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What Exactly is Wrong with Werewolves?

What's up, everyone? The purpose of this thread is to share my ideas on why the werewolf skill line needs improvement. It is also a thread where I encourage all others who are or want to be a werewolf to share their input and ideas on the matter. This post is outrageously long, I know, but I feel it's all necessary information to improve the game. I tried using bullets to organize my thoughts and make it easier to read, but I understand it can still be difficult. If being a werewolf in this game interests you, I suggest you read this whole thing (or try to, at least :wink:).

First, a little about myself:
I'm a level 38 nightblade and my werewolf skill line is at level 10. My max stamina is level 23 right now, and I have been a wolf for a little over a month. I spend a good majority of my time in Cyrodiil.

The Problems:
To put it very bluntly, the werewolf skill tree sucks.
  • The ultimate cost is too damn high. With the 925 (base cost is 1000) ultimate I use to transform into a wolf and maybe get 1 kill in PvP if I'm lucky, I could alternatively knock at least 3 people on their asses with the soul magic ultimate ability.
  • The ultimate bar randomly resets itself. This is a pretty well-known glitch at this point, but it is definitely one of the most obnoxious ones in the game if you are a die-hard werewolf.
  • I have honestly noticed very little change in the amount of damage I do in wolf form compared to my human form. In fact, I almost have an easier time killing sh*t in human form because I have access to abilities.
  • Werewolf actives are a joke. Pounce can only be used when you're around 5-15 meters away, it seems, nothing more, nothing less. And, it often seems that my character refuses to use pounce even after I mash the hotkey over and over (this is a glitch for me, obviously). Roar is not as useless, but there are no other actives available for close range. It forces me to have to spam click the default attack, which is no fun by any stretch of the imagination, and it does not look interesting at all.
  • I have noticed a pretty common glitch when using the pounce ability where your character will get stuck in a position that kinda looks like Terio doing the arm drop from the "Ooh Kill Em" Vine video (if you haven't seen it, look it up). When this glitch affects you, your character will still be able to move, but you cannot attack, block, or use abilities (including devour) in any way until you run to a place where you are out of combat. This is just about as annoying as the ultimate reset glitch, because it essentially runs your werewolf timer down until you have to turn back into a human. It could even get your character killed while you're affected because you can't defend yourself.
  • Another experience-breaking glitch that I have heard about is the pack-leader morph of the werewolf transformation ability. Evidently, if you have your transformation ultimate morphed to that, you immediately turn back into human form once you activate it, regardless of if you immediately use devour or not. I have not experienced this because my transformation is morphed to berserk werewolf, but, nonetheless, the glitch needs to be fixed.
  • Lycanthropy is a hindrance in PvP rather than a benefit. You need to grind on monsters for 10-15 minutes before you can even transform. Obviously, monster grinding in Cyrodiil is dangerous and usually frustrating because other players can give you a swift kick in the ass at any point. Then, you can enjoy your nice, long run all the way back to the grind spot. I have literally never gotten a kill in beast form while in PvP yet, and I have managed to turn into one many times while in Cyrodiil. This isn't just because I suck. If you have played as a werewolf in PvP, you will know what I mean when I say that poison arrow and fighters' guild abilities suck massive c*ck. However, I don't think that the poison weakness and fighters' guild abilities should be nerfed, as they do give a nice balance to the power that you are supposed to have. But here comes the real issue... you don't have any significant power as a werewolf in it's current state.
  • Maybe this is just me, but I feel like both the werewolf and vampire skill trees are too easy to level up. I play for an average of 1-2 hours each day and, I managed to max out the skill tree with strictly casual play and a little bit of competitive PvP in about a week. This seems a little crazy given the amount of time it takes to level other skill trees.
  • Where is the all-fours sprinting animation from Skyrim?

