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Lvl 42 with nothing 2 do ?

Just finished cold harbor and now im left thinking (again) what do i do now ? I have no direction..

and im losing motivation..

Bug or caused by my particular playstyle of avoiding fights, not crafting (or any interest 2)

  • Loxy37
    That doesn't tell us very much. Its like saying "I have a problem" and expecting us to solve it, more details please. Are you trying to say there's no quests from 42 onward? PvP, Dungeons?
  • horizon011b14_ESO
    Oh there is dungeons and PVP..

    But I dont feel any need to do that content.. Not enough rewards..Not very fun..

    Wanna do story quests and Im lost..no direction..

    Is cold harbor the last of the new areas ? Am I suppose to go somewhere directly after cold harbor ?

  • Loxy37
    Im sorry but you lost me. Perhaps someone else can help you.
  • Hypersillyman
    Explore everywhere. I mean every single inch of the zone. Do every mini-dungeon, for the skyshards and the xps. These are not true dungeons, they are solo leveling content. Discover every location. You get xps for discovery. Try to find all the world bosses in the zone and kill them. Doing all of this, you will likely find that you have missed many quests. There's no way you can be 42 and have absolutely no quests left in the zone at all. You have probably missed some and need to go looking for them.
    Edited by Hypersillyman on April 15, 2014 6:14AM
    LFG Fippy Darkpaw. PST.
  • Hypersillyman
    What faction are you? Which zone did you do before Coldharbour? Did you clear it too? Coldharbour is supposed to be a level 43+ zone. How exactly did you go through it at only level 42 and completely clear it? That doesn't seem possible.
    Edited by Hypersillyman on April 14, 2014 6:28AM
    LFG Fippy Darkpaw. PST.
  • Elvent
    You finished coldharbour at level 42? You must have skipped so many quests in other zones otherwise I don't know how you finished all zones at level 42.

    I'm level 48 and still questing in coldharbour and I don't do 4mandungeons/grind/pvp. I only quest, you must have skipped too much.
    Edited by Elvent on April 14, 2014 6:34AM
  • Tiyamel
    wow, 42 and storyline complete? hmm i don't think so, you have missed so much on your mad epic struggle to rush through the game, i play most days and have 2 characters im playing and neither is over 20 yet, as has been previously stated go back and explore a bit, see what you can find.
    Guild Master of Lost Prophecies, small group of friends playing in Ebonheart Pact, recruitment only accessible through playing with us and making a good impression.
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    If it helps then please Insightful/Agree/Awesome or even Lol me :)
  • horizon011b14_ESO
    i think this is a flaw in the design then.. if quests aint made clear then alot of people will be sitting around wondering why they should pay money for nothing to do..

    Cold Harbor has about 20% of the region blank so ill go spend time roaming until I stumble upon quests..

    Yes it was very difficult at 42 but I had 1 other guy in my party.. so probably why I managed to do it..

    I hope someone builds a mod that shows quests soon on all maps..
  • Mortelus
    Why is it a fault in the design? Why does everyone need their hands held through games nowadays.

    What is wrong with just wandering off and exploring areas and randomly bumping into strangers and finding quests that way?

    This game already shows you quest destinations, PoI, Boss locations, Wayshrines and many other things on map.

    I would really begin to dislike this game if everything was spoon fed to me.

    It's already pretty easy to find your way around and complete things. Just need to spend a bit of time wandering around.
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • horizon011b14_ESO
    Im paying for every day I play this game.. Dont want to spend it roaming nothing in the slight chance a quest appears.. this is all well and great if you work for the company but im the consumer I want entertainment for my dollar.

    My favourite games are all about exploration but they have direction.. Im at a point now where I have no direction at all other then to ask people what should I do next..does this sound like a clever design ? I dont think so..

  • MomoDeviluke
    i doubt u have done the Harborage questline, u pick up the last one once u hit lvl 50 (or VR1) to fight molag bal, then once u complete that u are sent behind enemy lines to grind your VR up to 10.

    i seriously doubt u have done everything, a lot of missed quests imo. I was EASILY lvl 47 by the time i started coldharbor but only because i quested for the most part.

    TL;DR do harborage quests. I hate to say this because i hate it but....zombie grind until vr1 if u are going to sulk because u dont want to quest
  • Tiyamel
    Im paying for every day I play this game.. Dont want to spend it roaming nothing in the slight chance a quest appears.. this is all well and great if you work for the company but im the consumer I want entertainment for my dollar.

    My favourite games are all about exploration but they have direction.. Im at a point now where I have no direction at all other then to ask people what should I do next..does this sound like a clever design ? I dont think so..

    your favourite games are about exploration yet you clearly say you have nothing to do despite being 42 not even max level or even started VR and having rushed through the game, and slight chance of quests? check your map, if it don't say cleared/completed on a location then im pretty sure there is a quest or 2 left there, warp to wayshrines and check, it costs nothing to warp between way shrines
    Guild Master of Lost Prophecies, small group of friends playing in Ebonheart Pact, recruitment only accessible through playing with us and making a good impression.
    Want to know more on how to increase forum stars and achievements, check my guide here:
    Can't seem to level Werewolf or its abilities? check this:
    If it helps then please Insightful/Agree/Awesome or even Lol me :)
  • Spryt
    Follow all the roads. If you see a black icon on compass go to it. Usually means there is a quest or dungeon. Do it. Get back on road and go to next icon. Repeat until all icons are white. If you want to play on rails.

    If you only do quests you find in main city areas you will miss a lot of XP and skillpoints.
    Edited by Spryt on April 14, 2014 7:40AM
  • mutharex
    Im paying for every day I play this game.. Dont want to spend it roaming nothing in the slight chance a quest appears.. this is all well and great if you work for the company but im the consumer I want entertainment for my dollar.

    My favourite games are all about exploration but they have direction.. Im at a point now where I have no direction at all other then to ask people what should I do next..does this sound like a clever design ? I dont think so..

    I am afraid you just discovered this game isn't for you. Or maybe you aren't for this game. Whatever it is, have fun in the next game.

    PS You already told us you aren't having fun so please avoid filling the forum with this same stuff over and over, just leave quietly and don't slam the door :)
  • AlchemyDevil
    You missed a lot of content it seems. Now you have three choices, and please don't take offense I am being as diplomatic as possible. You can either

    A. Try to go back through the zones you obviously rushed through to find the side quests, world bosses, public dungeons and group instances that you have yet to do to try and catch up a few levels (this will be much harder now as you will not gain exp for kills that are 5 or so levels lower than you). Do some pvp or join a grind group to get to level 50 before moving into the Vet content.

    B.Start again, reroll another character, this time be aware of the entry level into zones, if you are a bunch of levels below the mobs in a new zone you have obviously missed a lot of content in the zone previously and will need to go back.

    C. Quit. If you are not interested in exploration, pve content, grouping, pvp (any one of these options)and feel the need to rush to the end without actually experiencing any of the game then this game really isn't for you.
  • cromica81_ESO
    Exploring and combat is the entertainment for alot of people not the mediocre story.
  • thedemiseraphb14_ESO
    A huge part of Elder Scrolls, and carried over to the MMO is exploration and surprise on your own. The goal is not to hand hold/guide you to each spot in a zone but let you find it all and enjoy the game. Thus the minimal interface etc. Weird creatures, mini bosses and such. If you want a game with very defined questing, then I have to agree with what others are saying, this MMO isn't the best for you as it's very much advertised for explorers. If you do want some definition you COULD use the skyshard book and go to those points, it will naturally guide you to every area of the game and thus you'd see quests as well.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Loxy37 wrote: »

    Please tell me you're not advising someone to PvP as a viable levelling solution.

    The XP in PvP is shockingly terrible.
  • cubansyrusb16_ESO
    OP has clearly never player Morrowind ....
  • Maestro_Sartori
    Just finished cold harbor and now im left thinking (again) what do i do now ? I have no direction..

    and im losing motivation..

    Bug or caused by my particular playstyle of avoiding fights, not crafting (or any interest 2)


    And it starts....

    Thats your own fault for flying through the game, no sympathy here.

  • mutharex
    Just finished cold harbor and now im left thinking (again) what do i do now ? I have no direction..

    and im losing motivation..

    Bug or caused by my particular playstyle of avoiding fights, not crafting (or any interest 2)


    And it starts....

    Thats your own fault for flying through the game, no sympathy here.
    Even worst: why you buy a game whose highlights are Mass PVP, Exploration and Story if you don't care for any of those?
  • horizon011b14_ESO
    It might surprise some of you but not everyone wants the exact same experience as you and dismissing someone for wanting different is just pathetic

    If the dungeon group tool actually worked I would go back and do all the dungeons i've missed but atm its near impossible 2 find a working team.. guess ill put the game down til its patched a few times.. still got half the month paid 4 then DS2 drops :)
  • SexyVette07
    Its definitely you. I try to do every single quest I find. Im level 42 and just now finished Malabal Tor and about to begin Reapers March. Only recently have I been avoiding combat and focused on just completing the quests because im always several levels ahead of the area im in.
  • horizon011b14_ESO
    Yeah imma roam around a bit but i went from loving the game 2 bored which is disappointing...

    If they allow character parking I might park my char and return in 6 months when things have been updated a fair bit with new content and patches..
  • Dimachaerus
    It might surprise some of you but not everyone wants the exact same experience as you and dismissing someone for wanting different is just pathetic

    If the dungeon group tool actually worked I would go back and do all the dungeons i've missed but atm its near impossible 2 find a working team.. guess ill put the game down til its patched a few times.. still got half the month paid 4 then DS2 drops :)

    Ehh, I've gotten teams together by going to the zone corresponding to the lvl of the dungeon set and asking in zone, I did that because I was too high lvl to use group finder, and there were plenty of people who wanted to go do the dungeons.

    I don't dislike anyone for playing differently, but what you're basically doing in this thread is saying it's the games fault for no showering you with enough xp when you didn't do half of the quest / POI's.

    If you hate to go back to do quest, find a group to XP grind, you can probably get 50 in 2-6 hours, depending on where and how you do it.

    Instead of getting frustrated at the game for not bending to your will, just find ways around whatever your problems is, coming to forums and asking for the game to be changed isn't gonna go well, because it goes both ways, the things you hate we might like.

    Have fun.
  • Dimachaerus
    I'm VR2 in VR2 zone btw.
  • UnderKingRhun
    0_o all i have done is questing and dungeon spelunking and i'm level 40 and still gloriously stumbling around in east march. The amount of quests will see you to 50. Seems you skipped a lot of content. and its hard to do that since nearly every where you go a marker is thrown at you.
  • BaxterUK
    Its a bit late for this advice but avoiding fights is bad, the devs would have calculated the xp from mob kills into the xp of the quest given so players wouldn't out level content. If you ignore most of the mobs then you could be cutting your xp gain per quest in half which would explain why you are so under leveled.
  • horizon011b14_ESO
    im going around doing the little things ive missed.. but so far it looks like ive barely missed anything.. so I guess ive gotten myself in the shizz by not doing ANY professions and ignoring low level dungeons..and avoiding fighting when possible with sneak..

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