Connection time out?

So, i installed the game, tried to play after early access and found out i need to buy gametime preior to using my already payed time. Not funny, but ok, i can live with that.
Now, i set up my info with a gametime card, have the gametime added and all (89 days remaining) but now,w hen i start the game and try to log in, my connection to the login server times out every time i try.
What do i do wrong here?
  • Tibi
    Hi Vrotan,

    I have a same issue here for a week. Login time out or Error 301. I paid a same amount, but was unable to play any minute... a bit dissapointed.

    But if you receive any possible solutions please share with me.

  • Vrotan
    Still no response here or to my support-request.
  • Vrotan
    Ok, solved my problem on my own. As it seems my launcher was buggy and didnt patch properly. So my game wasnt up to date. Thats why i couldnt connect. Now i got it all solved.
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