    My Suggestions:
    These are purely my opinions. I'm sure there are plenty of people who disagree on them, and if that's the case, please drop a comment telling me, the community, and Zenimax why! But try to do so maturely and politely.
  • Active ability suggestions:
    1. Maul: This would be an ability that is similar to uppercut for the 2H weapons skill tree. Your werewolf would do a short, 1.5-second or so wind up, and hit your opponent straight in the jaw, dealing high damage depending on max stamina, knocking them back 4 meters, and stunning them for a short amount of time. This could make up for the lack of close-range DPS abilities that werewolves have. It's morphs could be called Shred and Thrash. Shred would add the option to press the ability hotkey again to pounce on your opponent while they are on the ground, preventing them from getting up. It would also add an additional, unavoidable 5 strikes to them, dealing extra damage over 2 seconds while you are on top of them. A 1.5 second AoE disorientation to all enemies within 3 meters of your opponent would also occur. To make this ability fair and not OP, it would cost high amounts of stamina (more than the base cost of maul) and decrease your armor bonus while shred is active. Also, getting damaged from any source while the ability is active will result in your character being automatically knocked down. The thrash morph would simply cut out the 1.5 second wind up, so it may be used immediately, and it would slightly reduce the stamina cost of the ability.
    2. Dig: This would allow the player to dig/ burrow into the ground while in combat (like a dog digs holes). The main purpose of this would be to allow the player to take no damage for a short time and regenerate a small amount of health while underground, in exchange for a cost of 100-200 stamina per second. The player would be granted double health regeneration and would be allowed to stay underground until their stamina bar runs out. Keep in mind, however, that the werewolf timer would continue to run even while underground. Players would be allowed to cancel the ability and enter the surface at any point by pressing the ability hotkey again. The morphs could be called Tunnel and Pitfall. Tunnel would simply allow players to move while underground at a speed equivalent to walking, and emerging from the ground would cause a 1.5 second disorientation to all targets within a range of 3 meters. Moving, however, would consume a bit more stamina per second than being still. This could allow for some interesting tactical play, similar to a nightblade's shadow cloak ability, where you could move a bit and emerge from the ground behind your opponent, catching them off-guard. Pitfall could be an ability that allows you to pull a single enemy from the surface, directly above you (or at least within 2 meters of you, maybe) into the ground. You would not be able to move, however, like with the tunnel ability; you must remain stationary. Once an enemy is directly above you, a "Press 'X'" option will appear on your screen called "drag under". Pressing it will cause your werewolf to shoot his/her arm up into the surface (like a zombie, for example) and pull an enemy down by his/her ankle. While your opponent is underground, they would be unable to attack, block, or move. They will take constant damage, while your wolf heals itself, until you emerge from the ground with them. Of course, activating the "drag under" 'X' option will cost extra stamina per second while the enemy is underground.
    3. Bite: This would be an ability that would allow your werewolf to bite a target, causing minor damage and restoring a small amount of your werewolf timer, at the cost of a high amount of stamina. It would have no countdown between uses like devour does. However, the high stamina cost should make up for that. It also would restore less to the timer compared to devour because it may be used while your opponent is still alive. It's morphs could be called Feral Snap and Hircine's Redemption. Feral Snap would allow you to bite your opponent again, immediately, with no extra cost by pressing the ability hotkey once more. The second bite would deal the same damage and restore the same amount of time as the first one. Hircine's redemption would add the ability to restore a small bit of health with each use. You can also gain the option of leaping 6 meters backward shortly after biting your opponent by pressing the ability hotkey again. This would cost additional stamina.
  • Other Suggestions:
    1. Ultimate cost should be reduced to a base of at least 600. That way, at Werewolf Transformation rank IV, it would only cost 525 ultimate. I think this is completely fair.
    2. Allow us to change the fur color of our werewolf by visiting a ritual shrine and paying money. Or, possibly use it as a sign of rank/prestige. For example, as I get more kills in werewolf form, I would continue to unlock fur colors to purchase at the ritual shrine. That way, there could be more individuality amongst werewolves. I like the idea of having a blonde (golden) furred werewolf after getting some ludicrous amount of kills, like 5000 or something. As of right now, I believe the only colors available are white and the default grey. The only way to become white is by morphing the transformation ultimate to pack-leader. And, I'm sure as hell not doing that in it's current state.
    3. The werewolf skill tree should require more kills while in wolf form to advance among the ranks. Or, they could increase the level cap of the werewolf/ vampire trees to level 50, like most of the other skill lines. That way, it would be more of a challenge to unlock abilities and become the best werewolf there is. This should help in eliminating the argument of werewolves being "overpowered". If Zenimax were to add the improvements that I have suggested (I know it's a stretch that they will, but it's possible) this could be their way of balancing the skill tree; they could make it so you have to work hard and be determined towards becoming a badass.
    4. The overall time that you are allowed to be in werewolf form should be increased. As of right now, you can really only be one for 30 seconds - 1 minute at a time. This should be increase to, at a minimum, 1 and a half - 2 minutes at a time without using devour.
    5. Decrease the cooldown of devour.
    6. I know this will be very controversial, but decrease the spawn rate of werewolves (and bloodfiends). Or, turn the quest into a questline. Make a series of difficult quests/ trials you have to go through to become a werewolf (or vampire) that may drive away those who are not dedicated enough to complete them and receive its ultimate reward. Make it a real challenge and prestigious honor to become a werewolf like Hircine intended it to be. After all, the quest is called Hircine's Gift.
    7. Most importantly, make it worth becoming a werewolf, with a few disadvantages that may turn off specific people. Don't make it a skill tree that has no benefits whatsoever and is an overall hindrance to game-play.

