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High quality loot (purple and yellow)

Hi guys,

Me and my boyfriend are playing the game since first day of early access (we love it) and we managed to reach level 29. Until this level, the loot drop rate on green objects is ok(seems fair), on blue objects seems a little to high (pretty much everyone in this game has pretty much the same blue objects)...but let's talk about the other two colors.
The first purple object I ever saw in this games was an item being sold in the chat box. Looking at its characteristics, it was an 30+ lvl. After a while more items of this color appeared for sale but all of them where over level 30.
Do any of you guys ever found a purple/yellow item (I am not referring to crafting items, runes, recipes here) of a lower level than 30? Do they even exist?

If they don't exist, why not? shouldn't any zone/level have its own purple/yellow item? Starting from level 1? Why should the quality of the item be correlated with the level of the zone/character. It doesn't feel right.
If they do exist, I am glad that we haven't found one (means only that we weren't lucky enough, and that the game is "not broken" when it comes to looting)

  • Shimond
    Blue is the best I've seen naturally drop at lower levels. You could always improve them via crafting if you had the higher tier mats, but that seems like a waste to me.
  • ElliottXO
    I found two pink items until level 28, but they were bound on pickup. Check the guild store. Pink items are not really rare.

    They go for around 1k gold even for higher levels.
  • Ashanne
    It feels a waste for me too (especially at very low level 1-20).
    If what Ariane said is 100% accurate about the yellow loot, I would understand. I mean it's makes sense to "award" the best crafters (people who invested lots of time and resources/skill points into crafting) with special items. But what about the purple ones? why 30+? Its extremely expensive to improve an blue item to a purple one, and only after 2 levels the deconstruct it.
    In my opinion, there should be a small bunch of extremely lucky characters that receives purple loot at any level (bind of pick up if necessary so no excessive farming would appear)

    PS: Thanks Ariane for your answer on the other thread. (I can't seem to be able to delete the other one :| )
  • Ashanne
    ElliottXO wrote: »
    I found two pink items until level 28, but they were bound on pickup. Check the guild store. Pink items are not really rare.

    They go for around 1k gold even for higher levels.

    But if they are bind on pickup they cannot be sold on guild stores/COD, right?
    But this is encouraging news.. I guess :).
  • Censorious
    MMOs generally don't have exotic or legendary items below the top level.
    These things are generally so expensive (valuable) that it would be a waste. You can usually do nothing useful with such items after you out-level them and you usually just vendor them as trash.

    This game might be a little different because of the way crafting is set up. Nevertheless, I'd be surprised to see any yellow/purple before I'm rank 50.

    That's my view anyway.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Azarul
    I have seen 2 purples drop in Spindlecluch. level 10-13ish
  • Ashanne
    Thanks Azarul. Great news and hope you bring :)

    Censorious , right now we are selling/deconstructing every blue object after 2 levels. So why not purple too? :) . How much would a purple cost selling at an NPC, if a blue brings you around 20 gold of profit. If you go in any major town and look around at characters you will see people dressed the same way, wearing the same shield. I went into a dungeon with two guys that I could distinguish only by their hair ..I bet it feels great to be the proud owner of a purple (rare ) low level item :) ...Every girl want's to feel special :P

    PS: Azarul..do they look different on characters from an outside view?
  • ElliottXO
    ElliottXO wrote: »
    I found two pink items until level 28, but they were bound on pickup. Check the guild store. Pink items are not really rare.

    They go for around 1k gold even for higher levels.

    But if they are bind on pickup they cannot be sold on guild stores/COD, right?
    But this is encouraging news.. I guess :).

    I suppose not all of them bind on pickup. I think one time I also had a blue bow drop that was bound on pickup.

    Nonetheless there is mostly no demand for pink items I would say, since they hardly differ from blue ones. That night change only in endgame.
  • Etchesketch
    Other than motifs, I got one blue so far and a bunch of greens. Usually staves. grrr.
    The number one rule of online gaming is now and has always been, Never play on Patch Day.
  • Ashanne
    You must be a low level (below 8) or you have a serious case of bad luck
  • Custos91
    lvl 15 epic dagger while clearing a public dungeon in Cyrodill
    and the most epic part of it, it is not bound at all, not at pickup, not on equipping, I will just be able to use it over and over again and hand it to my friends, like atm and it will be a part of a weapon collection xD
    So there is hope for you, but it is Cyrodill, so that could explain why the epic dropped there...
    Edited by Custos91 on April 10, 2014 3:34PM
    Warden Main apparently... 7 Wardens currently, otherwise a healer of every class.
    Mostly active in No CP PVP on EU, blaming the buffbot meta in pve.
    I want to feel like I am saving somebodies life, not like I am carrying amunition for them...
  • Phadin
    I think you might get some in PvP, but not in the normal PvE environment. Even so, I wouldn't look for a blue or higher at low levels. I'm a crafter, and have no desire to make one. I'm recrafting my outfit every 2 levels anyway. If I had a purple or gold item, I might not need to replace it. However, I would then need to maintain/repair it. Instead of dropping some iron or steel for a new version in two levels, I have to drop gold... which as a crafter I'm rather short on anyway. So yeah... give me the purple and gold items at level 50... till then, they're just fodder for materials.
  • Ithug
    I think its better to have purp and yellow for higher level than lowest.. i switch Equipment like every 2 maybe 3 levels... so it will be not Worth it having a gold item... i prefer have blue and deconstruct them when i'm done using them..
    *Kal Vas Flam*
    - "You better run..."

