My thoughts exactly.
I was sceptical at the beggining. Didn't even liked that much beta. But I somehow got into it.
And now I see somekind of lovers turning into haters. Wtf is happening :P
Arsenic_Touch wrote: »Do you think all of the people complaining don't want the game to succeed? after all, they paid to be here, you can't actually post on these forums without an account unless you managed to sneak in with the beta switch over.
When people have problems and keep quiet, that's when you need to worry because that means they don't care enough to get it fixed and that means those complaints will not be directed to those that can change things. Keep this in mind when labeling people on these boards.
Right now, you're doing what you're complaining about. Food for thought.
Very few people are being intentionally toxic, most complaints are completely valid. When customer support gives people the run around, they're going to vent their frustrations on the only medium they can, the forum.
Rotherhans wrote: »Again we´re confusing valid criticism with hate.
I´m really starting to wonder where some people have learned their English.
megginsonjuan_ESO wrote: »Seriously, all i see is b itching and moaning. ''This game sucks'' or ''I want a refund.'' I am a big sceptic of this game, but I give feedbACk. I want this game to succeed despite its flaws. smh.
taze222b14_ESO wrote: »Hating on the game....where? We're addressing concerns that need to be addressed. Why are you fanboying a broken MMO that has had twice as many issues then a lot of other MMO's. But I get it...
You're ok with Zenimax charging a full subscription just to verify your bank
You're ok with Zenimax charging you in advance for your subscription which has happened to some people
You're ok with experiencing some rollbacks and losing all that progress.
You're ok with the bugs in this game that have been there from 2-3 beta tests ago that should have been fixed.
You're ok with there being no option to report Gold Spammers other then filling out a ticket.
You're ok with needing an access code to just get into a game you may have payed $85 for
No you and the rest of the fanboys here are nothing more then sheep. You're spoonfed everything by Zenimax like Activision spoonfeeds COD fanboys. The haters are the ones that WANT to play the game but cannot because of the issues WITH the game. You act like this is a smooth launch when it clearly isn't. Hell Blizzard never had twice as many issues at launch and have came out with 10x more hotfixes then Zenimax has even begun to create. They gave you your 30 days not charging you an arm and a leg just to verify your bank. They're CM team is FAR more superior to Zenimax's because they know interact with their community. Hell I can name console Game Devs that are more interactive with their community. Zenimax is very inexperienced and it's why they are having so many issues. The fact that you'd support a Dev like this completely baffles me...