    If you made it through reading this far, I thank you for your time. Please, take some more time to post comments sharing your thoughts or suggestions on the matter that could improve Lycanthropy or Vampirism. Or, please give me some constructive criticism on why my ideas are wrong :). I look forward to reading any comments.
Edited by Zromguy_ESO on May 13, 2014 2:00AM
  • lyndsayporterb16_ESO
  • Brittany_Joy
    To be honest, your suggestions won't fix anything. Instead your suggestions would make things worse because it makes your werewolf like a mole instead of a wild vicious beast. The skills should make you feel like a rabid werewolf and not a common dog. The current werewolf skills are fine but it is the costly ultimate, short werewolf duration, losing all armor buffs, and becoming more susceptible to CC that is the problem.
  • Zromguy_ESO
    To be honest, your suggestions won't fix anything. Instead your suggestions would make things worse because it makes your werewolf like a mole instead of a wild vicious beast. The skills should make you feel like a rabid werewolf and not a common dog. The current werewolf skills are fine but it is the costly ultimate, short werewolf duration, losing all armor buffs, and becoming more susceptible to CC that is the problem.
    I get what your saying, but you have to understand that I'm looking at it from the PvP perspective. The current abilities are not enough for a PvP situation. I was just trying to come up with a creative way to heal while in werewolf form, which is definitely necessary for PvP or else you are at a huge disadvantage. I mean, there aren't even any close range abilities you can use that actually deal damage. All of my ability suggestions were carefully thought out so that they could fulfill 3 major issues with werewolf combat: the lack of being able to heal, the lack of any close-range abilities, and the short length of the werewolf timer. Thanks for your comment, though.

    Edited by Zromguy_ESO on April 13, 2014 3:53AM
  • Brittany_Joy
    To be honest, your suggestions won't fix anything. Instead your suggestions would make things worse because it makes your werewolf like a mole instead of a wild vicious beast. The skills should make you feel like a rabid werewolf and not a common dog. The current werewolf skills are fine but it is the costly ultimate, short werewolf duration, losing all armor buffs, and becoming more susceptible to CC that is the problem.
    I get what your saying, but you have to understand that I'm looking at it from the PvP perspective. The current abilities are not enough for a PvP situation. I was just trying to come up with a creative way to heal while in werewolf form, which is definitely necessary for PvP or else you are at a huge disadvantage. I mean, there aren't even any close range abilities you can use that actually deal damage. All of my ability suggestions were carefully thought out so that they could fulfill 3 major issues with werewolf combat: the lack of being able to heal, the lack of any close-range abilities, and the short length of the werewolf timer. Thanks for your comment, though.

    The current werewolf skills are fine in PvP. I usually just use roar every 4 sec, keep the bleeds up from the zerker werewolf passive, and use heavy attacks to knock down enemy players. Devour restores a good amount of HP but it can easily be interrupted. The weaknesses of being in werewolf form are not being able to dodge or break out of CC like everyone else. The ultimate cost is also way too high for a short duration in werewolf form.

    The fixes are simple, if ZoS wants to maintain the 925 ultimate cost then at least increase the time given from devour to 30 seconds or higher and allow werewolves to dodge and break out of CC.

    Or ZoS can completely revamp werewolves into a form that can be toggled on or off. Werewolves will have to rely on attack speed, bleeds, and their short fear but are still susceptible to CC. Revamp devour to grant more HP and give a short regeneration buff. To me this idea seems a bit overpowered but the weakness to poison, fighter's guild passive, and being susceptible to CC balances it out. However, I understand if werewolves do an insane amount of damage than that will basically force people to get it for a cookie cutter build. Unless werewolves only do the same amount of damage as normal players then it sort of balances itself out.

