Suggestion - About Vampire

I saw this suggestion and I liked

Feeding, make stage one stack!
Having to feed every 30 minutes is pretty silly, I assume later on dungeons will take more then 30 minutes and might not have human mobs. I suggest letting this stack up to 5 hours and having it hold time when you log off. This way you can feed on 10 people and be set for 5 hours of game play if you wanted and if you log off with three and a half hours left you will be there again when you get back on.

These suggestions is mine

About debuff of fire
I thing that vampire have most advantage than werewolf because werewolf gives more damege with poison and vampire with fire but, everything can use Fire, players and mobs and we have this debuff all time, I love my vampire, I become in lvl 20 but a lot of mobs in the map can give me a powerful damage, I think that because of it, we are vampire all the time, you should change debuff to +25% damage of fire or +25% damage of other think, i don't know, because is so bad it, all the time +50%damage fire received.

Vampire skill line leveling up
I become vampire and I need 85000 xp to leveling up, this is experience a lot, you should be moderate it more.

Thanks for everything *-*


  • milonetb16_ESO
    I actually disagree with regards to the fire weakness. I am a vampire on 2 of my characters, and I wish the fire weakness was even higher, so vampires were even more rare. Make the weakness so we get 100% more fire damage.

    Also the XP required is not so bad, its cause the Vampire quest is level 42, and the xp is scaled as if you were 42 when you did the quest. Making the quest scale with your level would be an option though.
  • Draconiuos
    You should be happy they don't make you burst into flames during the day time. Imagine if Vampires were limited to walking around at night like the other games.
  • Nikazuki
    If they get 100% more fire damage you will going to die for everyone that use fire, this is stupid x.x
    I didn't see anymore vampires in my level or in maps that I'm doing my quests x.x

    About the XP i understood ><
  • Nikazuki
    If this happened we should pay half of signature u.u
    If I can play in half day I don't need to pay 30 days in total haha
    Only half of signature for 30 days kk
    Edited by Nikazuki on April 14, 2014 10:35PM
  • Anzaman
    I got excited about possibility to become vampire in Elder Scrolls Online, but when I saw the negative effects from it... I decided to just stay as human.
    Nilene Nightsky - Healer Warden
    Niomia Nightsky - Stamina Nightblade
    Ebonheart Pact (EU) Veteran: 10 - CP: 101
  • Draconiuos
    Anzaman wrote: »
    I got excited about possibility to become vampire in Elder Scrolls Online, but when I saw the negative effects from it... I decided to just stay as human.
    Really? because I stayed away at first, because I thought it was going to limit you to only be able to be outside during the night. The -%50 fire resist thing is a joke compared to what the draw backs should be.
  • Anzaman
    Draconiuos wrote: »
    Really? because I stayed away at first, because I thought it was going to limit you to only be able to be outside during the night. The -%50 fire resist thing is a joke compared to what the draw backs should be.
    Being able to play only during night-time would be suicidal for an MMORPG, bearable for single player games tho (Skyrim).
    Nilene Nightsky - Healer Warden
    Niomia Nightsky - Stamina Nightblade
    Ebonheart Pact (EU) Veteran: 10 - CP: 101
  • Draconiuos
    Anzaman wrote: »
    Being able to play only during night-time would be suicidal for an MMORPG, bearable for single player games tho (Skyrim).

    Actually for something that is suppose to be rare like Vampirism it would mean only the dedicated people would play it. I think it would have added more to it, and would have allowed them to be even a little more powerful. But I understand what you mean. I think the fire resist debuff is not bad and from my understanding you can reduce some by feeding or something.

  • Hakuichi
    Nikazuki wrote: »
    I saw this suggestion and I liked

    About debuff of fire
    I thing that vampire have most advantage than werewolf because werewolf gives more damege with poison and vampire with fire but, everything can use Fire, players and mobs and we have this debuff all time, I love my vampire, I become in lvl 20 but a lot of mobs in the map can give me a powerful damage, I think that because of it, we are vampire all the time, you should change debuff to +25% damage of fire or +25% damage of other think, i don't know, because is so bad it, all the time +50%damage fire received.

    Vampire skill line leveling up
    I become vampire and I need 85000 xp to leveling up, this is experience a lot, you should be moderate it more.

    Even though werewolves do not get to be in werewolf form 24/7 the poison debuff is 24/7 on us.

    Also be happy with an xp leveling system, for werewolfs we can only level the skill by getting kills in werewolf form. So in review .. werewolves always debuffed, to lvl have to raise ultimate to 1000 (drops to 925 later on) then transform and get kills.

    Vampires do not have a harder time than werewolves. I am fine with both systems as they stand now.
    Edited by Hakuichi on April 14, 2014 11:08PM
  • Anzaman
    Draconiuos wrote: »

    Actually for something that is suppose to be rare like Vampirism it would mean only the dedicated people would play it. I think it would have added more to it, and would have allowed them to be even a little more powerful. But I understand what you mean. I think the fire resist debuff is not bad and from my understanding you can reduce some by feeding or something.
    Actually, the fire damage increase is same in all stages. Higher stages decreases your health regeneration by 0/25/50/75% and cost of vampire abilities by 0/20/40/60%.
    Nilene Nightsky - Healer Warden
    Niomia Nightsky - Stamina Nightblade
    Ebonheart Pact (EU) Veteran: 10 - CP: 101
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Draconiuos wrote: »
    You should be happy they don't make you burst into flames during the day time. Imagine if Vampires were limited to walking around at night like the other games.

    Nah , they were not.

    In skyrim with that vampire lord thing going , you did not even take dmg.

    In olbivion , with a high enough lvl , you could heal youself more than the dmg you took , so you were also quite safe.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on April 14, 2014 11:14PM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Draconiuos
    Anzaman wrote: »
    Actually, the fire damage increase is same in all stages. Higher stages decreases your health regeneration by 0/25/50/75% and cost of vampire abilities by 0/20/40/60%.
    Oh well I can see a Dragon Knight Vampire in heavy armor becoming op. That is a lot of bonus health regen, but I digress. There are ways around the fire resist debuff. It just means getting fire resist over other things. In the end you always have the chance to get rid of Vampirism if the debuff is too much for you.
  • Nikazuki
    Draconiuos wrote: »

    Actually for something that is suppose to be rare like Vampirism it would mean only the dedicated people would play it. I think it would have added more to it, and would have allowed them to be even a little more powerful. But I understand what you mean. I think the fire resist debuff is not bad and from my understanding you can reduce some by feeding or something.
    Doens't matter if you'are stage 1 or 4 in vampirism, you alaways have+50% damage of fire x.x
  • glasswalkers_04_ESO
    Nikazuki wrote: »
    If this happened we should pay half of signature u.u
    If I can play in half day I don't need to pay 30 days in total haha
    Only half of signature for 30 days kk

    Actually no this line of thinking is ignorant, sorry. Most players CHOOSE to be a vampire; going so far as to pay for a shared bite. The game doesn't REQUIRE you to be one to play it, so if there was a can't walk around in sunlight penalty you don't deserve a half prices sub because of something is your own doing.

    That's like going to the dealership for repairs after intentionally wrecking your car and saying "I should only have to pay half of this because you didn't make it indestructible to begin with!"

  • the.dzeneralb16_ESO
    A word of advice about feeding: Don't do it

    The decreased cost in magicka is much better than have a bit of extra health regen (you'll have a healer and pots anyways)
  • Nikazuki
    Hmm, i'm going to try it
    thanks o/
    I'd like to decrease the fire debuff and stack stage 1 if we want ><

    I'm going to try don't feed

    Edited by Nikazuki on April 16, 2014 3:44PM
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