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Good Guild Names?

I'm thinking about building a guild and I know a good name is important as it attracts some people. I don't want ridiculous and funny names, so suggest some that can ring nicely in our ears and have meanings to them.

The guild will have a balance in PvE support community for players, but it also prepares them for the alliance war as an organized group.

Thank you. B)
Jorvo Stormwolf
Ebonheart Pact
PC Platform
  • Tiyamel
    Lol nobody is willing to give you Guild name ideas, they don't want to see a guild named what they wanted to call one, but lets see if i can help get the ball rolling:

    Guardian Force
    Mercs For Hire
    Nirn Network

    just a few random ideas
    Guild Master of Lost Prophecies, small group of friends playing in Ebonheart Pact, recruitment only accessible through playing with us and making a good impression.
    Want to know more on how to increase forum stars and achievements, check my guide here:
    Can't seem to level Werewolf or its abilities? check this:
    If it helps then please Insightful/Agree/Awesome or even Lol me :)
  • foxsyd
    These are all the ones I thought up while trying to figure out a guild name myself. Obviously last one is taken

    Join my guild!
    "Thank Sanguine its Fredas"
    North America Server, Ebonheart Pact, PVE/PVP, friendly & funny community. Welcomes all types of players!
    Preachers of #TeamIsland - Share your adventures and screen caps on our Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/268541133324278/
  • Jorva
    Tiyamel wrote: »
    Lol nobody is willing to give you Guild name ideas, they don't want to see a guild named what they wanted to call one, but lets see if i can help get the ball rolling:

    Guardian Force
    Mercs For Hire
    Nirn Network

    just a few random ideas

    I wasn't quite planning to take names from suggestions lest it's stealing. They simply provide the glimpse of a good name. I only wanted ideas that could contribute towards my guild's image, but thank you for the statement.
    Jorvo Stormwolf
    Ebonheart Pact
    PC Platform
  • Jorva
    foxsyd wrote: »
    These are all the ones I thought up while trying to figure out a guild name myself. Obviously last one is taken

    This is a great list. I see you're leaning towards the renowned figures in the Elder Scrolls series and people playing ESO can relate to that. I was thinking naming after a group (not listed there on your suggestions) but I wasn't sure if it was a good idea.

    Thank you for sharing your suggestion!
    Jorvo Stormwolf
    Ebonheart Pact
    PC Platform
  • Greydog
    Group W

    smile if you get the reference :)
    "I Plan on living forever ..so far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • foxsyd
    Thanks for the nice things said about my list :)

    Except for the last one, anyone is welcome to use those on the list if inclined. I'm not using them. It's one of the things I enjoy doing... Thinking up names for things.
    Join my guild!
    "Thank Sanguine its Fredas"
    North America Server, Ebonheart Pact, PVE/PVP, friendly & funny community. Welcomes all types of players!
    Preachers of #TeamIsland - Share your adventures and screen caps on our Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/268541133324278/
  • Jorva
    foxsyd wrote: »
    Thanks for the nice things said about my list :)

    Except for the last one, anyone is welcome to use those on the list if inclined. I'm not using them. It's one of the things I enjoy doing... Thinking up names for things.

    Maybe you could add me. I'd like some help on the guild name, and I have some ideas already... I just can't decide, haha.

    Jorvo Stormwolf
    Ebonheart Pact
    PC Platform
  • Jorva
    This post is a bit off topic so I apologize, but if anyone happens to be wandering by and may be interested... Take a quick gander at this.


    It's just a post looking for leaders/supporters to establish the guild together. Feel free to ignore if uninterested, plain and simple. No harm, no foul.

    Still would be nice for a little more ideas. :)
    Jorvo Stormwolf
    Ebonheart Pact
    PC Platform
  • Theosis
    Knights That say Neep!
    I'll scooma you
    Holy Khajiit!
    I PvP'd my breeches
    Cyrondiil Slayers Club
    Oblivious in Oblivion
    Underground Scooma Traders

    I have a ton of mindless time to make stuff up.
    This is were my signature would be if I was allowed one.
  • Greydog
    "I Plan on living forever ..so far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • Sarenia
    Think of the goal of your guild.

    Let your creativity flow from there.
  • foxsyd
    Jorva wrote: »

    Maybe you could add me. I'd like some help on the guild name, and I have some ideas already... I just can't decide, haha.


    I'll add you as a friend in game :)
    Can't figure out how on forums, stupid mobile site.

    Join my guild!
    "Thank Sanguine its Fredas"
    North America Server, Ebonheart Pact, PVE/PVP, friendly & funny community. Welcomes all types of players!
    Preachers of #TeamIsland - Share your adventures and screen caps on our Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/268541133324278/
  • soulclaw
    I'm not sure how important a guild name is in a game where no one can see your guild name.
    Sweetie, can you show us on the doll where the bad man from Blizzard touched you?

