Names changed to protect innocent.
restoration of promotional monkey & Mara Scroll collectors edition item.
Response By Email (Conell) (04/05/2014 09:52 AM)
Greetings anonymous player
Thank you for contacting the Elder Scrolls Online Customer Support Team.
We are currently aware of the issue you are facing, we are trying our best to restore these Items.
I understand you have had this issue for some time and would like to apologise that it has not been resolved as of yet.
What I can suggest you do is supply us with the following information.
the character you have deleted/ want the items restored to.
What items have been deleted.
-User ID
-Date of Birth
-Secret answer
Once we have this information I will escalate your issue to our specialist team.
I will also close any other tickets you have with us regarding this so as to avoid confusion. Please respond only to this mail.
If I can assist you with anything further please do not hesitate to contact me again.
Divines guide you, friend!
The Elder Scrolls Online Team
Customer By CSS Web anonymous) (04/05/2014 08:49 AM)
restoration of promotional monkey & Mara Scroll collectors edition item.
replied the same day with the information requested.
4 days later I have not heard anything,
Sent today:
is this any closer to being resolved?
I am considering not renewing my sub at the end of my free time, I know there are bigger issues that need attention, however, this issue has been ongoing for over 7 days and seems like an easy one to correct to move on to the bigger problems.
I am disappointed in the time it has taken to respond and the 'canned' responses i have been getting up until this most recent reply. I am also considering calling my bank and disputing the charge, as the mara scrolls should have been delivered again once i entered my collectors edition code when the game went live. as part of the service / product not being delivered or corrected due to the deletion, the bank will side with me, and I will have a free game. I don't want it to come to that, as I want to support the product however, the support being what it has been for a minor issue is pushing me to that.
Please restore these two items so I can enjoy the game (as I do enjoy it, but this is starting to become a hassle I feel like not dealing with over something minor), and this issue can be closed and bigger fish fried.
thank you for your time.
I acknowledge the mistake in deleting, however notification as to how those should be handled wasn't the best, and the notifications to not delete / move to bank popped up on that Sunday only AFTER all the damage had been done and thousands of people deleted them.
All i'm asking for is those 2 emails with the items be resent, or have the divines just put them into the inventory of the character I've asked, then I'm happy, everyone's happy, and we all can move forward happily!
Edited by scruffycavetroll on April 9, 2014 1:29PM