With all due respect

I've been reading the forums for the last 3 days. And seems like some people try to report and get some sort of support/feedback on the bugs/glitches and all kind of other problems here and they do it in a bad manner. But honestly, it hasn't been a week yet -not counting the early access stage- since the game is released. We are all on the same boat, you are not special.

Reporting a bug/error and waiting for a solution/respond is a good way to improve this game and community. Don't create discussions just to bash the game and the support to the ground. Again, it is not just you who paid for this game, we all did. This is not a car you have bought, this is not a house, this is not a food, this is a game and I'm pretty sure we all know the difference between those as a gamer.

Some people out there, plays the game for not more than 2 days from the initial world-wide release and asking for a refund. The game you are looking for is not out there and it will never be.

If you wanna get help and get your problem sorted out, post it, send an e-mail to the support and wait. With all due respect, you should stop to complain and give positive feedback instead of ranting.

  • GossiTheDog
    That's never going to happen - it's a video game, there will be rage threads. I do agree, however, it's release week, it's Zenimax Online Studios first game, and they're a new company. All three factors = issues are going to take more than a few days to fix. They just are. Raging on forums and trying to make a particular game issue take priority over every other issue won't actually work.
  • Saerydoth
    I've seen a few threads (and heard a few people complaining in game) that their /bug tickets weren't responded to, when it actually says in the ticket that you should not expect a response. People should read more, and know that /bug is a QA reporting tool, not a tool to use to get help with something. I report bugs whenever I find them, but I don't expect immediate fixes to them.
    bug.jpg 318.3K
  • Evelyn_Nightingale
    Being a software developer, I can empathize with Zenimax. I know that customers (and even other business departments) have unrealistic expectations for developers because they don't understand the underlying complexities and also believe that they should get exactly what they want with no compromises.

    I think software developers can also relate to the video in the following link:
    How it Feels to be an Engineer in the Corporate World
    Edited by Evelyn_Nightingale on April 10, 2014 4:09PM
    Ebonheart Pact :: Nord Dragon Knight :: Blacksmith
  • Armitas
    Kouge wrote: »
    Reporting a bug/error and waiting for a solution/respond is a good way to improve this game and community. Don't create discussions just to bash the game and the support to the ground. Again, it is not just you who paid for this game, we all did. This is not a car you have bought, this is not a house, this is not a food, this is a game and I'm pretty sure we all know the difference between those as a gamer.
    right on.
    I like to think of it like a boat. We all share it. When people go around smashing parts of the boat it effects the quality of the boat we all share. If you want to ride in a good boat, help make it a good boat. Don't go around rusting the whole boat until the owner fixes your cabin. Help someone fix their cabin and then maybe it will free up time for the owner to help fix your cabin.

    Edited by Armitas on April 10, 2014 4:14PM
    Nord mDK
  • Turelus
    Kouge wrote: »
    Reporting a bug/error and waiting for a solution/respond is a good way to improve this game and community. Don't create discussions just to bash the game and the support to the ground. Again, it is not just you who paid for this game, we all did. This is not a car you have bought, this is not a house, this is not a food, this is a game and I'm pretty sure we all know the difference between those as a gamer.


    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • AntiParadox
    Armitas wrote: »
    right on.
    I like to think of it like a boat. We all share it. When people go around smashing parts of the boat it effects the quality of the boat we all share. If you want to ride in a good boat, help make it a good boat. Don't go around rusting the whole boat until the owner fixes your cabin. Help someone fix their cabin and then maybe it will free up time for the owner to help fix your cabin.

    I like this analogy. Except that it probably means that I'm sitting on the anchor, since I can't even get on the boat! XD *glubglub*
    04/10/14 - Bought digital Imp Edition directly on 3/5/14. Hadn't been able to play since launch.
    Finally got a callback email after 62+ hrs. Asked for a refund. Got a 1-day code instead. -_- Heh.
    Pending decision: one more chance or go stuff yourselves.
  • Arsenic_Touch
    How come when someone says with "with all due respect" they always mean the opposite? hm.

    So the first of many "don't complain" threads which are pretty much unproductive complaints about complaint threads. Oh yay.

    Who are you to dictate what people should be doing and how they should be doing it? white knighting doesn't help anyone despite the belief of some.

    Negative feedback on the other hand will get a developer or a company quicker to move than sitting here pretending things aren't going to pot.

    So again, who are you to dictate what they should and shouldn't be doing? just as you said, they paid for the game, so they have every right to voice their concerns about it.
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

    ╔═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    "Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound."
    "Fear can claim what little faith remains."
    "Death will take those who fight alone."
    "But united we can break a fate once set in stone."

    ╚═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

    NA // Ebonheart Pact // Leader of CORE Legion // Namira Beta Tester // VR11 NB
  • Armitas
    How come when someone says with "with all due respect" they always mean the opposite? hm.

    So the first of many "don't complain" threads which are pretty much unproductive complaints about complaint threads. Oh yay.

    Who are you to dictate what people should be doing and how they should be doing it? white knighting doesn't help anyone despite the belief of some.

    Negative feedback on the other hand will get a developer or a company quicker to move than sitting here pretending things aren't going to pot.

    So again, who are you to dictate what they should and shouldn't be doing? just as you said, they paid for the game, so they have every right to voice their concerns about it.

    The OP is objecting to the "manner" in which these support claims are made. Negative feedback with poor behavior gets your thread closed, not resolved.

    Who are you to dictate what the OP should or should not be doing?
    Edited by Armitas on April 10, 2014 4:32PM
    Nord mDK
  • Evelyn_Nightingale
    Negative feedback on the other hand will get a developer or a company quicker to move than sitting here pretending things aren't going to pot.

    Not entirely true. If the customer thinks he knows the developer's job better than the developer and demands results in an unrealistic amount of time the developer will likely ignore the rage and put that item in the queue of tasks he has to complete. In the worst case scenario the developer is irritated and does not do as good as a job as he should.

    But that's assuming that the developers who actually fix the issues even look at this thread. Most likely the complaints in the forum are received by a different person, converted into tasks (without all the huss and fuss attached), prioritized, then sent on to a developer who's got a lot of other things he's also working on.
    Edited by Evelyn_Nightingale on April 10, 2014 5:04PM
    Ebonheart Pact :: Nord Dragon Knight :: Blacksmith
  • Arsenic_Touch
    Armitas wrote: »

    The OP is objecting to the "manner" in which these support claims are made.

    Who are you to dictate what the OP should or should not be doing?

    Unlike the OP, I'm not dictating anything. Nice try though. You'll get there eventually.
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

    ╔═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    "Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound."
    "Fear can claim what little faith remains."
    "Death will take those who fight alone."
    "But united we can break a fate once set in stone."

    ╚═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

    NA // Ebonheart Pact // Leader of CORE Legion // Namira Beta Tester // VR11 NB
  • scruffycavetroll
    right on.
    I like to think of it like a boat. We all share it. When people go around smashing parts of the boat it effects the quality of the boat we all share. If you want to ride in a good boat, help make it a good boat. Don't go around rusting the whole boat until the owner fixes your cabin. Help someone fix their cabin and then maybe it will free up time for the owner to help fix your cabin.

    if you've ever been on a boat, you'd know they too have max capacities like elevators. put more people on than that capacity and you're gonna have a bad time.

    there's another boat i'd like to introduce you to...the TITANIC..it sank, it was in all the papers. then there is the costa concorida....boats sink, so can a game.
    Edited by scruffycavetroll on April 10, 2014 4:40PM
  • Haxon
    Soul Shriven
    How come when someone says with "with all due respect" they always mean the opposite? hm.

    So the first of many "don't complain" threads which are pretty much unproductive complaints about complaint threads. Oh yay.

    Who are you to dictate what people should be doing and how they should be doing it? white knighting doesn't help anyone despite the belief of some.

    Negative feedback on the other hand will get a developer or a company quicker to move than sitting here pretending things aren't going to pot.

    So again, who are you to dictate what they should and shouldn't be doing? just as you said, they paid for the game, so they have every right to voice their concerns about it.

    Amazing isn't it how some people can get it so wrong.

    Negative feedback instead of constructive criticism, that'll work.
    Yes they have the right to voice their opinion, but give the company time to sort things out and lets all help them constructively and you'll find things turn out just fine.
    I for one in my job, would not put up with your ranting and raving, wouldn't make me move any faster, quite the opposite in fact.
  • Armitas

    Unlike the OP, I'm not dictating anything. Nice try though. You'll get there eventually.
    So you are not objecting to the OP telling other people what they should be doing? Great!! Otherwise that would be self refuting.
    Edited by Armitas on April 10, 2014 4:49PM
    Nord mDK
  • Kouge
    How come when someone says with "with all due respect" they always mean the opposite? hm.

    So the first of many "don't complain" threads which are pretty much unproductive complaints about complaint threads. Oh yay.

    Who are you to dictate what people should be doing and how they should be doing it? white knighting doesn't help anyone despite the belief of some.

    Negative feedback on the other hand will get a developer or a company quicker to move than sitting here pretending things aren't going to pot.

    So again, who are you to dictate what they should and shouldn't be doing? just as you said, they paid for the game, so they have every right to voice their concerns about it.

    As a part of the community I can suggest - not dictate - anything I want and as a part of the same community you can apply that suggestion or not. I wasn't dictating anything, I was suggesting.

    It's too early for the verdict. Which those people I was referring already sent this game and the support team to the grave. Without saying why properly.

    And you sir, read this post and instead writing something about the subject I was on, you took it personally. Nothing personal here so you can move on. Cheers.

    p.s. Oh and you really think that negative feedback will make them work faster? A toddler won't start running even you keep yelling them to run. They will crawl first.

    Edited by Kouge on April 10, 2014 8:32PM
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