bots camping bosses

bots are starting to become a big problem - in most public dungeons bots are camping the bosses making it very difficult to impossible to kill them and get some loot... they more or less instant die being surrounded by 3-7 bots...

it would not be that difficult to 1) have somebody check them out during the day, 2) ban those that are so clearly either constantly auto-attacking or standing around and only reacting when the boss spawns... from a data point of view you should also be able to track what these suspicious ppl have been doing and then perm ban them...
  • uselessbass
    i was just on and counted 5 node harvesting bots they just teleport and grab all the resources then teleport to the next nearest resources its messed up
    Edited by uselessbass on April 9, 2014 8:03AM
  • KerinKor
    Camping bosses isn't against the TOS, much as you and I may hate these bots per se this isn't breaking any rule. Mere camping isn't enough or even auto-attacking isn't enough.
  • Hyhz
    3rd party software is not against the TOS?? if that is the case, it's sad... they will impact the play experience in a negative way
  • Fenbrae
    The way they are doing things makes it hard to ban them.
    Is botting allowed? No. But using a macro that activates an ability or attack every few seconds while standing still is allowed. Thr problem lies in being able to prove whether a player is botting or simply being smart.
    Currently playing:
    Swims-In-Sap - CP200+ - Argonian Templar

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  • Smaxx
    Actually, no. Most MMOs will require you to be in front of your PC if you start an action. Using some program or physical means (the classic fork or toothpick in the keyboard) to repeat keystrokes isn't allowed and against the TOS.
  • LarZen
    This explains allot.... I been to places and there have been a bunch of people waiting for a boss. I been trying to talk to them over and over again but never a response.

    I thought it was me...I even took a shower!
  • DaiKahn
    I saw this last night at Sheogorath's Tongue. There were four players camped all just spamming fireball where the Boss spawns with their summoned Daedra in front of them. I watched them and tried to interact for about an hour before reporting them

    Not sure if it was bots or people AFK rigging the system
    I'm just a man
    Hail Sithis
  • Hyhz
    most are bots - just look at their names "aaffgg" etc. I also take the time to report them simply because they break the game balance e.g. making it impossible to do crafting, finish areas, etc.
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