Player Scam Policy

Is there one? Or is it whatever you can get away with like in EVE?

Say you offer vamp bite for 20k, collect the gold, then walk away. Will ESO punish people for scamming or is it legit?

Edit to add: I searched support and forums, but didn't see an answer.
  • CrimsonThomas
    A few moderators have come out to state that Zenimax is "investigating" the matter. Take that how you will.
  • Soraellion
    They can't start policing stuff like that, it would get silly. "deal with it" (or HTFU as we call it in EVE) will/should probably be their reply.
  • CrimsonThomas
    Soraellion wrote: »
    They can't start policing stuff like that, it would get silly. "deal with it" (or HTFU as we call it in EVE) will/should probably be their reply.

    No, it shouldn't. This game is not EVE, nor does it function like EVE. EVE's economy and gameplay is focused on that. The Elder Scrolls Online is not, and was not meant to be. This is an exploit, through and through.

    Players can only acquire the skill line through these rare Vampire/Werewolf beasts. They have the right to this content by purchasing the game and paying the monthly subscription. The boss-campers have no right to bar off content they do not own for resale. That is theft of property purchased by the affected players and Zenimax could take this a hundred different ways with legal responses, as these people are essentially stealing their intellectual property for resale, which they have no legal right to do.
    Edited by CrimsonThomas on April 11, 2014 7:16AM
  • Fenbrae
    On one side, i don't think people should get away with that kind of stuff.
    On the other side, if people are going to pay ridiculous amounts of money for something irrelevant like a bite then they deserve to be laughed at.
    Currently playing:
    Swims-In-Sap - CP200+ - Argonian Templar

    I like my healing like i like my characters: generic
  • TheSzerdi
    Personally I think they should allow any interaction supported by the game mechanics. If they want to add a mechanic to allow secure "bite" trading then that is their call. In any case no player should be punished for practicing the mechanics as they stand. "Video game exploit" is an oxymoron in my opinion. If it's not the intended function of the game mechanics then the developer needs to fix it, not punish people for using it.
  • iMarx
    It's not the camping, it's the fact that they are level 5 and paying for a bite. If you're too impatient to wait for a bite from the mob you deserve to get scammed. Secondly bite first, cash second. If you're doing it the other way around I know a Nigerian Billionaire who's will was left in your name..
  • Requielle
    Soraellion wrote: »
    They can't start policing stuff like that, it would get silly. "deal with it" (or HTFU as we call it in EVE) will/should probably be their reply.

    HTFU works in free-for-all PvP. Doesn't really work in a game where players are immune to in-game attack and repercussions.
  • RedTalon
    Given a response to the vampire griefing and camping thread, report it has its part of the vampire griefing stuff just take a screenshot and such
  • Eris
    Sadly, I think if you pay someone for something that cannot be guaranteed, it is kind of like sending cash to help the Nigerian Prince. You just won't see your money again. There is really not a lot that the GMs can do about it if you traded the money even if the other party didn't keep the deal.

    On a side note, if the servers were in California, and both parties were physically in California when they made the deal, you could sue them for your bite, but it would be a really, really expensive way to make it happen. Sadly, I'm not sure where the servers are and what the laws are in that state.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • tipper709ub17_ESO
    Taking money for an agreed upon arrangement then taking advantage of a system that doesn't allow recourse to recover the theft.... It's wrong to defraud people in real life and it's wrong for people to act that way in any virtual environment. If someone chooses to pay for a bite then bitten and happy they should be.

    I don't agree with the whole spawn camping bite selling situation. Try pulling (in principal) something like that off in RL. If I caught my teen acting like that there'd be hell to pay.

    The mind set of causing harm to others because it's possible and no deterrent is why they have started teaching digital citizenship in schools. It's become that big of a problem and recognized as a problem. (Google it and be enlightened)

    Justification and rationalization do not change the fact that it's wrong to rip people off.

    And yes DO punish people for what is clearly wrong behavior. The village has been way to quiet in regards to the children/individuals acting like it should be otherwise.

