GreatPlayer wrote: »The final boss Molag Baal must be nerfed! And here is my resoning!
Currently if a player cannot defeat Molag Baal he is blocked from seeing the veteran content. It is like being stuck in level 40 when the game is level90! I think this is very bad game design! I believe all players should have the opportunity to level to the maximum level as quickly as possible!
And to satisfy those hardcore players Molag Baal should have a higher difficulty scale just for them and drop something nice, but for average player like myself I dont want to fight an elite molag baal!
Molag Baal took me 4 HOURS to beat which is just too long even for a dedicated MMO player such as myself, I cant imagine what this boss will be like for the average MMO player who is not as skill as I AM! PLS MAKE HIM EASIER so everyone can see all of tamerial ! THANK YOU!
next time, try to fight him at a level OTHER than 45... he gets considerably easier. at level 50 i beat him first try.
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »Molag Bal has been nerfed repeatedly, and can be defeated in under 3 minutes by any of the four classes in this game. Build a proper character and don't expect to heal or CC him to death, and you'll win in no time. I don't say this to be elitist but you're going to barely make it past the first quest in the veteran zones if you're finding this fight difficult... he's basically a joke at this point and it's actually pretty sad to see the story hype him up as an amazing Daedric badass yet be able to be defeated simply with a restoration staff using Regeneration, blocking, and light attack spam.
Well if they nerf him then people who complained will move to vet content without learning how to play smarter. How long before they want the vet content nerfed?
GreatPlayer wrote: »Attorneyatlawl wrote: »Molag Bal has been nerfed repeatedly, and can be defeated in under 3 minutes by any of the four classes in this game. Build a proper character and don't expect to heal or CC him to death, and you'll win in no time. I don't say this to be elitist but you're going to barely make it past the first quest in the veteran zones if you're finding this fight difficult... he's basically a joke at this point and it's actually pretty sad to see the story hype him up as an amazing Daedric badass yet be able to be defeated simply with a restoration staff using Regeneration, blocking, and light attack spam.
You are being an elitiest and inconsiderate to players who is just not as good as you! I am currently doing veteran content and nothing so far is as hard as that boss! the point I am making is dont make a leveling boss so hard that some people just cant beat it!
Well if they nerf him then people who complained will move to vet content without learning how to play smarter. How long before they want the vet content nerfed?
mudvayne7950_ESO wrote: »Not sure if spoilers are allowed or not...but you may have just spoiled alot of players main quest line who are not yet up to that point and have no idea that molag bal is the last boss before vet content.
mudvayne7950_ESO wrote: »Not sure if spoilers are allowed or not...but you may have just spoiled alot of players main quest line who are not yet up to that point and have no idea that molag bal is the last boss before vet content.
GreatPlayer wrote: »Well if they nerf him then people who complained will move to vet content without learning how to play smarter. How long before they want the vet content nerfed?
If thats true then so be it! I think everyone should be able to level their character to the MAX! It is the endgame that should be super hard! NOT LEVELING! that just bad game design!
GreatPlayer wrote: »Well if they nerf him then people who complained will move to vet content without learning how to play smarter. How long before they want the vet content nerfed?
If thats true then so be it! I think everyone should be able to level their character to the MAX! It is the endgame that should be super hard! NOT LEVELING! that just bad game design!
GreatPlayer wrote: »
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »GreatPlayer wrote: »Well if they nerf him then people who complained will move to vet content without learning how to play smarter. How long before they want the vet content nerfed?
If thats true then so be it! I think everyone should be able to level their character to the MAX! It is the endgame that should be super hard! NOT LEVELING! that just bad game design!
He is the beginning of endgame. And no, not everyone should be the super-powerful awesome winner in a competitive videogame. Just like any other game ever made, you learn it, you get better at it, and you continue playing it!
GreatPlayer wrote: »Well if they nerf him then people who complained will move to vet content without learning how to play smarter. How long before they want the vet content nerfed?
If thats true then so be it! I think everyone should be able to level their character to the MAX! It is the endgame that should be super hard! NOT LEVELING! that just bad game design!
Darksouls is crazy hard, and still really popular. I'm with Atto on this - this game does not need to be easier.