I have a pair of friends, that pre-ordered two Imperial copies of the game. The keys do not work. They've sent many, many emails to Bethesda support now since launch and STILL it hasn't been fixed. The support team don't even appear to bother reading the requests for help. Instead, they just over them, or have some bot pick out key words, and just regurgitate out useless, cookie cutter auto-responses.
10 days now, and heaps of support requests and still they're unable to play the game they've paid *over* $120.00 a piece for. This is, frankly, BS. We all understand that things go wrong, fine, but 10 days of inane, dismissive, drone responses is excessive.
I've attached the 14-page saga document here, in the hopes that making it public here will prompt someone in support to actually bother reading it, and do something about it beyond pushing the "send irrelevant stupid response" button again.
Edited by ndbuddrwb17_ESO on April 14, 2014 1:12PM