Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Molag bal Fight

  • Vrienda
    I didn't even reflect the titans crap, just focused them and ignored bal for a bit, I had some food which increased my health by a large amount too, found it in the same zone as the last quest and couldn't be bothered deleting it. I was a Templar.
    Desperate for Roleplaying servers to bring open world non-organised RP to Elder Scrolls Online. Please ZOS.
  • hauke
    hard fight but got it 1st try

    sorcerer lvl 50 destruction staff conjured winged twiglight with heal capability stormshield on almost all the time

    shooting at moloch bal with staff, cconjuring winged twighlight all the time for distraction and the heal otherwise stormshield

    and allways keeping distance

    allways on the run

    a few shoots with fighters guild stamina pistol inbetween i wittled him down

    the titans arent a problem if you keep distance, hard but not realy a problem

    next toon is a paladin going to wonder what i can do with that.
  • Winterstrife
    Was he really hard to kill? I thought because of the buff the amulet of kings imbued in your character, it was a rather easy fight.
    I wasn't taking much damage (granted I dodge all the avoidable mechanics & had leeching strikes active). Was more afraid of the overkill bug & stopped DPSing him at about 15k hp left.
    "Three voices as one shouted BLOOD FOR THE PACT!" - Three Hearts As One by Malukah
    S'trife | VR14 | Khajiit Nightblade | Ebonheart Pact
  • Kellhus
    This is a learn the mechanic and respond appropriately fight. Nothing more.

    The entire key is that your block is boosted by the divine buff, oh and don't stand in the fire.. It's really that simple
    Edited by Kellhus on April 18, 2014 4:41PM
  • RconoR1998R
    I found the titans to be quite easy and i just say them as health containers since i am a vampire summoner sorcerer that uses light armor. i don't want to change my play style just to beat this boss i have put skills into every passive for light armor and my destruction staff so using other weapons is kind of pointless i have died so many times my armor i was wearing were all at 0. I had a fun time playing this game up until this point. i could play my way and i had to group up for some tough fights but i got through them until now. i run a guild and all of my good guildie friends will either get stuck like me and stop playing and just try to kill him every few days like i have or surpass me and leave the guild because of weak leadership i need some sort of grouping ability or something you give players like me to give us an edge to beat him. I love ESO and would enjoy laying more i have tried to create alt's but i just cant play them while my main is stuck like that i am sorry Zenimax but until i get a video of a level 48 summoner wearing light armor with dps abilities that's a vampire beat him i don't think i can play.
    For the Queen!
  • RconoR1998R
    i have found a strategy that almost works if you exit the boss area and use the seducers as health cannisters you can get him down to 94 percent health yay the best i have done and for people wondering i am wearing all purple and blue light armor.
    For the Queen!
  • RconoR1998R
    i am willing to use a different weapon but i cannot put any skills in it as i have found all of the skyshards and spent them. the respec cost to much and i could not buy that even if i took all my alts money
    For the Queen!
  • Samiri
    The "problem" here is more the "play the way you want" thing, You cant play the way you want, when you NEED to have certain skills in your bar to kill the Boss.

    I have been playing a DW Nightblade Vampire whit Bow wrecking things, healing whit my Vampire abolition and stunning and getting mobs away from me whit my bow. I do not really use AOE, and have killed mobs just stealthing and backstabbing which has worked perfectly fine.

    I then encounter Molag Bal.
    The first try I get hit down to 85 Were the Titans spawn, they totally wreck me. I use Health potions, crits potions (and of course my heal does not work because its an Elite). I try kiting him whit my bow, but his (not fire) balls kills me even though I do block them.
    I try having Blodd funnel for more health but it does not work, because of me having to be to close in an area to get any of the health.

    After 6-8 tries, I put in 1 skill in Siphoning to heal,and I barely get my health down to under 70 % , other than in the end he gets me down to 30% health because I missed a block.

    This to me, makes it a problem since I can no longer play the way I <--- want, I HAVE to have certain skills to be able to survive in specific areas. Now I know I HAVE to have Siphoning heals because my Vampire heal wont work in boss / elite fights, so its basicely useless.

    I just wonder what I would have done, if I had no skills points left to put in. Then I would have been basicly fu... and would not be able to try out new skills to try and kill him.