  • circilion
    This is true. there is very little branding potential in ESO. Nothing like EVE . Hell, even that plain jane meat grinder waste of time called WoW.
  • annarr1117nub18_ESO
    The Enforcers of Tamriel!
  • annarr1117nub18_ESO
    Champions of Tamriel!
  • Jorva
    Theosis wrote: »
    Knights That say Neep!
    I'll scooma you
    Holy Khajiit!
    I PvP'd my breeches
    Cyrondiil Slayers Club
    Oblivious in Oblivion
    Underground Scooma Traders

    I have a ton of mindless time to make stuff up.

    Although I did post about not suggesting silly names, thank you for giving me a good chuckle. :p
    Jorvo Stormwolf
    Ebonheart Pact
    PC Platform
  • Jorva
    Greydog wrote: »

    I play therefore I am.
    Jorvo Stormwolf
    Ebonheart Pact
    PC Platform
  • Jorva
    Sarenia wrote: »
    Think of the goal of your guild.

    Let your creativity flow from there.

    Good point. I know the name relates to the purpose/goal but I wasn't really thinking about it enough.

    Jorvo Stormwolf
    Ebonheart Pact
    PC Platform
  • Jorva
    foxsyd wrote: »
    Jorva wrote: »

    Maybe you could add me. I'd like some help on the guild name, and I have some ideas already... I just can't decide, haha.


    I'll add you as a friend in game :)
    Can't figure out how on forums, stupid mobile site.

    Sounds good! Unfortunately, the game has been really glitchy as of late, I may not be as active for a few days. (I attend school and since it's nearing the end of the semester, I am getting swamped.)

    Inbox me if you'd like. :)
    Jorvo Stormwolf
    Ebonheart Pact
    PC Platform
  • ZiRM
    The Skooma Syndicate
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Jorva
    soulclaw wrote: »
    I'm not sure how important a guild name is in a game where no one can see your guild name.

    True, but it is common sense that people are attracted to things that look/sound appealing to them. If I were to post on the forums of a recruitment about my guild or personally invite someone, I want to make sure that our first appearances are impressive.

    So that is why I am putting quite a bit of work into the guild, even for its name. I still understand what you're saying.
    Jorvo Stormwolf
    Ebonheart Pact
    PC Platform
  • Jorva
    The Enforcers of Tamriel!
    Champions of Tamriel!

    Thanks for the input. :)

    But I'll go with something more specific, haha...
    Jorvo Stormwolf
    Ebonheart Pact
    PC Platform
  • Jorva
    NiRN wrote: »
    The Skooma Syndicate

    I don't think we intend to deal with skooma or other drugs, lol. But Syndicate is a good word, maybe I'll look into it. (with thesaurus >.>)

    Jorvo Stormwolf
    Ebonheart Pact
    PC Platform
  • Jorva
    Bump in the night. :)

    Which is what I slaughtered in my recent mage guild quest for Sheogorath's amusement. Quite the silly man, he is. Although, I did feel bad about killing Uncle Leo. And the daedric prince thought it was hilarious.
    Jorvo Stormwolf
    Ebonheart Pact
    PC Platform
  • Vorpedagel
    "The Ebonheart Pact" ;)
  • dolmen
    The Light Brotherhood - you'll have to gin up some lore about that one.
    Guild of Swordfodder - the Fighters Guild hires these guys to be out front.
    Aimless Wanderers - everyone should have a guild
    Beggars Guild - that might be taken already, but.. Bards, Tavernkeeps etc.
    Yoemen of Stormhaven - or some other location depending on alliance.
    Brotherhood of Competent Craftsmen - might sound better in German

    Might I suggest random searches of http://en.wikipedia.org?
    Try some historical searches.

    The Sidekick Order
  • soulclaw
    I think they need to add the option to display one of your guild names when someone mouses over your character. I miss reading guild names, I have seen some really hilarious OOC guild names and some really good IC guild names in other MMOs.
    Sweetie, can you show us on the doll where the bad man from Blizzard touched you?

  • Jorva
    soulclaw wrote: »
    I think they need to add the option to display one of your guild names when someone mouses over your character. I miss reading guild names, I have seen some really hilarious OOC guild names and some really good IC guild names in other MMOs.

    I agree. I have a feeling that the ESO team will add it in. For now, they are entirely focused on fixing the bugs and plugging in major updates like Craglorn.
    Jorvo Stormwolf
    Ebonheart Pact
    PC Platform
  • BluSpixMacaw
    Agents Of The 8 Divines
    Molag's Fallen Army
    Hiricine's Followers
    The Dead Never Sleeps
    The Akatosh Warriors
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