Hello Ladies!
We are a growing guild of women looking for new recruits to join our ladies only guild on the EU server.
(*) We are from all over Europe but the main language is English.
(*) We are open to ALL factions.
(*) Our age range is from 21 - 58 years so far and we would like to keep this 21+ as we do like to have a laugh and not for little ears at times!
A few of us are mums and have small children to look after, AFKing without warning is normal and not frowned up on. As we are a social guild, we have no roll calls or 'guild rules' to stick by, as we have families and we know time has to be divided between them, working and gaming
We have a facebook group instead of forums as we like to move with the times and also like to put faces to who we are talking to, as we are all women we like to have a good chat
It is not compulsory but would be nice if you could join us there
So if this interests you, please contact me ingame
@Zennor, PM me, leave a message here or contact us on facebook via our group page: