Hi, I'm hoping that any officials read this (and maybe even respond to it).
The gold spammers are a real pain in the backside, only a week and a half after going live with ESO.
Some suggestions that could mitigate it with little effort:
1. Forbid any trade between players where in-game gold is paid, if players are below a certain level (5 maybe)? You could still allow trading items without payment. Though not many people will need to trade anything at those levels.
You often see people with names like "sohdfojdshgfjdk" lurking around the banks, level 2-4 usually. So essentially all they have done is create a character, skip tutorial, and walk straight to the bank to then trade and annoy everybody.
2. Make it way easier to report them.
We've got a popup with ignore and report options. Make it a one-click action without filling forms and the like. A menu item like "report & ignore spammer" would do. I'm sure many people don't report because their ignore lists are getting crowded, or because they can't be bothered any more. Making it easier will help.
3. Use regular expressions to detect URLs and anything indicating gold offers. It's no rocket science to detect patterns like G_O_L_D. Thiis doesn't need to lead to an automatic block/ignore/ban, but it should create a ticket automatically for further investigation.
4. Force a temp ban of a few minutes, if anybody says the exact same thing in public chat twice in short succession.
Gold spam is really bad already, in these early days. It'll get much worse if you don't act on it ASAP. Otherwise this going to become worse than games like WoW and will render zone chat useless.
Other than that, fantastic job! Love the game, despite the inevitable bumps on the road, which are normal when MMOs go live.