    I prefer ZoS to just lower the ultimate cost to make up for the weaknesses, give werewolves more time in being a werewolf, and give us the ability to dodge.
  • Zromguy_ESO
    I prefer ZoS to just lower the ultimate cost to make up for the weaknesses, give werewolves more time in being a werewolf, and give us the ability to dodge.
    These seem like the most valid suggestions. I really don't see ZOS revamping the entire werewolf mechanic to make it toggle-able, just like I don't really see them adding any of the active abilities I suggested. I really don't like being limited to 2 almost useless abilities and my left-click attack, though. That's why I suggested that there should be more actives. I'd say the most mandatory functions they need to change, however, are the ultimate cost (bring it down to a base of 600, like i said in the OP), and increase the base time in wolf form, without using devour, to like 2 minutes (once again, like I said in the OP). I like your idea of dodging, too. Basically, whenever you're snared or rooted by CC in wolf form, you are absolutely screwed. Dodging could definitely change this.

  • MasterLanz
    Lower cost, longer duration (maybe even just 5-10 seconds), remove the internal cooldown on devour, and make feeding off player corpses in pvp fully-restore the bar (since it's rare to get time to feed). That's really the biggest problem right now outside of obvious bugs is being able to actually be in wolf form. I'd like them to fix that issue, and then we'll take a look at rebalancing it again. I think how frequently it can be used is a big part of how effective it is. Even with the pvp limitations, if you could have several wolves leaping into combat at the same time and popping howls, it would wreak serious chaos, but that coordination becomes almost impossible when you're trying to get multiple people to build up 1,000 cost ultimates.

    The fact of the matter is that if the ult cost 0 and werewolves could beast out at will, they'd be very impressive, if not potentially overpowered. So if we had a middle ground between almost-impossible-to-use and super-easy-to-use, we'd probably have a pretty nice character feature to play with. Werewolves make excellent shock troops for their sheer durability, damage output and speed, but that's useless when you can't apply it in mass strength in pvp.
  • Brittany_Joy
    I prefer ZoS to just lower the ultimate cost to make up for the weaknesses, give werewolves more time in being a werewolf, and give us the ability to dodge.
    These seem like the most valid suggestions. I really don't see ZOS revamping the entire werewolf mechanic to make it toggle-able, just like I don't really see them adding any of the active abilities I suggested. I really don't like being limited to 2 almost useless abilities and my left-click attack, though. That's why I suggested that there should be more actives. I'd say the most mandatory functions they need to change, however, are the ultimate cost (bring it down to a base of 600, like i said in the OP), and increase the base time in wolf form, without using devour, to like 2 minutes (once again, like I said in the OP). I like your idea of dodging, too. Basically, whenever you're snared or rooted by CC in wolf form, you are absolutely screwed. Dodging could definitely change this.
    I read somewhere that Sorcerers can reduce the ultimate cost to 422 with the Savior's Hide set (-33%), akaviri dragonguard set (-20%), and their class passive called Power stone (-15%). I am not 100% sure if this is possible but I am leveling a sorcerer to check if it is true.
  • Zromguy_ESO
    MasterLanz wrote: »
    So if we had a middle ground between almost-impossible-to-use and super-easy-to-use, we'd probably have a pretty nice character feature to play with. Werewolves make excellent shock troops for their sheer durability, damage output and speed, but that's useless when you can't apply it in mass strength in pvp.
    I'd have to say a middle-ground between overpowered and it's current underpowered state sounds pretty good. ZOS would have to make it so that it's not a disadvantage to play as a wolf (like it is now), and it's not overpowered to the point that everyone wants to be one. I like the fact that ZOS tried adding balance to the skill line. It seems like they wanted it to solely be a unique way to play the game, not a mandatory enhancement that everyone will eventually need. I think they should make it more customizable though, like adding the ability to change your fur color (to red, white, grey, brown, black, blonde) without having to morph the transformation ultimate.

  • Zromguy_ESO
    I read somewhere that Sorcerers can reduce the ultimate cost to 422 with the Savior's Hide set (-33%), akaviri dragonguard set (-20%), and their class passive called Power stone (-15%). I am not 100% sure if this is possible but I am leveling a sorcerer to check if it is true.
    Well, you need 5 pieces of the savior's hide set and 3 pieces of the akaviri set to make that work. That will be pretty damn hard to get considering each piece is a rare monster drop and there is no real auction house system in-game. Plus, the savior's hide is a level 47-50 armor set, I believe, and the akaviri one is for levels 15-20. That's a pretty huge level difference. I don't think you are going to want to be a level 50 wearing 3 pieces of level 20 armor. I don't see why it wouldn't work, but I think it would just end up being too much of a pain in the ass to do.