    If this is the same problem in VR content I sadly think I might not like it, If I can no longer play the way I want to play, but have to have essential skills on my bar to barely survive.

    From reading the post, some people find him to Easy, which again just makes my post more valid, its not the players skills but what skills the player has on his bar that determines the outcome of the fight.
  • Kroin
    I love all the vampires that cry, everyone with a bit of knowlege dident become a vampire or werewolf. ( The negative effects are to much in PvP and PvE) Sure they have there strong points.
  • lyndsayporterb16_ESO
    Kroin wrote: »
    I love all the vampires that cry, everyone with a bit of knowlege dident become a vampire or werewolf. ( The negative effects are to much in PvP and PvE) Sure they have there strong points.

    Very untrue and pretentious sounding of you. I just can't wait till mages are nerfed into oblivion. All those spamming veteran mages in PvP will be the ones shedding tears.
  • UnderKingRhun
    you kidding right?this fight was a joke, i have more trouble with harvesters. and im an underpowered NB to boot. i was expecting more than a 20 second end boss fight. please dont complain the game is too hard. it really isn't.
  • Ulvich
    I got this quest yesterday. Yeah. I tried this fight and thought I was doing something wrong. I though I had to use a special ability, or weapon, or something. I just could beat this guy. I can understand the concept behind this being an epic fight, but this is just crazy. I don't think I'll be able to beat him at all.
    Hit Hard. Hit Fast. Hit Often - BETA Group: 85 b 9
  • Sakiri
    I killed him as melee. My dk doesnt *have* a ranged weapon.

    Also didnt use dragons blood. Blood craze and potions. He hits like a girl.

    Im armor, spell resist and health recovery overcharged though so maybe thats it?

    PS: the red "bad" is a b to see in the blue water. Fix plz. You want us to dodge, make it easier to see what tk move out of.
  • ahduggannrb18_ESO
    Ulvich wrote: »
    I can understand the concept behind this being an epic fight, but this is just crazy. I don't think I'll be able to beat him at all.

    In the same boat.. Tried many, many times. Lost count now. I have arthritis in my hands and they just can't last the distance. I am now considering not renewing my sub. Which is a shame as I like the game but not being able to progress is a game breaker for me.

    Edited by ahduggannrb18_ESO on April 23, 2014 11:25AM
  • serenity_painted
    You need some healing or good defense.
    I did it with my vampire sorc using 2h/DW and full medium armor, keeping Critical Surge,Degeneration(mages guild morph) and Bloodcraze up while using Conjured Armor made it so my hp never dropped beneath 80%, well untill the Titans showed up and gibbed me beacuse of my fire vulnerability.
    But all you need to do to deal with that is stay close to the edge of the map and hold block, then it's just a matter of side stepping his special attacks and the fight is a pice of cake.
  • MichaelCra
    Nerf him you say, Impossible you say, I beat him last night at lvl 45 with a lvl 34 Blue Greatsword (90 dmg + 26 lightning dmg) I was also Naked now technically I was wearing a helmet and a belt but they were completely broken and also lvl 34 And here is the fight Proof And here is the Naked Proof
  • MichaelCra
    I guess I should say what my Strat was for killing him, well my first move was get behind him and sneak up on him for a hidden Wrecking blow (morphed Uppercut) for massive dmg, then we traded blows, he'd attack I'd block then I'd light attack then I'd block and he'd attack, every now and then he'd power attack and I'd block then walk behind him and wrecking blow while he did his blue breath attack or whatever it was. Obviously the block didn't negate all the dmg so I'd heal with Green dragon blood when I started to get low.

    When he got to 85% he summoned the Titans I charged the first one with Stampede (morphed Critical Rush) and then popped Reflective scales every 4 seconds as much as I could then beat that titan down then did the same to the next one and so on and so forth I used up my last 2 mana pots during this.

    Then Molag came back and I charged him and he started doing his fireballs from the sky attack which is super predictable so I walked around him in a circle doing only light attacks and then he would do a power attack so I'd block then walk behind him and use wrecking blow while he did his blue breath attack. He would do that jump up so I'd run away and after he landed charged him again then start walking around him in a circle again so on and so forth. I used my Dragonknight Standard during this part of the fight for extra DPS since he didn't move much.

