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4/5 Lights of Meridia

I'm looking for the 5th one, as far as I can tell I have done all the quests below the Chasm, and a few above. I noticed that 2 of the quest hubs say that I have found a Light of Meridia, but all the other ones do not. For the life of me I cannot seem to find the 5th light. Could someone maybe at the very least point me into the areas where the lights can be found? Google has provided no information on their locations.
  • nhanschkeb16_ESO
    I'm in the same boat as you.

    Which two say that you have recovered the Lights of Meridia? I only have one that says that.
  • Divayith
    the 2 are Library of Dusk and Tower of Lies
  • Radaknem
    I'm in a similar position with 4/5 recovered with the recovered text the same as @Divayith. I didn't realise these were part of an achievement so I wasn't really keeping track but I believe that I had 4/5 after completing the quests to the west of the Hollow City. I've now almost completed the entire zone and I've not found the final one I need. The exception to this is the 'Lost Fleet' quest 'A Graveyard of Ships' and its follow up because it is thoroughly bugged for me.

    When getting the 4/5 I also remember these lights being in really obvious places while doing the various quests, as in I never really had to look hard to find them. I hope this doesn't turn into another complete 62/62 quests in Shadowfen because I now hate this zone and never want to go back :)
    Edited by Radaknem on April 12, 2014 11:47PM
  • Divayith
    Ive gone back and checked all the hubs south of the chasm, nothing. Ive looked at the areas north of the chasm and again nothing. Im at 24/30 Coldharbor quests, but I have some reservations about finishing "The Army of Meridia" without the 5th unless someone can confirm that you can go back and get the 5th one after the Main story is finished.
  • Radaknem
    I completed the 'Army of Meridia' quest with only 4/5, I've also got the 30/30 quest achievement as well and I've still been able to poke around the previous quest areas no problem. I think when you first start the zone and talk to the Groundskeeper she will give you some tips as to where the lights are. I vaguely remember her saying something about south-east but that is all.
  • Axer
    I unlocked it just fine today.

    The quests with a light of meridia are generall pretty obvious (they have you pick up a blue crystal). Can't quite remember every one, but yea they are all in the west/east areas, as I had it done before I did the army of meridia.

    iirc they are:
    Obvious 2 (Save the Ayleid King and Mage guild leader)
    Save the burly orc dude from the fighters guild (west central area)

    Can't remember other 2. The one in the group-PD may be one, as that has a big impact on the npcs in the town.

    If you've done them all and don't have it:
    iirc one of the quest has a choice that may result in you not getting the light. Thats probably it. I generally went with the choices that saved the most people/humans (some required intim/persuasion skill) - murdered the lamians, saving the elves. etc.
    Edited by Axer on April 13, 2014 2:35AM
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • feanya
    Same, only bugged Ship Greveyard don't complited and still have 4/5 and 29/30 in quests, i also don't recieve achievment for maon quests in Eastmarch, so maybe just achievment sistem bugged
  • Divayith
    OK so I noticed there was a road on the east side leading south to a dead end with no map icon at the end of it. I followed the road and discovered the vile laboratory. While there I found my 5th light. Thank the gods. If you haven't completed the Vile Laboratory and are at 4/5 then that is where it is at. The location is on the east side, The first road to the east heading south. on the map it is east of Cadwell's Hovel.
    Edited by Divayith on April 13, 2014 7:20AM
  • Danjok
    Soul Shriven
    I have the same problem 4/5 and finished everything 30/30. I know the position of the 4 pieces. I hope someone can add the missing one for me.
    • Library of Dusk - On the hovering platform at the end of the quest (before you jump down)
    • Tower of Lies - Next to the Portal at the end of the quest
    • The Lightless Oubliette - First room inside, on the left side under the tree (move the branch)
    • The Vile Laboratory - In the middle of the last room finishing the quest.
  • snipergeist
    Soul Shriven
    The final light of meridia is in an argonian village called haj uxith in the southwest of coldharbor. theres a small questline to complete before you get it
    Edited by snipergeist on April 15, 2014 1:22AM
  • shinkicker444rwb17_ESO
    Where in the Argonian village, I've completed it and I can't see it.
  • gnostici
    I want to bump this to confirm that the final light does not always show up in game. I've scoured that village three times, and it simply is not there.
  • Axer
    gnostici wrote: »
    I want to bump this to confirm that the final light does not always show up in game. I've scoured that village three times, and it simply is not there.
    What was your choice in the quest though?
    It's possible you can't get it if you side with the fighters and keep the hist tree. I choose to have it destroyed and recieved the light iirc.

    And yea the lights aren't just "sitting there" to be found anyways, they are always part of quests. The quest objective litterally tells you to take the light of meridia. It's not really something that can be missed imo. Maybe you can skip taht quest step, but its quite obvious you shouldnt.
    Edited by Axer on April 15, 2014 5:55AM
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • Axer
    feanya wrote: »
    Same, only bugged Ship Greveyard don't complited and still have 4/5 and 29/30 in quests, i also don't recieve achievment for maon quests in Eastmarch, so maybe just achievment sistem bugged

    There are at least 33 quests in coldhabour, so the 2 you can't do due to the bugged ship graveyard quest won't prevent you from getting the achievement (I have it).
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • Nadijeh
    ^ I'd like to know as well, where in the village?
  • gnostici

    I sided with the fighters, though if that's it then it's a very weird design choice to punish players for choosing not to destroy an ancient civilization. I don't see why they'd block the achievement for that.
    Edited by gnostici on April 15, 2014 6:09AM
  • Nadijeh
    Yeah I sided with the fighters, too. :/ We can't enter the room in the pyramid where I'm suspecting it is >_<
  • Axer
    Nadijeh wrote: »
    ^ I'd like to know as well, where in the village?
    When you do the related quest it will litterally tell you "pick up the light of meridia".

