PVP OPTIONS! I like it. Introduce arenas! 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, 10v10! I support this idea 110%.
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »
WoW has all that. So do all the wow clones that have failed. Why, why, do you want ESO to be another failed WoW clone. There are a hundred mmo's that have that. We don't need ESO to be changed for the worse.
My friend, how wrong you are. Variety isn't a bad thing. For the closed minded people of the world, it's terrifying I'm sure. But for the rest of us who enjoy variety, it's a blessing. Options keep people from getting bored. Also, WoW PvP and ESO PvP are completely different. If ESO implemented an arena type PvP similar to the one WoW has, how would that change the game for the worst? It adds more competition to the game. Does too much competition kill the game? So long as one form of PvP does not offer better rewards than the other, then it really shouldn't matter. In fact, small arena based PvP could probably offer no rewards other than a ladder and most people may be satisfied. Variety doesn't kill games, lack of variety kills games. If everybody thought like you, the game would rarely change, which as a result would make the game repetitive and vapid.
Be more open minded. Don't compare ESO to other more established games. Let it be unique. Stop with the comparisons. ESO is ESO. WoW is WoW. Similar types of PvP content (CTF, KoH, etc.) will not change that.
+1 Awesome brother.MercyKilling wrote: »
Quite ironic that you're espousing variety by propitiating a feature that EVERY OTHER GAME HAS.
This one is different and unique by not having arena based PvP..and you say "let it be unique"? IT ALREADY IS.
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »+1 Awesome brother.
MercyKilling wrote: »
Quite ironic that you're espousing variety by propitiating a feature that EVERY OTHER GAME HAS.
This one is different and unique by not having arena based PvP..and you say "let it be unique"? IT ALREADY IS.
I'm pretty sure there'll be some form of pvp arena. This is Elder Scrolls, arenas are definitely a part of the genre and there are arena npc's already set in the game.
The developers have also hinted at being open to the idea if there's a demand for it and we have seen a constant demand for it.
Personally I just want to see some party vs party pvp.
I'm pretty sure there'll be some form of pvp arena. This is Elder Scrolls, arenas are definitely a part of the genre and there are arena npc's already set in the game.
The developers have also hinted at being open to the idea if there's a demand for it and we have seen a constant demand for it.
Personally I just want to see some party vs party pvp.
Keeping the community happy by appealing to their needs is vital. Not wants, needs!
knightblaster wrote: »Instanced small group PvP depopulates world PvP almost overnight because almost all PvPers prefer it due to the importance of the individual skill cap in that context. Happened in Warhammer. Happened in WoW. It just happens. PvPers, if they have a choice, vastly prefer small group instanced PvP. That's why it's not surprising to see them asking for it. The trouble is that if it comes along, it kills world PvP.
Some will say "well that's fine, if that's what people prefer, why not?" The reason is that the game is centered around Cyrodiil PvP. Introducing a gameplay element that would kill that, simply because too many PvP oriented players would prefer it almost exclusively, is a bad idea -- it totally reorients the game away from its intended design.
And that leaves aside all the balancing brouhaha that is inevitable once small group instanced PvP becomes common -- something that impacts the gameplay of everyone to satisfy the afficionados of small group instanced PvP.
No thanks.
MercyKilling wrote: »
I agree with this statement.
However, I do not agree that arena style PvP is a need. It's a want. A desire. The game and it's players do not NEED an arena to play the game.
You are confusing a want with a need.
This is simply pathetic. So just because you can't handle a little competition (by the way you do realize this is an MMO right..?), you are actually telling others that their ideas are invalid and that "devs" said no small scale PvP. I'm not sure what you read, but I think the devs are willing to add all sorts of new content to the game. Apparantly you can't handle some adult competition, so you want to stick wtih cyrodiil. Why don't you go back to runescape? there's no competition you just click on trees all day and everyone is happy?MercyKilling wrote: »
I do not fear competition...I detest it. It's brought out the worst in people...and for no good reason.
One person sitting on top is nowhere near as good as two or more people putting out their best efforts to accomplish a goal. Cooperation is king, regardless of how you want to think.
knightblaster wrote: »Instanced small group PvP depopulates world PvP almost overnight because almost all PvPers prefer it due to the importance of the individual skill cap in that context. Happened in Warhammer. Happened in WoW. It just happens. PvPers, if they have a choice, vastly prefer small group instanced PvP. That's why it's not surprising to see them asking for it. The trouble is that if it comes along, it kills world PvP.
Some will say "well that's fine, if that's what people prefer, why not?" The reason is that the game is centered around Cyrodiil PvP. Introducing a gameplay element that would kill that, simply because too many PvP oriented players would prefer it almost exclusively, is a bad idea -- it totally reorients the game away from its intended design.
And that leaves aside all the balancing brouhaha that is inevitable once small group instanced PvP becomes common -- something that impacts the gameplay of everyone to satisfy the afficionados of small group instanced PvP.
No thanks.