    Whew! I think I've been needing to say that for a while now lol
  • iMarx
    They same schools that remove "bullying", bullying now and bullying when I was a kid are far different. Kids are coddled and spoon fed then wonder why the world is so mean when they enter society at 18.. GG

    This shares that same vision..
  • TheSzerdi
    So if you role play a shady character that rips people off you should be punished for it?
  • Sakiri
    Soraellion wrote: »
    They can't start policing stuff like that, it would get silly. "deal with it" (or HTFU as we call it in EVE) will/should probably be their reply.

    Over in WoW and EQ2, if the chat log says you agreed to something(everything from loot rules to a gold or materials transfer) and you fail to uphold your end on it, you *can* get suspended. You'll also have your ill gotten gains taken and the person that gave them to you will get them back.

    This isn't EVE and Lord Innoruuk willing, I hope it doesn't ever turn into EVE.
  • Eris
    TheSzerdi wrote: »
    So if you role play a shady character that rips people off you should be punished for it?

    Yes, however, only if there were actual laws in the game that said so. Then there would also have to be people role playing constables, magistrates, jailers, and we'd have to have a jail. If you were really shady we could get by without a jail by them giving us a tree stump and an axe, but you'd have to be so shady you were truly dark.

    Without those tools, however, it would probably have to be no.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • darkkterror_ESO
    TheSzerdi wrote: »
    So if you role play a shady character that rips people off you should be punished for it?

    What if I'm roleplaying an upstanding citizen that reports all suspicious activity to the authorities? o:)
  • Eris
    TheSzerdi wrote: »
    So if you role play a shady character that rips people off you should be punished for it?

    Oh, one other thing, if you were role playing it, you'd have to actually role play it so the person knows your role-playing...

    Say good sir, you look like a man down on his luck, can't find a werewolf anywhere? Ah, that is such bad luck, perhaps I can help... why don't we step into this alley where we can discuss it in private. We wouldn't want anyone to overhear and perhaps steal your opportunity now would we?
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • TheSzerdi
    Eris wrote: »

    Oh, one other thing, if you were role playing it, you'd have to actually role play it so the person knows your role-playing...

    Say good sir, you look like a man down on his luck, can't find a werewolf anywhere? Ah, that is such bad luck, perhaps I can help... why don't we step into this alley where we can discuss it in private. We wouldn't want anyone to overhear and perhaps steal your opportunity now would we?

    Exactly. If they can't figure out they're about to get scammed, they deserve it lol

  • TheSzerdi
    I'd really love to see a new MMO in the pre-Trammel Ultima Online style... *tear*
  • pecheckler
    If someone makes an agreement like service for payment then takes the payment and runs, they should be banned. Inviting deception and grief into a game world where we go to relax is a bad idea to say the least.
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • Valethar
    They don't care. I mentioned something similar in a ticket, and was told to put the person on /ignore.

    Resistance is not futile! Say no to the Greed Collective™. Boycott Crown Crates.
  • Lox
    Soraellion wrote: »
    They can't start policing stuff like that, it would get silly. "deal with it" (or HTFU as we call it in EVE) will/should probably be their reply.

    No, it shouldn't. This game is not EVE, nor does it function like EVE. EVE's economy and gameplay is focused on that. The Elder Scrolls Online is not, and was not meant to be. This is an exploit, through and through.

    Players can only acquire the skill line through these rare Vampire/Werewolf beasts. They have the right to this content by purchasing the game and paying the monthly subscription. The boss-campers have no right to bar off content they do not own for resale. That is theft of property purchased by the affected players and Zenimax could take this a hundred different ways with legal responses, as these people are essentially stealing their intellectual property for resale, which they have no legal right to do.

    Although I do agree with the fact the campers shouldn't block off content like this and it is extremely annoying and frustrating for the players that want to access that particular thing. However.

    The boss campers are not 'stealing' anything and the other affected players have not 'purchased' that content either! At the purest level, the only thing your monthly sub pays for is to allow you to login and access the game servers, it provides you x amount of 'time' where you can freely login, thats it. You don't own anything, you haven't purchased anything on the servers.
  • SirAndy
    Who in their right mind would pay someone 20k gold for a bite that you can get for free?

