I have a few issues that I am not sure if they are being investigated, but they should be.
The Rift Treasure Map IV: The one under a three-holed bridge slightly to the right, it's dirt pile does not spawn, I have re-retrieved the map from my bank, and I am 100% sure it is at that spot as it has been confirmed by Youtube video.
A Graveyard of Ships: A Northern Coldhaurbor quest, the guy knocks on the door, sometimes says "Got it, ill meet you inside!", your quest does Not update and you cannot enter the door. [Now Being Investigated]
Dream-Walk Into Darkness: A Northwest Rivenspire Quest, you cannot "Defeat the Ancient Warriors", the Montclairs will not advance once all of the skeletons are defeated, and dieing during this phase also appears to bring up additional issues such as waves not being sent correctly.
Vampire: The Passive Ability: Unnatural Resistance, which gives vampire "Improved Health Regeneration in stages 2 through 4" Does not appear to be working, my stats are just as low as they where before and the tool tip still states the same values.
ALT-F4: Whenever I Alt-F4 the Bug Reporter pops up and the games sound keeps playing. It gives me the option to describe how I crashed, happens every single time since approximately 1.0.2
-Updated 4/18/14
Edited by Daethz on April 19, 2014 2:58AM Waiting, and watching, for the return of Melee Weapons.
-Subsidiary of The Fighters Guild