+7 enchants only giving +2 on some pieces

I've noticed over the last few times that I enchanted my gear that the +7 (stat) enchant are only giving +2 (stat) on shoulders, hands, and waist. If this is intended then there should be a specific enchant that is cheaper for those three items. I paid for +21 Magicka and only got +6... I know 15 isn't that much, but hey... I paid for it from the town enchanting vendor.
  • drakks1ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I noticed this, and I think it has to do with item level. The enchant says something like 'up to +7' or somethin similar. I haven't actually tested, but I bet that's what it is, since the enchants are good for a certain level range.
  • Hearts
    I think its something like
    Chest gets 100% of the enchant, hands gets 33% and so on.
  • amatodotb14a_ESO
    Chest, legs and helm get full enchant effect
  • drakks1ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Ah ok. I thought there might be some kind of variable to it, instead of a bug.
  • gerwin.kamstrab16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    There are normal enchant slots and small enchant slots. Normal ones are the chest, legs and helmet (think shoulders too but not sure about that). Small enchant slots are the boots, gloves and belt. This means that the normal slots get 100% of the glyph effect while the small ones only get 33% of the enchant. So yeah a glyph that shows for example +69 max magicka will give that amount on the chest, legs and helmet but will only give +33 on the gloves, boots and belt.

    Hope this helped :)
  • Sparky617
    There are normal enchant slots and small enchant slots. Normal ones are the chest, legs and helmet (think shoulders too but not sure about that). Small enchant slots are the boots, gloves and belt. This means that the normal slots get 100% of the glyph effect while the small ones only get 33% of the enchant. So yeah a glyph that shows for example +69 max magicka will give that amount on the chest, legs and helmet but will only give +33 on the gloves, boots and belt.

    Hope this helped :)
    It helps, but it's still wrong of ZOS to not make this abundantly clear. At lv6 I would have save the 180g because it's not worth +6 magicka

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