I had to take a few days off from the game for school. When I came back I had at least 8 individual emails from gold farmers. Is there anything being done to stop this crap?
my last ingame mail was something like that:
Hello fiend ( yes, he/she/it forgot that r in friend)
Sorry to bother you
*****xxxx gold xxxxx**** discrete blablabla... just 6 $ +++++
If he/she/it was really sorry, he/she/it wouldn't have bothered me in the first place.
Can't we also not have a in-game spamfilter folder that doesn't occupy slots?
So everything that fits that weirdo spam character ends up in that spam folder... and the player can check over it once in a while to make sure nothing is in there he would like to keep...
I just have to wonder - since you have to buy that game and also subscribe at least for one month to get 30 days for free...
Does that even pay out for them???
Each time such an account gets banned, that would mean that game can be thrown in the trash, right? That account and the game that was attached to that key is worthless and useless then, right?
Are there really people willing pay those bots for something sooo easily to obtain ingame?
Come on people... don't feed them or they won't go away.
ESO is not really one of those games where it is difficult to get gold.
Honestly, besides upgrades and repairs I haven't really used much gold. Player markets are not that expensive...
I find everything I need and want. And also I craft everything I want...
Edited by Rhian-Skybladeb16_ESO on April 11, 2014 7:18AM
Those gold spammers in my mail are such a bonerkill.
Every day i log in i see i have 4 or 5 mails, i get all happy that i finally sold some things in the guild Shop and then it turns out they are all gold ads.
Currently playing:
Swims-In-Sap - CP200+ - Argonian Templar
I like my healing like i like my characters: generic