Imagine yourself walking into a supermarket to buy groceries. You shop to your heart's desire, your cart is full, and you proceed to checkout. You pay. You start walking to the exit, only to be stopped by a security guard. What does he want? Your receipt? No, he wants you to empty your pockets and show him you have enough money on you for your next visit... What?! What right does he have to require this of you? What kind of nonsense is this? Why would he want to know this at all? I'm sorry, sir or ma'am, he says, it's a store policy, everyone's doing it these days.
Suppose you request a store manager to complain. Sure, the guard says, it'll only take a few days, and you can wait right here. Suppose you request a store manager to get your money back. The guard pretends he doesn't hear you. Suppose you agree to his demands and show him you have the money. Thank you, says the guard, takes your money and walks away with them. Hey, stop! What the hell are you doing? It's quite alright, he says, this is only temporarily. You'll have your money back very soon, it won't take more than a month.
Does any of this sound normal to you?