Zenimax, i am one of your long term beta testers (Psijic Order), starting back in March Last year. never did i imagine that after the way you guys handled everything during the beta that i would be in this situation ever. Locked out of the Game because Amazon is late in shipping. i thank you for the extension a few days ago but Amazon is still dragging there feet in getting my Box Imperial Edition to me.
Here is what it says on there Website:
STATUS: Preparing for Shipment
LATEST EVENT: Order Received - Jan 30, 2014 7:42:03 PM
DESCRIPTION: We’ve started preparing your shipment. This process can take some time but does not change the delivery date. We'll send you an e-mail when your order has shipped. You can still request cancellation if you’ve changed your mind.
DELIVERY ESTIMATE Thursday, April 10, 2014 - Saturday, April 12, 2014 by 8:00pm
The Elder Scrolls Online: Imperial Edition - Multiple (Windows and Mac) The Elder Scrolls Online: Imperial Edition - Multiple (Windows and Mac)
Sold by Amazon.com LLC
Buy it Again
What am i supposed to do here, sit around twiddling my thumbs everyday waiting on a response from customer service, how many gamers will you or have you lost over this fiasco with amazon.
Ive put alot of effort into helping you guys make this game the best it can be, all i ask is the ability to play the game til my box gets here. this is getting more than a little rediculous.
thanks for paying attention (if you even have the time too)
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