    Can. Qc* IGN @Ithug
  • Vikova
    Phadin wrote: »
    till then, they're just fodder for materials.

    But they can be sexy materials.
  • Stautmeister
    purple items drop in dungeons 30+ they are unbound, this is where the most are comming from :)
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • Ashanne
    I was saying it's good to have hope and to know that high quality loot drops at any level (not just low or just 50). It gives you a goal to loot. Makes the game more exciting and unpredictable. Indeed the item becomes useless after, I would say, 4 levels, but this way you have a little voice on your brain that says, don't worry something new shinny is coming your way. :)

    Until you guys mentioned some shinny purple objects of low level, the 30+ lvl drop for purple had me very disappointed. So thank you :).
    I plan to play all alliances and the thought of no purples until 30 lowered a little my excitement. :) (just a little )

    I haven't PVP'ed yet, but wouldn't you want to have the best weapon/armor for your level when facing your enemies?
  • dannomite82
    I've only come across 1 purple pre-30 and it was a enchanting rune. I think the green/blue drops are satisfactory. I can see why purple drops need to be rarer at lower level as you can hoard them and deconstruct them to use on max level gear.
    Holgrum put some pants on. Holgrum heal me I'm dying. Nag... Nag... Nag...
  • Duckfather
    I believe it was stated that yellow (legendary) items would not drop at all in order to keep crafting viable all the way through to end game.

    I wish I could find the damn link to the article! I'll keep looking.
  • Ashanne
    Indeed , it's good that they are rare at low level. When I started the post I thought they didn't exist at all at low level. Myth busted
    BTW..the blue ones drop a little too often ...just my opinion here...
  • Vikova
    Duckfather wrote: »
    I believe it was stated that yellow (legendary) items would not drop at all in order to keep crafting viable all the way through to end game.

    I wish I could find the damn link to the article! I'll keep looking.

    This is one of my favorite things implemented in all of ESO.
  • Duckfather
    Can't edit my last post for some reason, but found the link :-


    I agree RakeWorm. It gives crafters some meaning :-)
  • Ashanne
    Duckfather wrote: »
    I believe it was stated that yellow (legendary) items would not drop at all in order to keep crafting viable all the way through to end game.

    I wish I could find the damn link to the article! I'll keep looking.

    As I said in a previous comment, I didn't know this until today but it sounds fair and awesome idea to me too.
  • Ashanne
    Thanks for the link
  • dagnome
    In my opinion i craft about 90% of my gear unless i find an exceptional item (which is typically used in research) and i am doing just fine. I like how ESO is giving players who choose to craft more power in this game over other MMO's. Want epic loot? Make it yourself and invest the time into your character then youll be more proud of it.
  • LunaRae
    Duckfather wrote: »
    I believe it was stated that yellow (legendary) items would not drop at all in order to keep crafting viable all the way through to end game.

    I wish I could find the damn link to the article! I'll keep looking.

    Iunno.. I think crafting is TOO viable right now. Unless I'm horribly unlucky I haven't found a single drop for weapons that is better than my crafted daggers. I've only had green/blue drops but their stats don't match up to special crafted gear. Do items HAVE special stats aside from traits / enchantments?? Is there only enchantment / set bonus' / traits ??? I would have hoped that a regular old drop might just have an individual item bonus in the spot of set bonus, so on the rare chance you get an individual drop it MIGHT actually be worth taking the slot of a set bonus. Right now none of the drops are even worth my time looking at, instantly get researched or extracted for crafting.

    Anyone else feel this way?? I want drops to have a little more oomph.
    Stands-Strong-As-Snow ~ Argonian Templar DC NA V14
    Ytheri ~ Argonian Nightblade EP Thornblade NA V14
    Heals-All-Colours ~ Argonian Templar EP Thornblade NA V14
    Stands-In-Still-Waters~ Argonian Sorcerer EP Thornblade NA V2
  • Ashigaru
    The croc in auridon, something jaw drops a lvl 7 or so purple blade, cant remember if its a dagger or a sword but i am leaning toward a dagger.
  • Azarul
    Duckfather wrote: »
    I believe it was stated that yellow (legendary) items would not drop at all in order to keep crafting viable all the way through to end game.

    I wish I could find the damn link to the article! I'll keep looking.

    I do not have a problem with this at all, however I do not think its as good for crafters as they seem to think. They have stated that the best gear will be dropped gear that is upgraded by a crafter. So all I need from you is the upgrade. Which I will have to supply the mats for more than likely. So far I have not crafted anything, however at level 34 I have all 3 of the crafting skills at 16-19 just from breaking everything down. Meaning more than likely 75% of the people will be doing thier own upgrades.

    Edited by Azarul on April 10, 2014 5:31PM
  • SadisticSavior
    I've had two purple rune drops so far.
  • SadisticSavior
    Ok, so now we know for sure that Legendary items do not drop...they can only be made by players. The best drop you can hope for it epic items.

  • Shimond
    That Q&A seems to contradict the earlier post in this thread saying drops would be best (just upgraded). Unless an upgraded drop takes on the characteristics of a base crafted item, it would never be as good would it?
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