    The block buff you get during this fight is amazing if you make use of it this fight is easy.

    Beating Sinmur naked at lvl 37 (Somewhat Proof) was much much harder than this fight. I didn't think to take pictures of the fight with sinmur sorry.

    Edited because I left out a few minor details.
    Edited by MichaelCra on April 23, 2014 11:17PM
  • Asava
    So you did a L50 quests that you can't get until L50 when you were L45? Interesting that you'd admit to that with all the bannings that have been happening lately.
  • MichaelCra
    I didn't hack, I didn't use exploits, I just did the quests and beat them under level with a even more under level weapon and no armor. If they wanna Ban me for beating their easy bosses and easy quests then I'll gladly leave.

    I was in the PTS and during the PTS everything was more challenging and I had more fun with it, If i went into a boss fight under leveled and under geared I stood no chance. Sure people keep saying "play the way you want" but the simple fact is a bad or weak build is not going to work against a boss or at least it shouldn't. In PTS when I fought Mannimarco with a full stam, straight weapon ability build he destroyed me yes that build was the build I wanted to play because I wanted to roll a straight warrior no magic class but the simple fact was it wasn't a good build vs a overwhelming challenge or in PvP. So I improved on it took out this skill added that skill puts points in some passives I didn't have and became a viable build for PvE and PvP.

    The simple fact is there is no such thing as "play the way you want" in this game it is not built for it they keep nerfing to make things fair and to make things easy but if you want to have a "play the way you want" game then nerfing is something you should never do. If one skill set is to strong make the others stronger because if you make all skills OP then OP becomes the norm. I guess maybe it is because people don't know how to ask for buffs instead they ask for Nerfs because they want everything to be weaker instead of becoming stronger themselves.
    Edited by MichaelCra on April 24, 2014 12:36AM
  • NordJitsu

    He didn't do anything wrong. You can do the quest at any level. The only pre-requisite is beating the quests before it.

    If it wasn't intended for him to be able to, it was a game bug, not his fault.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Kendaric
    Asava wrote: »
    So you did a L50 quests that you can't get until L50 when you were L45? Interesting that you'd admit to that with all the bannings that have been happening lately.

    You can definitely get the quest before 50. I've just banished Molag Bal and I'm level 49, which sucks badly as I have to grind an entire level now...

    I received the "God of Schemes" quest at level 48, the only prerequisites are the prior parts of the main story and having stopped the planemeld in Coldharbour.
    That being said, you can sneak past most mobs on the way to the ritual site and after you're imbued with the amulet of kings, you oneshot normal mobs, two hits for creatures like Daedroths. So, yes, it can probably be done at level 45 and it shows how little use armour actually has.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • huntgod_ESO
      "Play the game the way you want" does not mean what several people seem to think it means. Otherwise you'd be able to play naked using just 1 button (which is actually doable for most leveling mobs on my sorc).

      Play it your way means you can find your own method or combination to make things work, you do not have to have A and B to accomplish C. That doesn't mean you don't need some version of A or B or that you can ignore C.

      For example, it should be a given, that your character, unless always grouped, will require some sort of self heal. You can fulfill that requirement in your own unique way. Potions (not recommended, but will do in a pinch) a class skill or two or a wpn like Resto Staff. How you personally cover that requirement, that is how you play the game your way.

      With Sorc, you have many options, several spells have healing effects and of course they also have a channel that turns mana to magic/health, or I can opt for a resto staff, or I can try to work around the healing requirement with bound armor, a pet etc.

      Play it your way does not mean your way will work, it just gives you options, unlike a game like WoW, where there is a formula and if you want this to work you better follow it to the letter. Here it's more organic and you have the freedom to find another way to make it work.

      This fight spooked me, I basically kited him with my resto staff, blocked the titans, occasionally channeled my stam to magicka/health and kited him some more. Was really easy, just time consuming.
      --- HuntGod ---
      Officer of the Unrepentant
    • SuperScrubby
      This fight is a jooooooke. Don't nerf him. I beat him while slightly inebriated twice, 1st time bugged and so I had to redo it a 2nd time and beat him again. All under 5 minutes, AAAWWW YEAAAAAH.

