I'm having a few odd problems with this game. On start-up the Bethesda and Zenimax logo videos seem to suffer from some kind of lag...and upon entering the starter dungeon my fps is 20 and below. My rig isn't TOO old, and plays other modern games without a hitch. I'm looking for a solution to get this game running at playable frame-rates. Even at low settings, I still don't breach 40 fps.
What I've tried so far:
Replacing ATI drivers (updated to latest, then beta drivers, using Driver Cleaner each time)
Moving game files from SSD to 1 TB HDD
Disabling CPU overclock
These solutions did nothing. Any suggestions?
Preset used: High
Resolution: 1920x1080
OS: Windows 8.1
CPU: i5 2500k at 3.4 ghz (formerly OC'd at 4.4 ghz)
GPU: ATI 7870 (2 gb)
RAM: Patriot Viper Extreme 8 gb (2x 4 gb DDR3)
SSD: Samsung 840 EVO-Series 120GB
HDD: 1 TB Western Digital Caviar Black