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Lost City of Na-Totumba (Alik'r Desert)

Anyone figured out the group puzzle? It's driving me crazy. Tried every combination we could think of but no luck
Edited by aeroch on April 10, 2014 12:53PM
  • Nijjion
    Is that the pads on the floor? I just thought needed 6 people (6 pads right?) on all of them at the same time.
    NijjijjioN - DK - AR27
    NijjioN - NB -
    Daggerfall Covenant
    The Nice Guys Guild
    EverQuest -> Dark Age of Camelot -> Ragnarok Online -> Cabal Online -> Guild Wars 1 -> Warhammer Online -> Vindictus -> SWTOR -> Tera -> Guild Wars 2 -> Elder Scrolls Online ->

    Eagerly awaiting Camelot Unchained.
  • aeroch
    Yeah, that's it. I heard that as well but a guildmate told me covering all the plates hadn't worked when they made an attempt
  • TheFio
    There is also a clickable seal on the wall behind the plates. Did yall try that too?
    Fuzzball of the Ashen hand
    ~Daggerfall Covenant~
  • bobmartien
    So, my last post was deleted for "bumping".

    My group made lots of attempt. "All covered" same time or not, waiting "elite", clicking when on plate when elite spawn etc...

    I don't know if it's bugged or not.

    There is no clue in the whole dungeon.
    So I hope someone will come here and post how to solve it or maybe a clue :)

    PS: I hope ZOS_SilviaS will be happy with this post :smile:
  • LoneWalker
    Can you tell me in what room this puzzle takes place? I've already did the quest at this place but i can't seem to get this achievement.
  • liquid_wolf
    Tried this tonight as well.

    All pads... and every combination of pads with 4 people, then with 3 people and someone clicking the shield.

    Not sure what would be left.
  • limeli8
    myself and a friend of mine just 2 of us messed with it a bit and solved it no sure how, but i did see lightes glowing on that shield on the wall when we were jumping all over those pads, and when all lights disappeared a brutal boss spawned, 50k hp bug with 2 15k hp spiders, we pwnd them but died like 2ice
    I have to give a credit to AD pack of Vampires with VR10 Night Mistress leading them (seriously VR10 10 days after the official release?).

    Night Mistress - v12 Former Empress Sorcerer AD
    Night Mistress II - v12 Night Blade AD
  • LoneWalker
    I'm trying this right now, had all the work of building a 6 people group have them step on the pannels and all... then nothing happened :/
  • Khupa
    3 of the bosses don't even show up. Clacker - Vath'ira - Na-totambu Sword Saint.
    - and the puzzle even using TS on a 8 man group nothing happened.
  • LoneWalker
    Vath'ira - Na-totambu Sword Saint. Can any1 tell me where do i kill them?
    -I nees those 2 yet... the clancker spawn at the third room and it'sa big beetle.
  • Phenomen
    I run this dungeon clockwise like 5 times. Found only 2 achievement bosses: Clacker and Silent Sword. Where the hell are others?
  • LoneWalker
    Found Vath'ira!! Now i just need Na-totambu Sword Saint...
    These are the one i got so far:
    Arbhu-ra - Khajit boss at the first room.
    Clacker - turn right where the entrance of the lost city inside the dungeon, big Scarab.
    Gritstone Patriarch - in front of one of the eyes from the quest, place is full of gargoyles cant miss it.
    Vath'ira - khajit mage also in the first room, in a cell casting spells on a skeleton.

  • Tolce
    Sword saint spawns in a little cove to the right of the puzzle pad. And Na-totambu doesn't appear on the name. Pretty short spawn time.
  • LoneWalker
    Tolce wrote: »
    Sword saint spawns in a little cove to the right of the puzzle pad. And Na-totambu doesn't appear on the name. Pretty short spawn time.

    Thank you very much man! i've found him! Easy kill, just got the achiev!
    I'd never find him since his display name is Silent Sword and not Sword Saint!

