Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

To all the people mad at the fact maintenance is going on right now:

There are going to be bugs, it's a massive, revolutionary, and intricate game. There are going to be small things they over looked. If you don't like it go back to playing your kiddy MMO's that are free. Just remember, they are free because they aren't good enough games that people WANT to pay the money for. It bugs me so much how everyone is blowing up demanding payment for their lost time. But no one is pitching a fit when other long standing MMO's goes down. That's because other MMO's have had years to perfect. When ESO hits that point in it's life it won't need to go down in the middle of the night.

Everything good takes times. So please, maintenance is going to happen, if you don't like it go play your free browser games.
  • NVPatriot
    Feel better?
  • Melian
    Wow, you sure must be proud of what a special, wise, and mature person you are.

  • drewsdaman
    Melian wrote: »
    Wow, you sure must be proud of what a special, wise, and mature person you are.

    You too!

  • demendred
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • bkpiazzab14_ESO
    generic white knight "To all the people" soapbox post

    nothing to see here, move along.
  • chaosngn_ESO
    If they are bringing it down at prime playing time on a weekend, odds are they will have it up again relatively soon.

    I speak from experience. Unless it's a horrendous situation on their end, most studios don't want to bring the servers down on a weekend.

  • Silowyi
    I, for one, agree.

    What is funniest to me is how many people demand 100% perfection from everyone and everything else in the world and I GUARANTEE that in their own lives they give substantially less than they expect from everyone else.
    Edited by Silowyi on April 13, 2014 4:35AM
  • drewsdaman
    generic white knight "To all the people" soapbox post

    nothing to see here, move along.

    This is how I am entertaining this while the server is down, reading all the trolls attempting to be funny when you post some thing that sounds really serious. LOL

  • NVPatriot
    How can you guarantee what everyone else does in their lives? Er sorry..GUARNATEE..
  • politesir
    Soul Shriven
    Awww look guys he's defending Zenimax because he likes their game. Another kiddie that let his brand loyalty take the better of him. In 5-10 years he'll realize how hilarious he was in his teens.
  • demendred
    Its The Elder Scrolls. There will always be a bug here or there in it. Its a way of life, like breathing.
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • Silowyi
    NVPatriot wrote: »
    How can you guarantee what everyone else does in their lives? Er sorry..GUARNATEE..

    Ummm... it's in my user agreement, money back guarantee!

  • Thunder
    Relax, friend. You don't have a horse in this race. Your insults are of no help to anyone.
  • Silowyi
    Thunder wrote: »
    Relax, friend. You don't have a horse in this race. Your insults are of no help to anyone.

    Don't you know... you're not allowed to like anything anyone does or you're a rabid "fanboi". One must insult, deride, and diminish anything and everything at all times or else you're just not cool and worse ignorant at how miserable the world is.

  • Jadeviper1974
    drewsdaman wrote: »
    There are going to be bugs, it's a massive, revolutionary, and intricate game. There are going to be small things they over looked. If you don't like it go back to playing your kiddy MMO's that are free. Just remember, they are free because they aren't good enough games that people WANT to pay the money for. It bugs me so much how everyone is blowing up demanding payment for their lost time. But no one is pitching a fit when other long standing MMO's goes down. That's because other MMO's have had years to perfect. When ESO hits that point in it's life it won't need to go down in the middle of the night.

    Everything good takes times. So please, maintenance is going to happen, if you don't like it go play your free browser games.

    Would you like a towel to wipe some of that off?
    Edited by ZOS_SilviaS on April 13, 2014 4:55AM
    What is written above are my honest opinions. If you agree then; "Great!" If you disagree; "Great!" I really couldn't care less either way.
  • trixsterjl_ESO
    drewsdaman wrote: »
    Everything good takes times. So please, maintenance is going to happen, if you don't like it go play your free browser games.

