck at 60/62.

I believe some of these quests were possible to skip, going to a quest stage after it, and then you can never get the quest. For example, "Bound to the Bog" says"
"...and find Gerent Saervild Steel-Wind"
but in "Saving The Relics" I killed him, so obviously can't do "Bound to the Bog" now, assuming it's one of the ones I'm missing.

Also, "Hushed Whispers" description is:
I've found a scroll bearing marks from the Aldmeri Dominion. It details a series of unsolved murders in Stormhold.

I should inform Vicecanon Hrondar that the Aldmeri Dominion is aware of the murders.
I've done the Stormhold murder quest, but I don't recall this step leading to it. Again, I think this is a quest that's possible to skip and then never get in your completed quests list.

The description for "Overrun" is:
The Aldmeri Dominion has set up a staging area south of Hissmir in a fishing village called Murkwater.

I should look for Silent-Moss near and see how I can help him. I was told the fishing village is just southeast of Hissmir.
Currently, Silent-Moss stands in the middle of Murkwater with friends around a campfire and responds to me as if I did a quest with him. But I don't recall doing this quest that took you to him. Again, I think this is a quest that can be skipped ahead of and then missed forever.

The description for "What Happened at Murkwater" is:
Pale-Heart wants me to take word of our accomplishments to Hissmir.

I should go to Hissmir, northwest of Murkwater. I need to find Azinar.
I've gone to Hissmir and done the quests there, so once again this might be a quest to take you there that's possible to skip and then not be able to get after.

!!! ADMINS LISTEN UP !!! - I have screenshots that I've done ALL OTHER QUESTS NOT LISTED HERE! I am stuck at 60/62 even after doing the group dungeon quest. Therefore two or more (more likely more) quests of the 4 quests I've detailed are possible to skip and then become permanently missable. And "Unwelcome Guests" also needs resolving.

PLEASE pay attention to what I've written and use this information to fix things so we can finish Shadowfen and get our Achievement.

The best solution is to fix the quest "Unwelcome Guests", and to also lower the achievement from 62 needed quests down to 60, since there's no way to go back and do missable quests. ie: You can't do a quest involving an NPC you already killed in a later quest!

And for those people who got 62/62 and say it's possible, remember, the problem is with quests that are possible to skip ahead of, and then you're never able to do the earlier steps and get your quest counts for them. So if you did the earlier steps whereas somebody else didn't, those are quests you got that the other person will NEVER be able get.

P.S. The group dungeon quest for "Arx Corinium" called "Force of Nature" counts toward the Shadowfen achievement count even though it's not listed as one the 64 Shadowfen quests, so it's kind of bonus count, and not enough help for many people anyway.
  • matthewameluxenub17_ESO
    I've not done as much research on this as you, but after seeing all the complaints of this in zone chat AND my own experiences of coming across "new" quests that are merely to guide me to a different part of the map (whether I've been there or not), I suspect that there likely are a few quests which get bypassed in some way or another. Bypassed by the game, that is, not the player.

    I suspect the likely fix will be to just change the achieve down to like 58 or something.

    Did you do both side quests in Loriasel?
  • Sadae
    Did you do both side quests in Loriasel?
    As I said in my post:
    I have screenshots that I've done ALL OTHER QUESTS NOT LISTED HERE!
    Yes I've done all the Loriasel quests. The side ones as well as the main one.
  • drawxne_ESO
    I agree that the developers need to have a look at this post. It summarizes the problems a ton of players, including myself, have experienced. And I'm not sure it's related, but after completing the Hatching Pools objective quests, Assistant Telixith remains stuck in her 'quest partner' mode, with a symbol above her head and her engaging any enemy that gets close and randomly dropping healing AoEs.
  • RussianRambo
    I agree that the developers need to have a look at this post. It summarizes the problems a ton of players, including myself, have experienced. And I'm not sure it's related, but after completing the Hatching Pools objective quests, Assistant Telixith remains stuck in her 'quest partner' mode, with a symbol above her head and her engaging any enemy that gets close and randomly dropping healing AoEs.

    Admin responded to the problem here Shadowfen quests
    from now on use that ^ topic to continue discussing the problem.