  • Brittany_Joy
    I read somewhere that Sorcerers can reduce the ultimate cost to 422 with the Savior's Hide set (-33%), akaviri dragonguard set (-20%), and their class passive called Power stone (-15%). I am not 100% sure if this is possible but I am leveling a sorcerer to check if it is true.
    Well, you need 5 pieces of the savior's hide set and 3 pieces of the akaviri set to make that work. That will be pretty damn hard to get considering each piece is a rare monster drop and there is no real auction house system in-game. Plus, the savior's hide is a level 47-50 armor set, I believe, and the akaviri one is for levels 15-20. That's a pretty huge level difference. I don't think you are going to want to be a level 50 wearing 3 pieces of level 20 armor. I don't see why it wouldn't work, but I think it would just end up being too much of a pain in the ass to do.
    Yeah, farming for the rare drops are going to be annoying. I am still making a sorcerer ult just to reduce the werewolf cost to 787 though. Even though werewolves are currently underpowered they are still fun to play as.
  • Spriggen
    @Zromguy_ESO‌ I don't get why players like you are having a hard time especially in PvP as a werewolf?

    You need to build you character around the werewolf. Have your jewelry enchanted with poison resist. I've killed Fighter guild players easy with out werewolf form and in werewolf when they have the jump on me. This is not a hard game. Like I said you need to build your character around the werewolf.

    Since your a nightshade, I'd recommend just sticking to abilities that are really defensive and just wait till you transform.

    Most of my PvP experiences has been in my guilds group and we are all werewolves. The others don't have any issues.

    The only issue I have is the pack leader morph.

    If I could suggest something to Zenimax. Allow the ultimate to cost only half during full moons.
  • MasterLanz
    Yeah, full-moon functionality would be great. Half cost or double ultimate gains or something. Give the werewolf some day/night consideration like vampires do, since they have a strong relation to the moon.

    But yeah, getting Savior's Hide is going to suck. Not only just because it'll be hard to get, but also because it basically forces werewolves to stick to medium armor.
  • Spriggen
    Medium armor would benefit werewolves more so then heavy armor.

    medium armor beneifts - Attack speed/crit chance/Stam regen/run speed/set made for werewolves.

    Heavy armor benefits - armor/health regeneration/heals more against you/ "of the Dragon" set for the ultimate cost decrease.

    Sure HA has that survivability but up against a werewolf with medium armor, you would lose especially if it's a berserker. People forget that those armor passives stack when they are in werewolf form. If you like heavy armor so much, go hybrid. 5 medium and 2 heavy armor or vice versa.
    Edited by Spriggen on April 13, 2014 7:49AM
  • MasterLanz
    I've been going the other way around. I don't have a savior set yet, but I'm 5 heavy 2 medium currently.

    Medium armor is okay, but I'm pretty sure that the werewolf bonus to armor won't put you at softcap, which means you're pretty squishy with no real way to heal or buff yourself.

    I was running around for an hour in werewolf form today and I didn't check it, I'll look into the specifics of it tomorrow, but I'm reasonably sure that medium armor is going to lose a fair bit of durability over light armor.

    I do know that your weapons are still active in your beast form though. I was triggering the enchant off my axe while in wolf form and I got a level in 2h weapon while in wolf form. If that's the case, and your character's gear stats are exactly the same, then it's important to consider weapon choice with a werewolf as well. If every attack is based on your weapon attack, than using a 2h with a werewolf would be tremendous damage (which is what I use, and my werewolf is devastating), or alternatively, sword and shield when shifting would lead to a tankier werewolf that might even benefit from sword and shield defensive passives.
  • Zromguy_ESO
    Just a quick question... Does anyone else get that glitch when activating pounce in werewolf form where you are unable to attack, block, use abilities, or sprint? Happens to me all the time, and it forces me to have to run (without sprinting) out of combat. By the time i get out of combat, though, I'm normally out of time in wolf form, or I die trying to run away. It's actually more obnoxious than the ultimate reset glitch, imo.
  • Mustaklaki
    Just a quick question... Does anyone else get that glitch when activating pounce in werewolf form where you are unable to attack, block, use abilities, or sprint? Happens to me all the time, and it forces me to have to run (without sprinting) out of combat. By the time i get out of combat, though, I'm normally out of time in wolf form, or I die trying to run away. It's actually more obnoxious than the ultimate reset glitch, imo.

