deathmasterl_ESO wrote: »The problem is people don't know how to deal with a Shield user that well. Most of the dmg a Tank/Off Tank player will get is from a combo of Shield and 1H strikes, up close you're asking to be killed by them. The weakness the class has is at range if you can keep them away from you and hit them with Bow's and really any type of long range spell attacks they'll go down quite easy.
I would also point out most of those players they were up against were very low level's while said player was a higher level. In PvP the higher lvl should have a much easier time beating and killing the lower levels.
Also another way to kill a Tank/ 1H and Shield person is to drain them, you take out their stamina you take out their mana and they're done. Nightblades if using Siphon abilities wreck me harder then any class in PvP. You have to adapt to what you're playing against.
I'm not saying that the Shield Bash isn't strong, because it is, but if you take that away from the Shield users you pretty much take away one of their strongest tools and weapons they have. Close range they should rule in combat, they're suppose to take a hit, they're deadly and a threat at that range, fight them and force them out of their comfort zone, force them to go after you, kite them, etc it doesn't take much to kill a tank.
Are you *** kidding me? Bash with .3 sec cooldown and 350-500 dmg with almost no stamina cost combined with a simple charge is completely broken. How do you think you can keep him at range when hes constantly charging + knockdowning you with the immobilize + lavawhip combo?
To deal that amount of damage i simply need a skill on my hotbar! Thats only 4 empty slots i have left for other stuff. He just simply got his charge on it and the rest of his skills are supportive. I really dont want to think about that build combined with restoration staff in offhand for self heal sustain ... holy smoke ... we really dont need to discuss about this ***, arent we? look the video .... and this guy is not even hard abusing what is really possible with just a bash + skill + left mousebutton combo...