Hey there. I´m abit confused...
Currently, you can only search foor Instace groups at your lvl.
But If you´re for example lvl 16 and haven´t done one of the instances yet, you can´t use the tool anymore. It´s kinda... i don´´t like it that much.
Because in this dungeons people still might have quests to fulfill and Exp to gain and skill points.
At least ltos of arguments, to go into that dungeon to obtain these rewards.
And although you can find a party via local chat (which takes a while <.<), i ask myself, why it is not possible to use the damn lfg tool. That´s, what tis made for, isn´t it?!
You could just simple give the diffrent dungeons a color code, like quests have, to show us, how much Exp we could gain from that dungeon at all.
Still using the tool would make things easier in my mind...