    Still i could not get the dg completed... maybe because of the puzzle?
    Edited by LoneWalker on April 14, 2014 5:06AM
  • Phenomen
    You need to turn in quest (relic hunt) to complete dungeon. It's kinda weird
    Edited by Phenomen on April 14, 2014 6:34AM
  • Tolce
    Puzzle has to be a group of 4 thing based on it being a group achievement. Maybe 3 on pads and 1 on button, but sadly I have no friends. The random people I find won't listen long enough to try all the possible combos.
  • LoneWalker
    Phenomen wrote: »
    You need to turn in quest (relic hunt) to complete dungeon. It's kinda weird

    Turns out that you're right, had to deliver the quest back in Sentinel to the woman and the debt collector, Now i'm finished with this troublesome, awesome place!


    What i don't get is that the puzzle seems irrelevant...
    Edited by LoneWalker on April 14, 2014 6:42PM
  • Awe
    made both achieves for bosses, exploration quest, but still miss this puzzle achievement.. what's worst, is that can't say if it's bugged, like some other quests or we all just too dumb to find a solution.... any dev/admin answer to the topic could be usefull
  • stevenyaub16_ESO
    its not irrelevant, every group challenge gives you a free skill point!
  • mthompsonb14_ESO
    Last night I noticed that the same pressure plates were in the nearby sword school(forget the name) that was east of the dungeon. I looked around but could not find any other clues
  • fatsheep
    Soul Shriven
    Well, after hanging around the pressure plate area for a while I can confirm that the two guardian adds (spider and scorpion) just spawn normally like any other mob.

    As for the big boss (its a beetle with Guardian in the name), it was just in the corner spawned already the first time I entered the room, killed it but no achivement. Next time I see it I wil try the shield button on the wall with the main boss up (if possible).

    Other than that, it seemes bugged or some mechanic I don't understand to get the achivement to trigger.
  • LoneWalker
    All the guardians(Spider Guardian,Scorpion Guardian and Scarab Guardian) spawned normally with no need of them pressure plates...
    I stayed there long enough to see all 3 respawn after 15 minutes we killed them.
    I didn't check for a puzzle achivement tho, is there really one for this dungeon?

    Ah and no achievement is given for killing the said guardians.
  • Vreenak
    Soul Shriven
    its not irrelevant, every group challenge gives you a free skill point!
    Hope we can find a way to complete it 'cause as @stevenyaub16_ESO said extra skill points are always useful!!!

    Edited by Vreenak on April 17, 2014 4:34PM
  • stevenyaub16_ESO
    guardians are probably clues to the puzzle, since they represent the tiles,
  • Ixinho
    could someone screenshot that spawn place for sword saint boss? cant find it at all : /
  • Knootewoot
    The sword saint is named differently in the game. Something like sword something or something. He/she spawns near the puzzle on right side on a plateau.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Krym
    Knootewoot wrote: »
    The sword saint is named differently in the game. Something like sword something or something.

    "the silent sword" - non elite, just stands there in the corner.
  • Knootewoot
    Krym wrote: »
    Knootewoot wrote: »
    The sword saint is named differently in the game. Something like sword something or something.

    "the silent sword" - non elite, just stands there in the corner.

    Yeah that one. I pointed a few people to him when i and some where trying to figure out the pressure plate puzzle (if it is a puzzle or just deco lol).
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Dutchmaster
    can't seem to find Arbhu-ra, got every one else?
    some one said the first room where Vath'ira is but sweeped the whole room.. yet nothing
  • ShavriShadowpath
    Soul Shriven
    For Arghu-ra, hes a Khajiit is the first room with all the "Duneraider" mobs, he is the only one, standing by the "bonfire" however, generally with a guard of two mage spawns. Killed him 4 times in the same spot, with the same spawns. And he seems to have a pretty fast re-spawn timer.
    "You may look into the water and see deep visions, but in truth, in fact, the pool is naught but a mirror." -Thornlost-
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