    Bottom line this game needed 6 more months of beta. The time to fix game braking bugs is in beta. The main issues they are facing were there in beta. They had all those 3 day open beta but there test group for closed beta was way to small to prepare them for launch.
    Edited by ZOS_SilviaS on April 13, 2014 4:56AM
  • LimeFox

    I agree with the basic principle, but the tone is a bit self-righteous. That being said, I love game crashes. It's the only time I actually get homework done. :D
    Edited by LimeFox on April 13, 2014 4:45AM
  • Silowyi
    drewsdaman wrote: »
    Everything good takes times. So please children, quit your tantrums, dry your tears, and shut your mouths. Maintenance is going to happen, if you don't like it go play your free browser games.

    Bottom line this game needed 6 more months of beta. The time to fix game braking bugs is in beta. The main issues they are facing were there in beta. They had all those 3 day open beta but there test group for closed beta was way to small to prepare them for launch.

    As much as I love the game, there's some truth in this. I'm mostly happy with the game and fail to see it as completely broken, but it has some rough edges that need to get smoothed out. It's not as polished as I would hope, but compared to the other games I have beta tested in the last 12 years it's ahead of most. Sadly, we have to console ourselves with being "better than others' rather than "good without the need for comparisons". In this market, once you announce a launch date, you pretty much have to stick to it or the world implodes... I think that's a scientific reality (kidding... sorta).

    Still love the game and am at least glad they're fixing it as they can. bemoaning what should have been at launch is just too late.
  • Silowyi
    LimeFox wrote: »

    I agree with the basic principle, but the tone is a bit self-righteous. That being said, I love game crashes. It's the only time I actually get homework done. :D

    You're not really kidding! I know because it's the only time I get any sleep! Speaking of which...
  • circilion
    haha, righton.
  • Elvent
    demendred wrote: »

    whoa that's how I am reacting through my ESO withdrawal atm, it's hard. But there's nobody here to tell me I'm going to be ok....

    Edited by Elvent on April 13, 2014 4:50AM
  • Skroof
    drewsdaman wrote: »
    There are going to be bugs, it's a massive, revolutionary, and intricate game. There are going to be small things they over

    looked. If you don't like it go back to playing your kiddy MMO's that are free. Just remember, they are free because they aren't good enough games that people WANT to pay the money for. It bugs me so much how everyone is blowing up demanding payment for their lost time. But no one is pitching a fit when other long standing MMO's goes down. That's because other MMO's have had years to perfect. When ESO hits that point in it's life it won't need to go down in the middle of the night.

    Everything good takes times. So please, maintenance is going to happen, if you don't like it go play your free browser games.

    Well said , sorry you had so many trolls on your thread , but what you say is true non-the-less. New games take time to become great , none of them became great overnight. Keep the faith and hang in there it will all work out in the end. Yes it sucks that saturday night we can not play , but in the long run it will all be good , just give them some time to work out the bugs, no game launches without a few bugs , and ESO is no exception. It is easy to whine, it is hard to swallow your pride and accept the fact that you may be wrong in your anger. Search for some maturity in yourself and see they are doing their best to fix all the problems to make your leisure time better.
    None of us deserve to have the world (or the virtual world) handed to us on a silver platter, even if we have paid for it . keep in mind we are paying others with the same love for games as us to deliver a product that they believe in , and sometimes that is not as easy of a task as we may wish it to be.... deal and wait... it will all work out in the end... now flame me if you want I sincerely do not care and will probably not even re-check this post , but at least I have put in my 2 cents .... so that is that...
    Edited by ZOS_SilviaS on April 13, 2014 5:00AM
    Minds should be like a Tardis, Bigger on the inside.
  • lichmeister
    i /agreed

    on the other hand, it wouldnt hurt for them to throw a little love our way for the hassle. i can think of 2 MMOs that have given something cool in the mail for the aggravation of unexpected primetime server crashes and lost items cash and storage. (i went from struggling with only 90 slots to 60 and its killing me!)
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Silowyi wrote: »
    drewsdaman wrote: »
    Everything good takes times. So please children, quit your tantrums, dry your tears, and shut your mouths. Maintenance is going to happen, if you don't like it go play your free browser games.