    All you need to figure this out for yourself is a working internet connection and the means to type a search term into Google ...
  • Carde
    SirAndy wrote: »
    Who in their right mind would pay someone 20k gold for a bite that you can get for free?

    All you need to figure this out for yourself is a working internet connection and the means to type a search term into Google ...

    There are some phases where groups are camping the mobs to not let people get bites on their own, to corner the market. My question is why is nobody logging out and back in to get to a new phase instead?
    Member of the Psijic Order PTS Group
  • Daggers
    If someone pays you 20k gold for a vamp bite, they're probably the one that'll get banned :p

    Too soon? :)
    The best things in life make you sweaty.
  • Fl1pz
    Soraellion wrote: »
    They can't start policing stuff like that, it would get silly. "deal with it" (or HTFU as we call it in EVE) will/should probably be their reply.

    No, it shouldn't. This game is not EVE, nor does it function like EVE. EVE's economy and gameplay is focused on that. The Elder Scrolls Online is not, and was not meant to be. This is an exploit, through and through.

    Players can only acquire the skill line through these rare Vampire/Werewolf beasts. They have the right to this content by purchasing the game and paying the monthly subscription. The boss-campers have no right to bar off content they do not own for resale. That is theft of property purchased by the affected players and Zenimax could take this a hundred different ways with legal responses, as these people are essentially stealing their intellectual property for resale, which they have no legal right to do.


    Stealing content?! Are you kidding me? Just because you pay the sub doesn't mean you're entitled to everything over other players. They pay the sub too, therefore by your logic they're entitled to kill the mobs if they want to. By your logic because I pay the sub I should be entitled to every chest in every dungeon, all epic loot. If any other player takes any gear in a dungeon I am's theft of something I paid for!

    It's a two way street.
  • Gwarok
    A few moderators have come out to state that Zenimax is "investigating" the matter. Take that how you will.

    So @ZOS_ ,

    How is the "no name plates (in-game) thingy" working out for you so far?

    Hint: The fix is as easy as flicking an on and off switch in the UI options.


    Edited by Gwarok on April 13, 2014 4:58AM
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    (Juliet): is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • SirAndy
    Carde wrote: »
    There are some phases where groups are camping the mobs to not let people get bites on their own, to corner the market. My question is why is nobody logging out and back in to get to a new phase instead?
    Seriously? Wow ...
    Ok then, i guess that should be reported to ZOS, extortion and all that ...
    Edited by SirAndy on April 12, 2014 8:06AM
  • DanteYoda
    Soraellion wrote: »
    They can't start policing stuff like that, it would get silly. "deal with it" (or HTFU as we call it in EVE) will/should probably be their reply.

    I guess do it and then find out what "investigating" really means, to me its exploiting fellow players and well exploiting usually ends up with nasty consequences.

    I understand you come from EVE where the game developers wouldn't know how to police a wet paper bag let along a full mmo, so hey go do it and find out.
  • Fl1pz
    SirAndy wrote: »
    Carde wrote: »
    There are some phases where groups are camping the mobs to not let people get bites on their own, to corner the market. My question is why is nobody logging out and back in to get to a new phase instead?
    Seriously? Wow ...
    Ok then, i guess that should be reported to ZOS, extortion and all that ...

    I wouldn't say this is extortion, you may have the definition of the word mixed up there. These people are just limiting the supply on something that has become a commodity and because of this they can price gouge(Which is an anti-competetive business tactic). In that sense, I can see how this can be frustrating. But there are many phases in this game and the possibility that every phase is filled with people camping this spot just to block other people is low. People just simply need to change phases and move on, don't be upset that some people actually want to corner whatever market they can because the normal market system in this game is flawed and limits growth.
  • Carde
    The problem will work itself out eventually. Between "friendly bites" spreading more and more as people buy/get bitten and people being able to phase hop away from the campers, I don't see the issue as anything damaging longterm.
    Edited by Carde on April 12, 2014 11:14AM
    Member of the Psijic Order PTS Group
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