    @Sadae thanks for your post. An admin has noticed you and posted a reply in the topic mentioned above. I have the same problem with quests in Shadowfen - I'm stuck at 60/62 too.

  • kirbus
    i didn't take the time to read the comments but here are the ones i missed.

    one in shallow graves that's only available after another quest, worth going back and checking

    one in the dungeon arx

    and one i didn't miss but would be easy to, south across a bridge where you gather electricity from a wamasu
    You can have it. I don't even like sweetrolls. <Crying on Inside>
    ...Yes, someone did steal my sweetroll.
  • Arsenic_Touch
    I'm stuck at 59/62 and after reading this thread, it's evident I got bugged on the unwelcome guests quest as well.
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

    ╔═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    "Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound."
    "Fear can claim what little faith remains."
    "Death will take those who fight alone."
    "But united we can break a fate once set in stone."

    ╚═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

    NA // Ebonheart Pact // Leader of CORE Legion // Namira Beta Tester // VR11 NB
  • swatpus

    just found a quest i dont c here... been looking some hours myself:/

    Unbridled wealth.

    Found it.. ta-da! just south-west of Stormhold (close to "The Shadow")

    Made this acc just to post it

    hope it help=)
  • darthtugay67cub18_ESO
    Well im also 61 and need one more. Also mercenaries are bugged but i don't think its the problem. Here are the ones i DID already and after a deep search ive done when i was 56/62:
    -catch the lightning
    -a final release
    -a life of privilege
    -a poisoned heart
    -vigils end
    -the swamps embrace
    -the quest about guars over northwest of map
    -the quests over rightside bottom SE of map which was named like fang bla bla are done also
    -checked public dungeons and caves
    -checked Arx, did the quest already
    -no quest when i go back to courtyard of deep graves or whatever the place called which is symbolled with coffin on map.
    -and the NPC over mnemic egg quest is bugged and still got a mark on her head

    So now what the hell i am supposed to do or where should i check?
    Any help will be appriciated.. sorry for bad english and terms. I need help a lot!!!
  • Lorgren_Benirus
    I have 62/62 but I agree that finding these quests is the biggest pain I've seen so far in the game. Some don't even have any clear indication that there's a possible quest at that spot, so unless you somehow get lucky and step into the area or into something, you won't even know there's a quest. Like the poison cloud one, there's plenty of mist all over the place and the game so who'd thunk of it to step into the poison cloud to actually start a quest? Not many I'd say. Also, some quests won't even appear unless you've already cleared a specific area and done all quests there, then suddenly at some obscure location some NPC may appear with a quest available, even though the marker may be a pain to notice. And finally, some quests are pretty much at the total edges of the area so unless you take a round trip around the edges of the area, you won't find them. I was myself stuck at 61/62 for a while, had already completed Eastmarch and almost done the Rift when I went back to have another look. Spent over an hour combing through the damn Shadowfen area to find that last missing quest and when I was about to give up, I suddenly stumbled on the last one. Finally, 62/62. I like questing overall and exploring and finding things but getting that achievement was a pain at the south end of a north bound dremora.
  • darthtugay67cub18_ESO
    Which q it was, one of the in the list that i mentioned?
  • jonal11_ESO
    I am 56/62 I have the achievment for all other zones except coldharbour (when they fixed the bugged quests I will have it easy) I ran around Shawdowfern for a while looking for new quests couldn't find anything and gave up. This zone is way harder to find quests then in other zones. I'm just glad I'm not the only one.
  • Wolfshart79
    This is not about finding a missing quest, so for those trying to "help" by mentioning some obscure out of the way quest...use the other thread. The point here is that many of us that are stuck have put in hours of exploring/research and verified they have completed every quest avaiable to them. The problem is the bugged/locked quests such as the breadcrumb quests. If you don't follow a specific route and complete the breadcrumb quests that lead you from one hub to another they are deactivated and can not be completed.

    It is not as simple as "looking harder" or "exploring more" for many of us, it's simply impossible to complete due to missing specific quests/quest steps locking us out of the achievement. It needs attention from the devs to bring it in line with their questing design philosophy in every other zone. The simple fix is to add the deleted quest hub from before launch or decrease the number of quests needed for the achievement, anything less is simply denying a portion of the fans access to basic content.
    Edited by Wolfshart79 on April 18, 2014 3:01PM
  • Brockxz
    I think the problem is Persuade/Intimidate skills, I have both and I used it extensively in Shadowfen. Now I'm stuck at 59/62. Maybe there is one or two quests I have missed (every map icon is white). Some side quest or something but reading this forum where people mention quests they found I can say I have completed all of them they mention.
  • MelinaPerez
    Longer thread about this problem here. p9 my post confirms what O.P. has experienced - similar list of 6 quests missing.
    Edited by MelinaPerez on April 19, 2014 6:08PM
  • abrizsb14_ESO1
    This game is broken to hell and back. They really need to fix this game, because I feel it is in the state of ALPHA, and not even BETA>
  • Zephyr
    The achievement in most zones isn't actually 100% of the quests, it is generally 90% to allow for some quest givers to die or quests that start out of zone and finish there to not matter.

    @abriz you have definitely never played in an Alpha test then. There is nothing wrong with this game, the PTS was fine. The reason there are bugs was a much more massive community than anticipated and with the new megaserver technology it confuses the server as to which packets to send to which player. Phasing on a server is strenuous, phasing on a server that EVERYONE is playing on, is insanity. Get over it. It will be fixed as soon as they can.
    NA Server - Ebonheart Pact - Irisana
  • Darkbear1980
    They could make it easier by making quest giver apear on the map all the time, not simply when close to it.
  • Sadae
    u can find them here
    While I appreciate people wanting to help, it would help more if they familiarized themselves better with the thread first. We've been through all the YouTube videos, combed all the hard-to-find quests people have listed, and have got them all, with screenshots to prove it.

    It has been clearly determined that there are several quests that can be skipped and started at the second step, forever removing a quest count that can never been done. There are FIVE such quests, and a broken one that doesn't grant COMPLETE status, making it possible to run out of quests at 58 out of a total of 64. (59 if you do the group dungeon.)

    There is no magic missing quest! Some people did actually just miss quests, and found them later thinking they discovered that magic missing quest, but we already have them all. The only fix is to either lower the required quest count to 58, or give all credit for the skipped quests if we got the quest that comes after them.
  • ArgonianAssassin
    I've completed all the main zones and some side quests and I'm stuck at 56/62, and I know there are some quests that disappeared off my compass after accepting another quest, and some quests didn't count towards my total I completed a quest and it stayed at 56/62.
    "It is okay to fear the night, even the bravest warriors are filled with fright, at the sight of the might of Sithis' fang, let the blood be washed away by the rain, let the stains forever remain, another life taken in Sithis' name, another soul for the void. All hail our Dread Father and his consort, the Night Mother." -Stalks-His-Prey
  • Brockxz
    u can find them here

    Stop posting this video, It has been posted already here more than once and everyone already have checked those quests and we have completed them but we still have 61/62 or even less.
  • Jmacz
    Yeah I just got a response back saying I am missing Eyes of the Enemy as well, this sucks. My OCD will not let me play this game again until that's fixed lol.

    I got really excited earlier when I found two Argonians next to an unlit fire, I lit it for them and got some xp but no achievement.
  • Rachagal
    I have the same Problem like you do. Used the ESOhead maps to find all quests. I just managed to find 2 Quests not mentioned at ESOhead. One in the Atanaz Ruins and one in Broken Tusk. Both Dungeons are on the east border of Shadowfen. Might help some people. I think both dungeons can be missed with bad luck. Anyway, still 1 short now, can someone confirm there is a quest in the group dungeon?
  • richardallengrayb14_ESO

    My character shows 60 quests complete. I am likely am missing two completed quests from the list below.

