Willowleaf wrote: »I wonder if more classes will be added in the future. I hope so. Have they announced that they will?
Psychic_Kitty wrote: »I am on the fence about more classes or skill lines...because I have to be honest.
We wont be able to use the skills anywise...oh sure we can get the skills....but we wont be able to actually use them.
We have 5 active skills....so why even bother with more skills we cant actually use.
Adding more skills would simply add to the present dystopia we have already with our current skills.(IE it would simply make us have a few more things to read before we decided on what we are using.
first i'd like to see they fix what's needed in the current state of the game than adding more things that will more than likely be broken.
Highly unlikely
But they surely will add more skill lines.
Nhisso, I seem to be doing just fine with my Redguard Templar light armored healer. I'm not sure why you think certain races can't fill certain roles.
I'd rather not. Having classes already and setting restrictions on the player is already a deviance from the core philosophies of TES.
I would rather them focus on opening up more options for every player rather than add more walls.
tommipalub16_ESO wrote: »Psychic_Kitty wrote: »I am on the fence about more classes or skill lines...because I have to be honest.
We wont be able to use the skills anywise...oh sure we can get the skills....but we wont be able to actually use them.
We have 5 active skills....so why even bother with more skills we cant actually use.
Adding more skills would simply add to the present dystopia we have already with our current skills.(IE it would simply make us have a few more things to read before we decided on what we are using.
ehhh.....You ever heard about passives?!
Psychic_Kitty wrote: »I am on the fence about more classes or skill lines...because I have to be honest.
We wont be able to use the skills anywise...oh sure we can get the skills....but we wont be able to actually use them.
We have 5 active skills....so why even bother with more skills we cant actually use.
Adding more skills would simply add to the present dystopia we have already with our current skills.(IE it would simply make us have a few more things to read before we decided on what we are using.
Yeah I can't stand the limitation on classes. It's severely hindering several ideas for alts. that I have in mind. And the lack of spell-skills is ridiculous. I don't want to have to use a staff to fire and ice on a mage, but my option for fire is a dragon knight? Please. And no ice on any class? What the?? Redguards and Nords are notorious for being melee based warriors, yet I have to choose a magic class and on top of that, if I don't want to use magic, im stuck with a measly 4 melee skills +1 non-melee skill in the weapon lines. Very disheartening, class wise. I love the game, and have 1 of each class, so don't get me wrong, but I cannot justify playing a redguard or Nord on a magic based class. Not to say there have never been magic using Rguards or Nords or Orcs, by the way. And Ive always had a Nightelf that essentially would be a mix of nightblade and dragon knight in every single player ES. Can't do that in ESO. I think Zeni. is trying to hard to mix conventional MMOs with ES, instead of giving the ES players a game of freedom. I understand it, but I don't care for it too much.
Also, the 5 skill hotbar +ultimate is absurd and is not strategic in any way, shape or form. It's because plebeian minds complain they are over whelmed by too many skills. Ugh.
Yeah I can't stand the limitation on classes. It's severely hindering several ideas for alts. that I have in mind. And the lack of spell-skills is ridiculous. I don't want to have to use a staff to fire and ice on a mage, but my option for fire is a dragon knight? Please. And no ice on any class? What the?? Redguards and Nords are notorious for being melee based warriors, yet I have to choose a magic class and on top of that, if I don't want to use magic, im stuck with a measly 4 melee skills +1 non-melee skill in the weapon lines. Very disheartening, class wise. I love the game, and have 1 of each class, so don't get me wrong, but I cannot justify playing a redguard or Nord on a magic based class. Not to say there have never been magic using Rguards or Nords or Orcs, by the way. And Ive always had a Nightelf that essentially would be a mix of nightblade and dragon knight in every single player ES. Can't do that in ESO. I think Zeni. is trying to hard to mix conventional MMOs with ES, instead of giving the ES players a game of freedom. I understand it, but I don't care for it too much.
Also, the 5 skill hotbar +ultimate is absurd and is not strategic in any way, shape or form. It's because plebeian minds complain they are over whelmed by too many skills. Ugh.
I agree with the first part about classes...The limitations and lack of skills is disappointing but leaves high hopes for future DLC.
As for the 5 active skills thing...I have mixed feelings about this. I really like the concept and I like that it is a pain to choose what skills you want active. it really makes you think and plan out your skills better. Also, it sets this game apart from other games...but sometimes I do find myself wishing for more.