    Bottom line this game needed 6 more months of beta. The time to fix game braking bugs is in beta. The main issues they are facing were there in beta. They had all those 3 day open beta but there test group for closed beta was way to small to prepare them for launch.

    As much as I love the game, there's some truth in this. I'm mostly happy with the game and fail to see it as completely broken, but it has some rough edges that need to get smoothed out. It's not as polished as I would hope, but compared to the other games I have beta tested in the last 12 years it's ahead of most. Sadly, we have to console ourselves with being "better than others' rather than "good without the need for comparisons". In this market, once you announce a launch date, you pretty much have to stick to it or the world implodes... I think that's a scientific reality (kidding... sorta).

    Still love the game and am at least glad they're fixing it as they can. bemoaning what should have been at launch is just too late.

    There is no truth there. These game breaking bugs dont appear when you want them to. People need to stop over reacting. Regardless of your individual feelings. You cant change the truth. The game has had one of the most stable launches. And in its week plus of existence has had less down time then just about every other MMOs launch in the same window of time.

    Expecting the game to be fixed and issues to not arise because a Beta existed doesnt change the fact that bugs arent fixed with the snap of a finger.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
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    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Thechemicals
    Its nice and makes sense to defend this game at times, but you cant soundly defend it on all fronts. I have not had complaints with its money transacting or bugs or missing boxes or lag, but i do have a problem with bringing down the server at 1147 est on a saturday night.
    You can put your shield up because its a good game but you need to open your mind and realize that while some were not playing due to problems, now noone is playing due to problems. Food for thought.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Silowyi
    Silowyi wrote: »
    drewsdaman wrote: »
    Everything good takes times. So please children, quit your tantrums, dry your tears, and shut your mouths. Maintenance is going to happen, if you don't like it go play your free browser games.

    Bottom line this game needed 6 more months of beta. The time to fix game braking bugs is in beta. The main issues they are facing were there in beta. They had all those 3 day open beta but there test group for closed beta was way to small to prepare them for launch.

    As much as I love the game, there's some truth in this. I'm mostly happy with the game and fail to see it as completely broken, but it has some rough edges that need to get smoothed out. It's not as polished as I would hope, but compared to the other games I have beta tested in the last 12 years it's ahead of most. Sadly, we have to console ourselves with being "better than others' rather than "good without the need for comparisons". In this market, once you announce a launch date, you pretty much have to stick to it or the world implodes... I think that's a scientific reality (kidding... sorta).

    Still love the game and am at least glad they're fixing it as they can. bemoaning what should have been at launch is just too late.

    There is no truth there. These game breaking bugs dont appear when you want them to. People need to stop over reacting. Regardless of your individual feelings. You cant change the truth. The game has had one of the most stable launches. And in its week plus of existence has had less down time then just about every other MMOs launch in the same window of time.

    Expecting the game to be fixed and issues to not arise because a Beta existed doesnt change the fact that bugs arent fixed with the snap of a finger.

    The truth I was referring to was that many of these bugs were there in beta, and I was in beta since last August so I can vouch for this. I also agree that things take time and overall I love the game and am glad they are fixing as they can. It would have been nice ti have them fixed before but they weren't so the point is moot.

    I'll just be happy when it goes back online and the world didn't explode.
  • Medwin
    I'm not mad, just would like to know if servers will be up in an hour or if I should just go to bed now.
    Please read through and comment on my incredibly comprehensive Vampire guide. :)
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  • bkpiazzab14_ESO
    Medwin wrote: »
    I'm not mad, just would like to know if servers will be up in an hour or if I should just go to bed now.

  • YourNameHere
    I hope this fixes some things. Husband was stuck at log in for 30 minutes, and I got stuck over 10 logging into a cave.
    NA Megaserver / RPer
    Alinyssa Gaethar - AD || Raahni-do - AD || Wind-In-Tree's-Shadow - DC
  • nathanmaxtrob14_ESO
    While I'm disappointed that the servers are down at 10 PM on Saturday night, it seems that they were taken down for very serious reasons.
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