    1. [x] A Final Release
    2. [x] A Last Reminder
    3. [x] A Life of Privilege
    4. [x] A Pirate Parley
    5. [x] A Poisoned Heart
    6. [x] A Stranger Uninvited
    7. [x] And Throw Away The Key
    8. [x] Broken Apart
    9. [x] Buried in the Past
    10. [x] Captive Souls
    11. [x] Captured Time
    12. [x] Catch the Lightning
    13. [x] Clarity
    14. [x] Cold-Blooded Revenge
    15. [x] Cracking the Egg
    16. [x] Deep Disturbance
    17. [x] Dreams From the Hist
    18. [x] Getting to the Truth
    19. [x] Into the Mire
    20. [x] Into the Temple
    21. [x] Keepers of the Shell
    22. [x] King of Dust
    23. [x] Last One Standing
    24. [x] Lost Pilgrimage
    25. [x] Lost to the Mire
    26. [x] Missing in the Mire
    27. [x] Missing Son
    28. [x] Of Dubious Value
    29. [x] Outside Interference
    30. [x] Pull the Last Fang
    31. [x] Riches Beyond Measure
    32. [x] Saving the Relics
    33. [x] Scales of Retribution
    34. [x] Schism
    35. [x] Scouring the Mire
    36. [x] Shadowfen Smorgasbord
    37. [x] Strength of the Father (Atanaz Ruins dungeon)
    38. [x] The Bargains End
    39. [x] The Dominions Alchemist
    40. [x] The Dream of the Hist
    41. [x] The Fangs of Sithis
    42. [x] The Keystone
    43. [x] The Mnemic Egg
    44. [x] The Ones Left Behind
    45. [x] The Skin-Stealers Lair
    46. [x] The Swamps Embrace
    47. [x] The Thin Ones
    48. [x] The Tree-Minders Fate
    49. [x] Three Tender Souls
    50. [x] Threefold Folly
    51. [x] Trail of the Skin-Stealer
    52. [x] Trials of the Burnished Scales
    53. [x] Unbridled Wealth
    54. [x] Unwelcome Guests
    55. [x] Vigils End
    56. [x] Warm Welcome
    57. [x] Whispers of the Wisps
    58. [x] Will of The Broken (Broken Tusk dungeon)

    Not Completed
    [__] Bound to the Bog
    [__] Children of the Hist
    [NA] Eyes of the Enemy
    [!] Force of Nature (Arx Corinium dungeon)
    [__] Hushed Whispers
    [__] Overrun
    [__] What Happened at Murkwater

    Customer Service Notes

    [Eyes of the Enemy] After checking your character I see that you have completed both Getting to the Truth and Trail of the Skin-Stealer, but not Eyes of the Enemy. This means you will not be able to acquire the Eyes of the Enemy quest, due to a known issue.

    [Force of Nature] does not appear as completed, or active.
    Edited by richardallengrayb14_ESO on May 3, 2014 7:09PM
  • SluggoV2
    I agree that the developers need to have a look at this post. It summarizes the problems a ton of players, including myself, have experienced. And I'm not sure it's related, but after completing the Hatching Pools objective quests, Assistant Telixith remains stuck in her 'quest partner' mode, with a symbol above her head and her engaging any enemy that gets close and randomly dropping healing AoEs.

    Same here.
  • taiyaki
    Stuck at 61/62. Spent hours looking for the last quest, as well as through these boards and I've completed all the "easily missed" ones.

    Sent in a ticket and got a totally useless reply that only served to *** me off more. This isn't a high-end business email, leave your overly polite, vague, bs email that does not answer my question to yourself and give me a straight answer.

    Going to flip the table soon.
  • Kentarii
    Soul Shriven
    If anyone is interested, I've written an addon which tracks the quests you've completed. Look for HoWUI on ESOUI.

    It wont help you with quests/zones you've already done, but for new zones, you will get a better overview.
  • mstout7419b14_ESO
    Im stuck at 58/62
  • Aenima_pt
    So... more then one month passed and thing in same state... -_-
    Did all quests i can do, and shadowfen still at 60/62 quests (i still need to complete the group dungeon so i will be stuck at 61/62)

    The achievement need to be droped to 58 quests as for now only with luck someone can get the 62 quests done.
    In zone chat all day i see ppl saying they only have 56 to 61 quests completed in this area and cant find more.
  • Draxys
    I'm having an issue with this as well, although slightly different than the majority here. I have 52 out of 62 in my journal, but I only have 2 locations yet to complete, the group dungeon (1 quest), and an overworld boss. I have scoured the map for more quests to do and I cannot find anything. The chronic completionist in me requires that I get 62/62!

    rip decibel
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