I've been at the opening day for many MMOs. I've seen great launches and I've seen horrible launches (Anarchy Online anyone?). So I full expected problems with release.
My issue centers around the fact that MANY of the problems and design flaws that exist were reported during public beta (and apparently on the PTS) months before release.
- A LOT of quests failing to complete or move to the next step
- Horses dismounting you randomly
- Cyrodiil, lagging so badly you can't respond
- Cyrodiil, when someone joins the group half of the group gets disconnected
- Cyrodiil, random roll backs (especially the scrolls returning to home keeps)
- Chat lag of 5-7 minutes
And now we have new ones:
- Bank, item, and gold loss
- Even more quests not working properly
This doesn't even take into account some of the design flaws perceived by the community:
- Dungeon boss camping
- Werewolf/Vampire camping
- Lack of guild control (ranks, medals, etc)
- Rather constrained guild shops
- MASSIVE quantities of bots who are invisible, teleport, and camp resource nodes.
- GOLD selling spam that is filling up mail boxes and ignore lists
Zeno, I fully realize you can't fix every problem. But some of these were known about so far in advance, they should have been corrected before going live. If nothing else, please, give us some feedback, keep us informed, and let us know what is going on.
Perhaps a state of development?
Perhaps an "in next patch"?
Perhaps a letter to the community letting us know you are listening, you do agree there are issues, but you're working diligently on them?
I love this game. Or I should say, I love what this game is trying to be. But I'm filling out just as many bug tickets now as I was during beta.
What are YOUR priorities Zeno? Because lately, with the lack of information, instability, and unplayability of certain aspects of the game, I feel like we as customers are not near the top.