      I guess some builds won't be able to beat him, whether it's due to the poor skill selection that people have, lack of skill or ability, or not using a self heal you will struggle to win. That being said this game is almost "play as you want". Well you can play as you want but if you have some terrible builds then you can't "win as you please" which I guess is the point of this thread. Yes you can play how you want within the confines of the game, but just because you want to use a lvl 10 bow with some mish mash of armor and only 1 skill on your bar does not mean you should win in this game.

      Should take a little bit more effort and some actual thought to beat bosses, even if the last boss of this game is pathetically easy.
    • Elyna
      Heres what I did (Im a vamp in stage 4)
      Lured him down the stairs for the first part and when he summons the Titan's they all bunch up. I charge in with my vamp ult on (with healing morph) and kill them quickly and pretty safely. After that I just spam daedric curse and summons. I use Bolt escape for when he laps on you. I also have dark offering with the less stamina use morph. Repeat until hes dead. This may not be very exciting, but it did work.
    • dominic15201b14_ESO
      The fight to me is stupid, really have to use cheesy tactics to beat it. Run around and kite while nickel and dime him down. Really did not enjoy it, after I realize that had to use stupid cheese tactics, it was easy. Not that hard to keep him at distance, but it not that fun either. The titans I just killed them fast with aoe's. The fight did not feel epic it felt cheesy. To me it's a lot like soloing vet content all fights and game mechanics feel cheesy and not fun. Is the game hard, yes because u have to pay attention all the time. Though it not fun hard, it's hard stupid. Though my biggest problem is this game feels like a solo game not a MMO. Yes content requires other players, but does not feel group friendly. Friends can not get xp from quest they already did. Objects did not group complete much in the game.
    • devincutlerb14_ESO
      Soul Shriven
      I had trouble with the end fight because I didn't realize I could reflect the titan breath weapons back on them. Once I came here and read that the fight was manageable, although a little boring.

      You do need a self heal of some sort. I used the Mage Guild DoT/Hot. I play a level 50 Templar heavy armour with bow. I just ran around in a circle spamming the Mage Guild DoT/HoT alternating with Poison Arrow to keep my Magicka and Stamina bars topped out.

      Then it was just a matter of strafing in a circle and trying not to get hung up on one of the many craggy rocks in the pool. The only time the fight got hairy was if I got hung up on a crag and MB jumped right on top of me. Beyond that it was a pretty boring fight. I wish bosses would be a little more inventive and final fights involve a little more strategy and less strafing in a continuous circle while bombarding him to death.

      BTW, took me about 10 minutes to finally knock him off.
    • AvalonRanger
      <<he is impossible to kill. please make it group accessible or something

      In my case, I could kill Molag bal super very easy.
      When I fought against him,my player was Lv50.
      (hp1900 heavy armor-dragon kinight-Twohand skill already max out)

      But I think , some kind of class or fighting style is not well balanced in this game.
      So,maybe,It's not your fault.
      Obviously,bad game balanced quest exist everywhere in this game.
      ( veteran area is almost crazy game balance)

      My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
      I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
      But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

      By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
      Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".
    • Rhoric
      I can't even get to him as I keep dying on my way to him. I got as far as just past the bridge you create and no further. I quit in frustration.
    • rangerseb
      Soul Shriven
      Used some of the suggestions in this post, and ended up beating him. Level 48 Nightblade, used Siphon ability to heal, and a combo of bow and melee. Very fun battle after I figured out the timing of it all.
      Edited by rangerseb on May 12, 2014 5:12AM
    • Pairaka
      The fight to me is stupid, really have to use cheesy tactics to beat it. Run around and kite while nickel and dime him down. Really did not enjoy it, after I realize that had to use stupid cheese tactics, it was easy. Not that hard to keep him at distance, but it not that fun either. The titans I just killed them fast with aoe's. The fight did not feel epic it felt cheesy. To me it's a lot like soloing vet content all fights and game mechanics feel cheesy and not fun. Is the game hard, yes because u have to pay attention all the time. Though it not fun hard, it's hard stupid. /snip

      Exactly what I thought as well.

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