i can't play since days now, everytime im trying to log it says i need to enter a code i never received in my mailbox /junk /spam mails.
Its enought *** ,don't you think so? the game already got major flaws to add *** undodgeables options like this stupid code. Im playing on the same computer since day 1
Response By Email (Ben) (04/09/2014 04:02 PM)
Greetings again!
Thank you for the quick response. We recognize this as a prevalent issue that several customers are experiencing.
I am going to forward this situation to a team member that is better equipped to deal with this exact issue. You will hear from them as soon as they have a solution to this problem.
Thank you for your patience and support!
Warm Regards,
The Elder Scrolls Online
daneyulebub17_ESO wrote: »It is annoying. Every time my router gets assigned a new ip address I have to do it. Wish they'd at least issue maybe a PIN system or something to type in when it sees a different IP, rather than the email shuffle.
That said, I have had people get into my account before on another MMO and empty my vault. This inconvenience is acceptable if that's prevented.
My Yahoo account works fine, but the OP might want to check their email settings, making sure that they are blocking or filtering as spam the desired emails (good catch Jamesharv2005), also the OP might want to make sure that new Emails come through fast (remember finding out with SWTOR that my Email had a half hour renewal for the inbox)jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »Have you guys ever thought about setting up like a gmail account for the game and using that for those emails? Quite possibly your mail provider is filtering the emails as spam or something.
Hi guys,
Authentification codes are definitely on our list of In-progress known issues. Please make sure to check the following thread for more details and updates: Temporary access codes.
AlexDougherty wrote: »My Yahoo account works fine, but the OP might want to check their email settings, making sure that they are blocking or filtering as spam the desired emails (good catch Jamesharv2005), also the OP might want to make sure that new Emails come through fast (remember finding out with SWTOR that my Email had a half hour renewal for the inbox)jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »Have you guys ever thought about setting up like a gmail account for the game and using that for those emails? Quite possibly your mail provider is filtering the emails as spam or something.