    You can't miss it. I made no attempt to search for these, they were always presented to me.
    gnostici wrote: »

    I sided with the fighters, though if that's it then it's a very weird design choice to punish players for choosing not to destroy an ancient civilization. I don't see why they'd block the achievement for that.

    Pretty sure siding with the fighters is the more "evil" choice. As the hist tree is being used by molag bal.
    Destroying it isn't about destryong a civilzation, it's about freeing the argonians from slavery to molag bal. (And actually the argonian mages are called "preservers" so it's quite the opposite to side with them).

    And the dialog implies you'll get a greater combat advantage if you side with the fighters tho. So you have to choose between the eviler choice (and gain an advantage in the final battle) or the "good" choice (and be at a disadvantage in the final battle).

    Though dunno for sure if they do anything in the final battle quest. I know the argonian mages don't.

    Similiar to the choice on the battlefield/contest quest - you can choose to sacrifice the mage guild people to gain the much more powerful dark evil dude to provide you an advantage in the final battle (and he does provide quite a cool one at that), or save the mages. (though you can also use intim/persuade to save both in that one)

    And yea I dunno for sure 100% that choice loses you that achievement, just a guess. I do know the game does has 100% missable achievements tho - as it presents you with one right off the bat in the tutorial island (Proceed to the main island after saving just one guy, or save them all for an achievement - and you can't go back and do it after). Also daggerfall has the same style tutorial island, and related achievement too.
    Edited by Axer on April 15, 2014 6:20AM
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • gnostici
    I can see their intent there. They should tweak the story line a bit to make it clear that the tree will die slowly no matter what. Thinking long term, having both Meridia's city and the Argonians aligned against Molag Bal but settled in his realm is the wiser strategic choice. Daedric princes can't be knocked down forever, after all.
  • Nadijeh
    I didn't really see siding with the warriors as an evil choice, because he says the tree can recover for the time being until the Daedra rebuild the factory, which implies it's no longer suffering at this moment. And if you defeat Molag Bal, one would think it could actually stop suffering altogether and the Argonian's could preserve their civilization there and you would gain support for the final battle. Siding with the Mages seemed to offer very little benefit to the whole of the war, and gave the tree no chance at recovery, plus you can persuade the mage lady to understand why you're making the decision and she agrees with you then. It's all just a matter of perception with this quest, so I don't think it should penalize you.
    Edited by Nadijeh on April 15, 2014 8:22AM
  • gnostici
    Yet another facet of how that choice is not evil is in consideration of the Argonians' slavery at the hands of the Dunmer. They were conquered and subjugated. When that happens, knowledge is lost. Yet there, tucked away in Cold Harbour, is a tie to their heritage to include knowledge that may have long since faded from their memory.

    That would be worth safeguarding on its own. Considering that the hero of the story is sometimes Argonian as well just emphasizes the point. It would have been patricide for an argonian to allow that tree to perish.

    I suspect that there may be more consequences for this choice later, but I hesitate to mention other choices that play out in unexpected ways because I don't want to post spoilers beyond the thread's topic. There's definitely a pattern to agreement or disagreement with Meridia though, which really makes me wonder.
    Edited by gnostici on April 15, 2014 9:22AM
  • A0rx
    So if i chose fighters side, i broke my character and can't earn this achievement?
    Edited by A0rx on April 16, 2014 9:15AM
  • Axer
    A0rx wrote: »
    So if i chose fighters side, i broke my character and can't earn this achievement?

    There are tons of other bugged/completely uncompletable acheivemetns in the game, so if the "broke character" you mean can't get them all, technically every character on the server is in that state atm.
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • A0rx
    well i'm not talking about not working achievement like 3 achievements in eastmarch. Broken one will be repair soon. I'm talking about missing object.And missing smth is not a bug, it's jsut player's fault.
    Edited by A0rx on April 16, 2014 11:07AM
  • BongoTalk
    Soul Shriven
    having the same problem. 4/5 Lights... The worst thing is that I cannot enter most of the areas anymore since all quest are completed already....

    I want to have that archievement :wink:
  • Elrian
    I also learned the hard way (choosing warriors) about this issue...
  • highrisedrifter
    Damn, I chose warriors and I only have 4/5 lights. As a completionist, this really pisses me off. Maybe the quest should tell you if you are not going to earn an achievement if you side with one faction over the other...
  • KhaineAT
    Soul Shriven
    i didnt choosed the warriors and still have 4/5.. when u choose that the histtree dies u only destroy an "vampiric shard" and no light is seen or quest anywhere @ the argonians
  • KhaineAT
    Soul Shriven
    i collected now the light of merdia shard from The Lightless Oubliette quest line.. Achievement doesnt count after u picked up.. u must talk with the king in the questline the stairs up and after finishin the Queststep u get the achievement. confusing bit but it is this way :smiley:
    Edited by KhaineAT on April 20, 2014 8:43AM
  • Charg
    I did everything in coldharbour and collected more than one light of meridia yet there's only one light of meridia in the chapel.

    It didnt *** say to deliever it to Galerion by specificly talking to him!

    It's ***! I *** hate this ***, I now only got 1 light of meridia for all my effort of clearing both WEST and EAST coldharbour!
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