I also want some different form of pvp,
@MercyKilling I know it has, but it doesn't hurt to suggest it, who knows it may happen. not anytime soon, but maybe. And if it doesn't I am completely fine with it.MercyKilling wrote: »
That horse has been beat to death, buried...resurrected and beat to death again. Please let it RIP.
It's not in the cards.
Not happening.
No way, Jose.
Best seek that kind of PvP elsewhere. Not Elsewhyr.
MercyKilling wrote: »
That horse has been beat to death, buried...resurrected and beat to death again. Please let it RIP.
It's not in the cards.
Not happening.
No way, Jose.
Best seek that kind of PvP elsewhere. Not Elsewhyr.
MercyKilling wrote: »Oh, the game is hardly perfect. Nowhere did I say that.
All I said was it's been discussed so many times already, and developers have said time and again...NO ARENAS. NO DUELING.
Seriously, go get your fix for that somewhere else. Just be sure to come back here when you're done.
I would say individual skill does contribute , of course if you only run with the zerg it will be to a much smaller degree than if you were to roam in a small grp of 4-8 taking resource camps or undefended keeps.
It's so sad the game is being held hostage by lowest common denominator players insisting on lowest common denominator design.
I've noticed a trend about ESO players, they aren't content to simply enjoy themselves, they need to dictate what anyone can do as well.
Hopefully, they make some skill based pvp. Zerg fests get old. Don't be afraid of a little competition, it won't kill you.
You do realize that the game was designed for Elder Scrolls fans not mmo fans. So calling the majority of the gamerbase are holding the minority hostage is ludicrous.
Elder Scrolls has Arenas.
One of the games was called ARENA.
I know, I've played them all. So, what were you saying?
It's so sad the game is being held hostage by lowest common denominator players insisting on lowest common denominator design.
MercyKilling wrote: »
Except in none of the games did you ever get to fight another PLAYER. NPC's only.
Next strawman.
Elder Scrolls has Arenas.
One of the games was called ARENA.
I know, I've played them all. So, what were you saying?
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »
Yes where you fought pve opponents. It also wasnt in all of them. If they add a pve arena thats fine, but to screw over world pvp for a pvp arena? NO.
This is what happens when you you are being disingenuous about your reasons. You say things that make no sense. Just say you don't like skill based competition.
They made a multiplayer version of TES, it would not be out of place at all to add multiplayer pvp now would it?
You guys are geniuses lol.
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »
Yes where you fought pve opponents. It also wasnt in all of them. If they add a pve arena thats fine, but to screw over world pvp for a pvp arena? NO.
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »
There is nothing skill based in arena. Its all the same specs running around and whomever with the best spec/rng wins. What skill is that?
Just admit you fear competition and be done with it.
This is what people tell themselves after losing. Every game ever with character building has had optimal specs. What separates the people who win and the people who make excuses after they lose, is skill.
What separates people who lose and improve and people who lose and lie to themselves, is backbone.
MercyKilling wrote: »
I do not fear competition...I detest it. It's brought out the worst in people...and for no good reason.
One person sitting on top is nowhere near as good as two or more people putting out their best efforts to accomplish a goal. Cooperation is king, regardless of how you want to think.
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »
No it isnt. You are fooling yourself. And nothing is worse than when you lie to yourself. Real skill lies in open world were nothing is prescripted and preplanned.
I suggest trying to improve instead of giving up at the 1st sign of trouble. No reason to detest competition or trying to improve yourself. Cooperation is part of being successful in the Arena btw. It's actually the most important part.
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »Good thing there are 999 WoW clones that have arena in it that you can go to.
Basically this.Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »No No No No No. Arenas kill any open world pvp, and turn the game into copypasta builds.