    Just use a potion.

  • Zromguy_ESO
    Mustaklaki wrote: »
    Just use a potion.
    Ah, it's that easy? Sounds good, thanks for the help.

  • MasterLanz
    Yeah, I've had that problem tons too. It cost me several shifts early on when I didn't have devour and didn't know how to fix it.
  • Ikumarbeh
    Werewolf is so broken at the moment that i think it's best to wait for the fix. I can't even begin to feel what it is like to be a Werewolf as Zenimax intented it from all the bugs and broken stuff. But two things are apparent.

    First, I re-skilled to a build that concentrates on heavy Ultimate gain, and i get the 925 Ultimate rather quickly. Point is that this is a restriction. What does Zenimax mean to tell me - that I can only be a Werewolf frequently if I sacrifice my non-Werewolf skillbar? Am I THAT powerful for 30secs every 5mins that my build has to be survavibility or damage nerfed in favour of Ultimate farm?
    What's the idea? That I must be overly weak SKILL WISE (not speaking about the standart poison weakness and FG skillline weakness), in order to be somewhat powerful for 30 secs every now and then?

    All of this stems from the fact, that Werewolf is made an Ultimate skill. This should be reconsidered. Maybe make it like something that builds up, like a rage bar. At the moment it's like somewhere in Zenimax someone is too lazy, or is too rushed to release the game, so he wants to use the alredy available Ultimate mechanic instead of making Werewolf a mechanic of its own.

    Second, I can't be in Werewolf form indefinitely? That's a serious conceptual flaw Zenimax has to reconsider! I don't want to be Werewolf because of some vanity outer looks - i want to experience the rage-style play the mechanic offers!

    As long as I'm engaging in combat and producing corpses I should remain in Werewolf form. Every melee hit should add more timer, every ability should add more timer and the whole Devour mechanic should be revamped. There must not be a delay between Devours, animation must not waste timer but should freeze it, and the number of Devourable targets should be increased. Also it shouldn't be interruptable, but damage may still be taken.

    Look at it lore-wise even. Werewolf is about enraging, right? And releasing the rage. So we get buffs the more kills we do, and thus we get more and more enraged, and then all of a sudden, at the peak of our rage and buffs, we suddenly run out of rage and transform back to human form?
    That is not how rage works in real life Zenimax! This whole mechanic is anti-climactic and is simply put - wrong and miscalculated! You can't combine "anticlimactc" with the werewolf myth, these two contradict eachother, because werewolves everywhere in the world of mythology are a rage-hunger climax. And you just mock that.
    Instead of running out of timer the more kills we do, parallel to the damage buffs we may get increasing weakness to certain things, as the more enraged you are the more damage you dash out, but the more careless you become also. Or something like that... But don't eat up the timer.

    It's obvious imo that vamp/wolf mechanics were simply not ready for launch.
    Edited by Ikumarbeh on April 18, 2014 1:22PM
  • shaun.warnerb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Im pretty much intotal agreement with the OP, For me the main drawback is the ultimate cost, it should be 400base when leveled then 325 because for how poerfull it dosnt make you you spend far to long building the ult up
  • Spriggen
    @Ikumarbeh The second point I agree with though the first well... no.

    If they bring down the current ultimate, WW would not be balance AT ALL. You all need to understand that WW are VERY powerful in melee that even a duel-wielding dragon knight or nightblade cannot match your speed and sheer damage output. Not even a two handed sorc could come close.

    Now, with that said. There are sets that decrease the ultimate point grind.
    They are the following

    Choose one and build your werewolf around it. Or mix and match. Have Akavari and Savior set to bring down the you ultimate to 53% of 1000.
  • ScardyFox
    The ultimate cost needs to vanish, plain and simple. The ultimate should be its own ability only activated as a Werewolf.
  • Dignam
    couldnt agree with the concept of this post more. Werewolf needs a lot of love. 1st the bugs which make it borderline unplayable. Then beyond that, the actives definitely suck and it needs an active DMG ability and should really have some sort of life steal built into it. I absolutely am weaker in WW form than in my standard DW human self because the abilities are just so bad.

