LOL 4 days to fix a not interactable NPC? There are a lot of high levels WAITING to experience end game content....
Greetings folks,
While we understand your frustration about being blocked by this quest, we don't allow this behavior on the forums. Therefore, we kindly ask you to refrain from using Bashing/Slanderous Comments, Cursing/Profanity, and making Demands/Threats on the forums.
All forum users must adhere to our Code of Conduct, and are expected to stay polite, constructive, and respectful while posting, even in situations like this one. Please also read the following thread: How To Be an ESO Community Hero, in order to know what we expect from our community members.
This issue is one of our highest priorities, and we are working to get it fixed as soon as possible. You can find a thread with our top issues here: In-Progress Known Issues
As such, this thread is being closed. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
I don't like seeing my free days go wasted...
Dylanlucas wrote: »Greetings folks,
While we understand your frustration about being blocked by this quest, we don't allow this behavior on the forums. Therefore, we kindly ask you to refrain from using Bashing/Slanderous Comments, Cursing/Profanity, and making Demands/Threats on the forums.
All forum users must adhere to our Code of Conduct, and are expected to stay polite, constructive, and respectful while posting, even in situations like this one. Please also read the following thread: How To Be an ESO Community Hero, in order to know what we expect from our community members.
This issue is one of our highest priorities, and we are working to get it fixed as soon as possible. You can find a thread with our top issues here: In-Progress Known Issues
As such, this thread is being closed. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
@ZOS_HugoP dont you and your buddies have caused this kind of behaviour here?
Welcome to the world of MMO's people pay for their time, pay a really huge amount (compared to other MMO's) for the game and then you ask them to be patient and stand around like a bunch of morons (for 6 days!!!) in Coldharbour? Is that how far the service goes from Zenimax?
drizzintahl wrote: »Can I get money back that I dumped into an imperial edition for some items they still haven't returned? Because they created the first MMO in history with CE items that are tied to one character instead of being account bound?
GossiTheDog wrote: »LOL 4 days to fix a not interactable NPC? There are a lot of high levels WAITING to experience end game content....
To be clear, if you join a large guild and look at the roster, or go to PVP and look at player ranks, they are a great many veteran rank characters. This issue only affects some players (the people posting on the support forums as it happens).