    The other huge thing I agree with is base cost of Ult lowered, and base time in Ult raised.
  • Nitratas
    Totally agree with most of the posts. Havent noticed if anyone mentioned it yet but i wanted to add that transformation and retransformation animations take too damn long. I've died countless of times on my retransformation animation because it takes too damn long and is buggy. Make it 1 second tops, not 5 to 10 seconds until i can get into combat in human form again
    Edited by Nitratas on April 21, 2014 10:59AM
  • Wolfster
    Fix the existing bugs should be the top priority. Then I reckon they have a handful of reasonable options: Either add a close range active ability that does damage (and snare would be good) OR significantly increase base damage while transformed. Either give werewolf form a significant base line regeneration or add an active defensive ability or self heal.

    I'm OK with werewolf being pretty simple, and the whole skill line is basically a 20 point investment into a single ultimate ability which at the moment simply does not perform as well as a standard character. It should be that, having taken the time to build up that amount of ultimate that WWs are -almost- invulnerable. Killing them in that 30-60 second period should be much harder than ccing/kiting them until the timer ends, and letting them close on your should be a horrible, horrible mistake.

    As it stands, transforming is basically a good way to get yourself killed - though it is fun. For all the skill points that need to be invested (and none of them benefit un-transformed characters - making this the game's most expensive ultimate by an order of magnitude) it should be a little bit, completely overpowered for it's short duration.
  • Zromguy_ESO
    As it stands, transforming is basically a good way to get yourself killed - though it is fun. For all the skill points that need to be invested (and none of them benefit un-transformed characters - making this the game's most expensive ultimate by an order of magnitude) it should be a little bit, completely overpowered for it's short duration.
    I completely agree with your whole post, but I think this was the best point you made. The ability to be a werewolf or vampire should be more of a privilege that you need to work hard to get and to maintain, rather than a novelty. In fact, I think the lycanthropy and vampirism skill lines need to be harder to level and cap off at level 50 rather than 10. That way, not just anybody can be effective as a wolf or vamp. I can't stress it enough, it should be more of a challenge to be dangerous with the skill lines, but at the same time, it should be more rewarding than it currently is... at least for werewolves.
    Nitratas wrote: »
    I wanted to add that transformation and retransformation animations take too damn long. I've died countless of times on my retransformation animation because it takes too damn long and is buggy. Make it 1 second tops, not 5 to 10 seconds until i can get into combat in human form again
    I think the current transformation time is a good length. If it were any shorter, it would take away from the immersion. I know this is an MMO, but people have to understand that it's also an Elder Scrolls game. Elder Scrolls games are generally built all around immersion. Maybe ZOS could make it so that you take significantly less damage while transforming so you have a decreased chance of dying while trying to turn into the form. Or, you could just transform before an enemy sees you, and then use pounce on them to initiate combat quickly.

  • MasterLanz
    Well, the transform is supposed to be protected by the fear effect it causes, but that's useless in pvp where most people are shooting you at range. Changing back has no defense at all, and you're purely vulnerable for it, so I also think it should be shorter.
  • Futrix
    Completely agree. I just cured my lycanthropy due to most of these issues.

    I especially love the idea about giving the wolves a choice of hair color. The ultimate cost is way too high. More abilities are needed.

    Also, that "Ooh Kill Em" animation glitch that keeps you from attacking isn't just a byproduct of pounce. It can happen even with basic swings. Werewolf is really buggy.
  • bantad87
    I just picked up the wolf today - and man does it suck. Costs too much ultimate, does less damage then my stamina built sword/board sorc in melee, can't dodge, and the stamina passives do not apply outside of the xform.

    In Skyrim you got a passive boost to carry cap and stamina all the time, that should apply here as well. The ult cost should be halved, and melee damage needs to be increased or something.

    Seriously, my standard melee sorc is way stronger then the xform, and this thing costs me 850 ultimate. I can't even stand running it, I'll probably cure it tomorrow zzz.
  • luzpteb17_ESO
    I get the feeling werewolves were kinda overlooked and that one of the reasons is that they don't have a npc, there's no story development on "The Pack" or a comeback from the "Companions".

    Basically, unlike the Undaunted / Fighters Guild who get more a Werewolf you only get that one quest which I did it at lvl 20 in a lvl 40+ area (somehow a letdown as well).

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